85 research outputs found


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    The aim of the paper is to point out the scope and structure of the incentives from the agricultural budget of the Republic, as well as from the IPA Fund which are intended for the agricultural and rural development sector in Serbia. It is given a brief overview of the chronology of harmonization of national legislation in the field of agricultural production with European rules, the plan for realization of IPARD funds for the period 2014-2020, as well as a review of incentives from the agricultural budget for the period 2016-2019. For supporting the agriculture and rural development sector of Serbia within the IPARD measures, from the EU budget is intended EUR 175 mln., and from the national budget is intended EUR 55 mln. The largest amount of funds within the IPARD measures is planned for investments in the physical assets of agricultural holdings (43%). Something less contribution is scheduled for the investments in processing and marketing in agricultural holdings (37%). The left over measures include only 19% of the planned funds intended to support agricultural holdings within the IPARD assistance program. On the other hand, an analysis of the incentive structure from the Republic's agrarian budget indicates that the largest share has direct payments of over 50%, while the rural development measures are average financed with 12.3%

    Органска пољопривреда у Републици Србији

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    Република Србија има снажне природне потенцијале за развој органске пољопривреде, што се огледа и у чињеници да је у нашој земљи расположива обрадива површина по глави становника два и по пута већа у односу на светски просек. Са друге стране, органска производња у Србији је још увек веома слабо заступљена и покрива свега 0,42% коришћеног пољопривредног земљишта. Највише површина под органском производњом налази се у региону Војводине (53,7%), затим у Јужној и Источној Србији (32,4%), Шумадији и Западној Србији (13,7%), а најмање у региону Београда (0,03%). У структури биљне производње назаступљеније су површине под житом, воћем и крмним биљем, док је у сточарству доминантно заступљен узгој стоке и живине. Један од кључних разлога недовољне искоришћености природних потенцијала у правцу органске пољопривреде јесте нестабилна подршка државе како у погледу мера тако и средстава, што веома неповољно утиче на произвођаче да се окрену овом еколошки прихватљивом и одрживом систему производње хране

    Support Organic Farming as a Clean Technology and Development of Rural Areas in the EU and Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of the role of organic farming, as way of clean production, could have in development of rural areas, through the attraction of financial resources. The paper is structured into two parts. In the first part of the paper, we provide a brief overview of the evolution of the concept of organic farming, followed by an insight into the spreading of these agricultural practices in the world. In addition, an overview of basic data on agriculture in Serbia, and potentials for the development of organic agriculture, and the current state of the sector in our country are also described. Data from FiBL / IFOAM survey (2016) and Eurostat (2015) on organic agriculture served the authors as the basis for this paper. In order for the analysis to communicate trends, findings and conclusions, the authors made use of available data for the period 2005-2014. For the analysis on the Republic of Serbia, available data from the Statistical Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection were used. The second part of the papershows a system of support for rural development and organic agriculture in the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Serbia. The sources used in the paper come from official documents of the European Commission and the Republic of Serbia

    Concept and State of Producer Organizations Development in European Organic Farming

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    The “European Green Deal” as a new set of European Commission's policy initiatives, and the "Farm to Fork Strategy" within this policy, emphasize the importance of sustainable development, circular and resource-efficient economy. "Farm to Fork Strategy" promotes further development of organic agriculture and also contains proposals to improve farmers' market position in the food value chain. One of the best ways to improve the market position of farmers is the farmers' associations, primarily producer organizations. The organic farming is one of the rare sectors where small-scale production is not an obstacle to competitiveness and where the increase in assets and funds (consolidation) is not an imperative for market success, so producer organizations represent an ideal type of cooperation, contributing to strengthening farmers' market position in the organic food supply chain. The authors analyze the concept of producer organizations and the state of their development in the European organic farming sector, to point out the possibilities of further development of organic production together with improving the market position of farmers in this production

    Floristički sastav korova, morfološke i produktivne osobine genotipova različitih alternativnih vrsta pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji

