27 research outputs found

    Przerzut pierwotnego mięsaka serca do mózgu

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    Primary cardiac sarcomas are exceptionally rare tumours. A brain metastasis of a primary cardiac sarcoma has never been reported before. Although we know lots of primary malignomas spreading to the brain, we never observed cerebral metastases of an atrial spindle cell sarcoma. Cardiac sarcomas are more likely to haematogenously metastasize to the lung or the liver. Here, we describe the case of a young man, who suffered from a cerebral metastasis of a spindle cell sarcoma in the left heart atrium nine years ago. Postoperative whole brain irradiation with 30 Gy was performed. Later on, the patient experienced a local recurrence within the left atrium accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia and mitral valve insufficiency. This case is the very first description of a true cerebral metastasis from a primary heart sarcoma. Therefore, clear treatment paradigms are not established. Further case illustrations and the publication of larger patient series are mandatory, whenever possible.Pierwotne mięsaki serca są wyjątkowo rzadkimi guzami. Dotychczas nie opisano przerzutu pierwotnego mięsaka serca do mózgu. Chociaż wiadomo wiele o przerzutach pierwotnych nowotworów złośliwych do mózgu, to nigdy wcześniej nie opisano przerzutów mięsaka wrzecionowa-tokomórkowego przedsionka do mózgu. Guzy te z większym prawdopodobieñstwem mogą dawać przerzuty drogą krwi do płuc lub wątroby. W pracy opisano przypadek młodego mężczyzny, u którego 9 lat wcześniej wystąpił guz przerzutowy mózgu, którego źródłem był mięsak wrzecionowatokomórkowy lewego przedsionka. Po leczeniu chirurgicznym przeprowadzono napromienianie całego mózgowia dawką 30 Gy. W późniejszym czasie u chorego wystąpiła miejscowa wznowa guza lewego przedsionka, której towarzyszyło migotanie przedsionków i niedomykalność zastawki dwudzielnej. Przedstawiony przypadek jest pierwszym opisem rzeczywistego przerzutu pierwotnego mięsaka serca do mózgu. Nie ma zatem ustalonych zasad postępowania. W miarę możliwości wskazane byłoby publikowanie kolejnych opisów przypadków lub ich serii

    Glioblastoma cells express functional cell membrane receptors activated by daily used medical drugs

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    PURPOSE: Calcium ions are highly versatile spacial and temporal intracellular signals of non-excitable cells and have an important impact on nearly every aspect of cellular life controlling cell growth, metabolism, fluid secretion, information processing, transcription, apoptosis, and motility. Neurons and glia respond to stimuli, including neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and hormones, which increase the intracellular calcium concentration. The function of intracellular calcium in gliomas is unknown. Lots of daily used drugs may act via receptors that can be linked to the intracellular calcium system and therefore could influence glioma biology. METHODS: Glioma cells were loaded with the calcium ion sensitive dye Fura 2-AM. Subsequently, cells were stimulated with 25 different medical drugs for 30 s. The increase of free intracellular calcium ions was measured and calculated by a microscope–camera–computer-unit. RESULTS: Except for the buffer solution HEPES that served as negative control and for the cortisol derivative dexamethasone, all other 24 tested drugs induced a rise of intracellular calcium ions. The cellular calcium responses were classified into seven functional groups. The tested substances activated several types of calcium channels and receptors. CONCLUSIONS: Our study impressively demonstrates that medical drugs are potent inducers of intracellular calcium signals. Totally unexpected, the results show a high amount of functional cellular receptors and channels on glioma cells, which could be responsible for certain biological effects like migration and cell growth. This calcium imaging study proves the usability of the calcium imaging as a screening system for functional receptors on human glioma cells

    Spinal Surgery: Systematic Trials Are Needed

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    Spontaneous Involution of a Presumably Rathke’s Cleft Cyst in a Patient with Slight Subclinical Hypopituitarism: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Rathke cleft cyst is described as benign intrasellar cyst. They are mostly small and asymptomatic; they may become large enough to cause symptoms by compression of intrasellar or suprasellar structures. We report on a case of spontaneous regression of a symptomatic RCC with subsequent recovery of preexisting endocrine dysfunction and resolution of headaches. A 60-year-old man complained about headaches. Laboratory investigation revealed a partial hypopituitarism with a slight central hypothyroidism without need for substitution. An MRI study showed a cystic, T2-hyperintense, sellar lesion compatible with a RCC. At one year follow-up, the patient had no complaints and the hormone work-up revealed a regression of the previous slight hypopituitarism. The MRI study showed a complete regression of the cystic lesion and a normal sized and shaped pituitary gland. The spontaneous regression of cystic sellar lesions is rare. The exact mechanism of the possible spontaneous involution of RCC is until now not well understood. However, spontaneous regression is possible and justifies the conservative therapy with regular clinical and radiological follow-up for asymptomatic patients or patients with symptoms not caused by the mass effect of these lesions

    Pathology Case Study: Low Grade Astrocytoma

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    This is a case study presented by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology in which a 16-year-old young man presented with headache, nausea, and vomiting. Visitors are given MRI images from the first and subsequent admissions. In addition, visitors are given microscopic descriptions, including images and are given the opportunity to diagnose the patient. This is an excellent resource for students in the health sciences to familiarize themselves with using patient history and laboratory results to diagnose disease. It is also a helpful site for educators to use to introduce or test student learning in neuropathology

    Was wurde eigentlich aus Prialt®?

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    Background!#!Prialt® was approved by the European Medicine Agency in February 2005. Besides morphine, it is the only analgesic approved for long-term intrathecal infusion in the treatment of chronic pain. As it does not bind to opioid receptors, its use in the treatment of chronic pain seemed to be safer and to lead to less adverse events compared with morphine. However, it is an orphan drug and studies of its long-term use are rare.!##!Questions!#!What role does Prialt® play in the treatment of chronic pain compared with other analgesics given intrathecally? What impact do the initial dose and the rate of infusion have on the analgesic effect and on the incidence of side effects?!##!Material and methods!#!Medical reports were used to identify all patients receiving ziconotide monotherapy from February 2005 to the end of the analysis period in October 2018 in our department. Furthermore, a questionnaire was created and given to the patients to find out more about their experience with ziconotide.!##!Results!#!The study included 12 patients, all of whom suffered from at least one adverse event. The most common adverse events were forgetfulness and paraesthesia, each affecting 25% of the patients. One third of the patients discontinued ziconotide therapy due to severe adverse events. The mean initial dose was 1.98 µg/day.!##!Discussion!#!Ziconotide was used at the Jena University Hospital according to the latest guidelines. Nevertheless, morphine and other opioid analgesics are still more frequently used in the intrathecal management of chronic pain. There are various reasons for this, but the narrow therapeutic index, the high incidence of adverse events, and the difficulties in finding the right dose are among the most important