135 research outputs found

    Supersonic Gas Streams Enhance the Formation of Massive Black Holes in the Early Universe

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    The origin of super-massive black holes in the early universe remains poorly understood.Gravitational collapse of a massive primordial gas cloud is a promising initial process,but theoretical studies have difficulty growing the black hole fast enough.We report numerical simulations of early black hole formation starting from realistic cosmological conditions.Supersonic gas motions left over from the Big Bang prevent early gas cloud formation until rapid gas condensation is triggered in a proto-galactic halo. A protostar is formed in the dense, turbulent gas cloud, and it grows by sporadic mass accretion until it acquires 34,000 solar masses.The massive star ends its life with a catastrophic collapse to leave a black hole -- a promising seed for the formation of a monstrous black hole.Comment: Published in Science, combined with updated SOM, additional images and movies are available at http://www-utap.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/naoki.yoshida/Blackhole/0929e.htm

    Hydrodynamics of embedded planets' first atmospheres - III. The role of radiation transport for super-Earth planets

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    The population of close-in super-Earths, with gas mass fractions of up to 10% represents a challenge for planet formation theory: how did they avoid runaway gas accretion and collapsing to hot Jupiters despite their core masses being in the critical range of Mc10MM_\mathrm{c} \simeq 10 M_\mathrm{\oplus}? Previous three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical simulations indicate that atmospheres of low-mass planets cannot be considered isolated from the protoplanetary disc, contrary to what is assumed in 1D-evolutionary calculations. This finding is referred to as the recycling hypothesis. In this Paper we investigate the recycling hypothesis for super-Earth planets, accounting for realistic 3D radiation hydrodynamics. Also, we conduct a direct comparison in terms of the evolution of the entropy between 1D and 3D geometries. We clearly see that 3D atmospheres maintain higher entropy: although gas in the atmosphere loses entropy through radiative cooling, the advection of high entropy gas from the disc into the Bondi/Hill sphere slows down Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction, potentially arresting envelope growth at a sub-critical gas mass fraction. Recycling, therefore, operates vigorously, in line with results by previous studies. However, we also identify an "inner core" -- in size \approx 25% of the Bondi radius -- where streamlines are more circular and entropies are much lower than in the outer atmosphere. Future studies at higher resolutions are needed to assess whether this region can become hydrodynamically-isolated on long time-scales.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication at MNRA

    Radiation pressure feedback in the formation of massive stars

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    We investigate the radiation pressure feedback in the formation of massive stars in 1, 2, and 3D radiation hydrodynamics simulations of the collapse of massive pre-stellar cores. In contrast to previous research, we consider frequency dependent stellar radiation feedback, resolve the dust sublimation front in the vicinity of the forming star down to 1.27 AU, compute the evolution for several 10^5 yrs covering the whole accretion phase of the forming star, and perform a comprehensive survey of the parameter space. The most fundamental result is that the formation of a massive accretion disk in slowly rotating cores preserves a high anisotropy in the radiation field. The thermal radiation escapes through the optically thin atmosphere, effectively diminishing the radiation pressure feedback onto the accretion flow. Gravitational torques in the self-gravitating disk drive a sufficiently high accretion rate to overcome the residual radiation pressure. Simultaneously, the radiation pressure launches an outflow in the bipolar direction, which grows in angle with time and releases a substantial fraction of the initial core mass from the star-disk system. Summarized, for an initial core mass of 60, 120, 240, and 480 Msol these mechanisms allow the star to grow up to 28.2, 56.5, 92.6, and at least 137.2 Msol respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 39th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium: The multi-wavelength view of Hot, Massive Star