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    This study was aimed at assessing the floristic composition of weeds, studying properties of different wheat genotypes of alternative small grains (stem height, last internode length and spike length, thousand-grain weight, grain yield) and the relationship between the studied traits and dry weight of weeds in an organic production system. Testing was carried out in a randomized block design with four replications, in a two-year period (2009/2010-2010/2011). The study included one variety of durum wheat Triticum durum (Dolap, G1), the compact wheat Triticum compactum (Bambi, G2) and spelt Triticum spelt (Nirvana, G3). A treatment for maintaining the increase in the biological soil fertility included two different fertilisation variants: T1 - fertilisation only with microbiological fertiliser as a top dressing (5.0 l ha-1); T2 - biohumus fertilisation (3.0 t ha-1) and microbiological fertiliser as a top dressing (5.0 l ha-1); T0 - control - without the use of fertilisers. The results have shown that the genotype and treatment, as studied factors, very significantly affected the dry weight of weeds, stem height, last internode length and spike length, as well as the yield of different wheat genotypes of alternative small grains, while the effect of their interaction was lower. In terms of the low- input system, a highly significant negative correlation (r = - 0.58) was observed between the stem height and the dry weight of weeds. In addition, a significant negative correlation was noticed between the grain yield and the dry weight of weeds (r = - 0.44). These results showed that proper selection of the genotypes with the application of fertilisers could have a significant effect on the weeds and could lead to establishing a stable production in the organic production system.Cilj rada jeste ocena florističkog sastava korova, proučavanje kvantitativnih osobina (visina stabla, dužina poslednje internodije, dužina klasa, masa hiljadu zrna, prinos zrna) različitih genotipova alternativnih vrsta pšenice i odnosa između ispitivanih osobina i mase korova u sistemu organske proizvodnje. Ispitivanje je realizovano prema planu slučajnog blok sistema u četiri ponavljanja, u dvogodišnjem periodu (2009/2010-2010/2011). Ispitivana je po jedna sorta tvrde pšenice Triticum durum (Dolap), kompaktum pšenice Triticum compactum (Bambi) i krupnika Triticum spelta (Nirvana). U okviru tretmana za održavanje i povećanje biološke plodnosti zemljišta ispitivane su dve varijante đubrenja: T1 - đubrenje samo mikrobiološkim đubrivom u prihranjivanju (5,0 l ha-1); T2 - đubrenje biohumusom (3,0 t ha-1) i mikrobiološkim đubrivom u prihranjivanju (5,0 l ha-1); T0 - kontrola - bez primene đubriva. Rezultati su pokazali da genotip i tretman, kao ispitivani faktori, veoma značajno utiču na suvu masu korova, visinu stabla, dužinu poslednje internodije i klasa, kao i na prinos zrna proučavanih genotipova, dok je uticaj njihove interakcije slabiji. U uslovima niskih ulaganja, između visine stabla i suve mase korova konstatovana je veoma značajna negativna korelacija (r = - 0,58), kao i značajna negativna korelacija između mase korova i visine prinosa zrna (r = - 0,44). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pravilan odabir genotipa, uz primenu đubriva, može da ima značajan uticaj na zakorovljenost i uspostavljanje stabilne proizvodnje u organskoj poljoprivredi

    Grain yield different wheat varieties in organic production according to the rhizosphere microflora

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    Cilj rada je ispitivanje produktivnosti različitih sorti pšenice u zavisnosti od rizosferne mikroflore u uslovima organske tehnologije gajenja. Najveći prinos zrna u prvoj godini zabeležen je kod sorte krupnika, a u drugoj godini kod sorte obične meke pšenice kod koje je ustanovljeno i veće variranje prinosa u poređenju sa ispitivanim sortama alternativnih vrsta pšenice. Najmanji prinos zrna ustanovljen je kod sorte tvrde pšenice, Dolap, kod koje je zabeležen najmanji broj ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama. Testiranjem značajnosti regresionog modela ustanovljeno je postojanje statistički značajne promene prinosa pšenice u zavisnosti od brojnosti Azotobakter-a (r=0,76), ali ne i od ukupnog broja mikroorganizama (r=0,24).The aim of this paper is testing the productivity of various wheat varieties depending on the rhizosphere microflora in terms of organic cultivation technology. The highest yield in the first year was recorded in cv spelt, and in the second year at ordinary soft wheat varieties for which it was established and greater variation in yield compared to alternative types of wheat varieties. The lowest yield was detected among varieties of durum wheat, Dolap, in which it recorded the lowest number of investigated microbial groups. By testing the significance of regression model was found a statistically significant change in the yield of wheat depending on the number of Azotobacter (r = 0.76), but not the total number of microorganisms (r=0,24)

    Evaluation of economic sustainability ecological production vegetables on family farms in Serbia

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    The tendency of conventional agriculture to achieve high yields has imposed a need for specialization of production and intensive application of mechanization, irrigation, pesticides, mineral fertilizers and new plant varieties. In this way, on the one hand, the profit of farmers is significantly increasing, while on the other hand serious harmful consequences are caused to the environment. Therefore, in recent decades developed different models of sustainable agriculture, which are environmentally friendly and socially just, but they are often criticized that was not economically payable as conventional production method. The research was conducted in the period from January to October 2018, following the production of tomatoes, cv. Big beef, in a greenhouse, on two family farms. The paper presents a gross margin of conventional and ecological production of tomatoes, then gives an overview of the structure of the variable costs and the critical value of production, as well as the way of changing the gross margin due to the growth of variable costs and / or decline in yields and product prices. The results of the research showed that the total value of environmentally friendly production of tomatoes in the greenhouse increased by 29.6% compared to conventional production of the same crop. However, costs of laboratory analyzes of the quality of soil, irrigation water and fruits, as well as labor costs significantly increase the amount of variable costs in ecological production, which results in lower gross margin for 13.5% compared to conventional cultivation practices. It was also found that the decline in production value has a greater impact on the gross margin than the increase in the cost of the production both in environmentally friendly and conventional agriculture


