98 research outputs found

    Alveolar microstrain and the dark side of the lung

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    Mechanical ventilation associated lung injury (VALI) negatively impacts the outcomes of critically ill patients. Research during the past two decades has led to a better understanding of key physiologic mechanisms of injury, yet uncertainty over the topographical distribution of these mechanisms continues to fuel controversies over "best ventilation practice" in injured lungs. In this issue Pavone and colleagues have explored the temporal and spatial evolution of VALI in an elegant use of intravital microscopy. Their findings reinforce the notion that regions which receive most of the inspired gas, in Pavone's case the non-dependent lung of a rat supported in the lateral decubitus posture, are particularly susceptible to injury. However, the inability to measure tissue strain remote from the pleura keeps important questions about small scale intra-acinar stress and strain distributions unanswered

    The initial Mayo Clinic experience using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation for adult patients: a retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) was introduced in our institution in June 2003. Since then, there has been no protocol to guide the use of HFOV, and all decisions regarding ventilation strategies and settings of HFOV were made by the treating intensivist. The aim of this study is to report our first year of experience using HFOV. METHODS: In this retrospective study, we reviewed all 14 adult patients, who were consecutively ventilated with HFOV in the intensive care units of a tertiary medical center, from June 2003 to July 2004. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 56 years, 10 were males, and all were whites. The first day median APACHE II score and its predicted hospital mortality were 35 and 83%, respectively, and the median SOFA score was 11.5. Eleven patients had ARDS, two unilateral pneumonia with septic shock, and one pulmonary edema. Patients received conventional ventilation for a median of 1.8 days before HFOV. HFOV was used 16 times for a median of 3.2 days. Improvements in oxygenation parameters were observed after 24 hours of HFOV (mean PaO(2)/FIO(2 )increased from 82 to 107, P < 0.05; and the mean oxygenation index decreased from 42 to 29; P < 0.05). In two patients HFOV was discontinued, in one because of equipment failure and in another because of severe hypotension that was unresponsive to fluids. No change in mean arterial pressure, or vasopressor requirements was noted after the initiation of HFOV. Eight patients died (57 %, 95% CI: 33–79); life support was withdrawn in six and two suffered cardiac arrest. CONCLUSION: During our first year of experience, HFOV was used as a rescue therapy in very sick patients with refractory hypoxemia, and improvement in oxygenation was observed after 24 hours of this technique. HFOV is a reasonable alternative when a protective lung strategy could not be achieved on conventional ventilation

    Diaphragm Mechanics in Dogs With Unilateral Emphysema

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    We studied dogs with unilateral papain-induced emphysema to answer two questions: (1) Do emphysema lung-apposed hemidiaphragm (DiE) and normal lung-apposed hemidiaphragm (DiN) have equal capacities for lowering lung surface pressure? and (2) Are side-to-side differences in intrathoracic pressure the result of unequal force outputs by DiE and DiN or are they caused by differences in their mechanical efficiency as pressure generators? After the airways of the emphysematous and normal lungs were intubated with a dual lumen endotracheal tube, both phrenic nerves were maximally stimulated at rates between 1 and 50 Hz and the changes in airway occlusion pressure (delta PaoE,N) and diaphragm length (sonomicrometry) were recorded. In all animals, delta PaoN exceeded delta PaoE. Differences in pressure ranged from 1.2 +/- 0.6 cm H2O during a twitch to 6.0 +/- 2.9 cm H2O during a 50-Hz tetanus. Midcostal bundles of DiE shortened less than corresponding bundles of DiN, but both reached the same active length relative to their optimal lengths, which were measured in vitro. There was no significant difference in fiber type distribution, fiber cross-sectional area, or maximal isometric tetanic tensions among midcostal regions of DiE and DiN. We conclude that unilateral hyperinflation impairs the mechanical efficiency of the apposing hemidiaphragm as a pressure generator

    Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: The role of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in the treatment of acute lung injury (ALI) is controversial. We sought to assess the outcome of ALI that was initially treated with NIPPV and to identify specific risk factors for NIPPV failure. METHODS: In this observational cohort study at the two intensive care units of a tertiary center, we identified consecutive patients with ALI who were initially treated with NIPPV. Data on demographics, APACHE III scores, degree of hypoxemia, ALI risk factors and NIPPV respiratory parameters were recorded. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were performed to identify risk factors for NIPPV failure. RESULTS: Of 79 consecutive patients who met the inclusion criteria, 23 were excluded because of a do not resuscitate order and two did not give research authorization. Of the remaining 54 patients, 38 (70.3%) failed NIPPV, among them all 19 patients with shock. In a stepwise logistic regression restricted to patients without shock, metabolic acidosis (odds ratio 1.27, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03 to 0.07 per unit of base deficit) and severe hypoxemia (odds ratio 1.03, 95%CI 1.01 to 1.05 per unit decrease in ratio of arterial partial pressure of O(2 )and inspired O(2 )concentration – PaO(2)/FiO(2)) predicted NIPPV failure. In patients who failed NIPPV, the observed mortality was higher than APACHE predicted mortality (68% versus 39%, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: NIPPV should be tried very cautiously or not at all in patients with ALI who have shock, metabolic acidosis or profound hypoxemia

    Biology lessons from oscillatory cell mechanics

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