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    Growing technology, especially tillage and fertilization of economically important crop species such as wheat, plays a very important role in weed control. Successful weed control in the crop in turn significantly affects the formation of grain yield, both in quantity and quality. The aim of this paper was to investigate the influence of sustainable (mulch - and no- tillage) and conventional farming system on weed infestation of winter wheat. Basic fertilization was uniform (600 kg/ha NPK 15:15:15) while weed infestation differences between three levels of nitrogen fertilization in top dressing (0, 60 and 120 kg/ha) were examined. The variety Pobeda, selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, served as the object of investigation. The examination was performed at "Radmilovac" on the experimental school property of the Faculty of Agriculture in Zemun within the four- crop rotation (maize-winter wheat-spring barley + red clover-red clover) on leached chernozem soil type in a two-year period. The system of conventional tillage showed the highest efficiency in the weed control (number of weed species and number of weed plants per species) of the two conservation systems. The next is the system of mulch tillage, which may be of interest for practice, while the system of no tillage had the lowest efficiency in the control of weeds, especially perennials. Increasing the amount of nitrogen in the top dressing reduces weeds in all tillage systems, mainly due to the stronger competitiveness of winter wheat. The highest fresh biomass of weeds was measured in the no-tillage system (especially in the second year of investigation) due to the significantly higher presence of perennial broadleaf weeds

    Uticaj organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u sistemu organske proizvodnje

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    The aim of the study was to examine the impact of microbiological and organic fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale during a three-year period (2009/10–2011/12). A two-factorial field experiment was arranged using a randomized block design with four replications. The object of the study was the triticale winter cultivar Odisej, and the following treatments were applied: a control variant without fertilization, microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1, organic fertilizer “Biohumus Royal offert” (Altamed RS) 3.0 t ha-1 + microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1. The results showed that the expression of the characteristics was significantly affected by the environment. The lowest values were obtained in the first year when the most unfavourable meteorological conditions were observed. The application of microbiological fertilizer had no impact on the stem length and grain weight per spike, but it significantly increased the number of fertile spikelets (3.7%), spike length (7.7%) and grain yield (18.6%). The combined application of fertilizers provided better results for all the examined characteristics, while in comparison with the control, the differences ranged from 4.3% for the number of fertile spikelets to 46.5% for grain yield. The strongest correlation was determined between the spike length and the number of fertile spikelets (r = 0.939**). The obtained results lead to the conclusion that under variable environmental conditions, the application of fertilizers has a significant impact on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale, and consequently on the stability of this crop production in the organic farming system.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja biohumusa i biofertilizatora na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u trogodišnjem periodu (2009/102011/12). Poljski ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni, po metodi blok sistema sa slučajnim rasporedom tretmana u četiri ponavljanja. Predmet ispitivanja bila je ozima sorta tritikalea, Odisej, a ispitivan je uticaj sledećih tretmana: kontrola bez đubrenja, biofertilizator (5,0 l ha-1), biohumus (3,0 t ha-1) + biofertilizator (5,0 l ha-1). Rezultati su pokazali da spoljašnja sredina ima značajan uticaj na ekspresiju ispitivanih osobina. Najmanje vrednosti dobijene su u prvoj godini, koja je imala i najnepovoljnije meteorološke uslove. Đubrenje je imalo statistički značajan uticaj na većinu ispitivanih osobina. Primena biofertilizatora nije uticala na dužinu stabla i masu zrna u klasu, ali je značajno povećala broj plodnih klasića (3,7%), dužinu klasa (7,7%) i prinos zrna (18,6%). Kombinovanom primenom đubriva postignuti su bolji rezultati za sve ispitivane osobine, a razlike u odnosu na kontrolu bez đubrenja kretale su se u nivou od 4,3% za broj plodnih klasića do 46,5% kod prinosa zrna. Najjača korelaciona povezanost ustanovljena je između dužine klasa i broja plodnih klasića (r = 0,939**). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da, u promenljivim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, primena dobro izbalansiranih formula organskih i mikrobioloških đubriva ima značajan uticaj na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea, a samim tim na stabilnost proizvodnje ovog useva u sistemu organskog gajenja


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    The storage proteins content and their composition have important role in determination of protein quality in bread wheat. The aim of this work is analysis of gluten content, loaf volume and their relationship with gliadin and high molecular weight glutenin subunits in bread wheat. In investigation included 10 wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation seasons (2015/16 and 2016/17) with different climatic conditions. In the first year, the genotype G-3634-2 had the lowest dry gluten content (21.20%) and loaf volume (380 ml), while genotype G-3622-1, had the highest dry gluten content (26.54%) and loaf volume (500 ml). In second year, the lowest dry gluten content (23.44%) and the lowest loaf volume was in wheat G-3601-4 (400 ml), while in genotype G-3622-1, found the highest dry gluten content (29.86%) and loaf volume (540 ml). Wheat genotypes which possess glutenin subunits 2* encoded by Glu-A1b, 7+9 encoded by Glu-B1c, and 5+10 encoded by Glu-D1d. For improving bread making quality are necessary select and wheat genotypes in terms of gluten protein composition (gliadin and glutenin’s) and higher gluten content