10 research outputs found

    Intracapsular pressure and pain in coxarthrosis

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    Intracapsular hip pressure was measured before surgery in 17 patients (18 hips) with coxarthrosis. The results were correlated to pain as registered on a visual analog scale. With the hip in extension, the pressure was 49.5 mmHg (SD, 40.2); in 45 degrees of flexion, it was 21.3 mmHg (SD, 14.6); in extension and inward rotation, it was 105.7 mmHg (SD, 76.0); and in extension and outward rotation, it was 40.8 mmHg (SD, 32.0). A small amount, 0.7 mL (SD, 1.14), of joint fluid was aspirated following pressure registration. Pressure correlated significantly to pain at night, when starting to walk, and on walking. It is suggested that the increase in intracapsular hip pressure is a cause of pain in coxarthrosis, with subsequent limitation of movement and joint contracture

    Early migrartion of acetabular components revised with cement.

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    Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA) was used to evaluate the migration in 17 cemented acetabular components after revision operations for mechanical loosening. All of the hips were examined four months and one year after surgery; ten of the hips were also examined after two years. In 15 of the 17 components, definite migration (0.5-2.7 mm) was identified, whereas two acetabular components showed no significant migration (< 0.25 mm). In 13 hips, the migration was seen within four months after surgery. There was a tendency for larger migration in revisions for severe bone destruction. These findings indicate that prosthetic fixation in revision operations is relatively poor. In cases with severe bone loss, cement fixations is extremely poor

    Intracapsular pressure and loosening of hip prostheses. Preoperative measurements in 18 hips

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    We measured the intracapsular pressure preoperatively in 18 hips (17 patients) before revision of a total hip arthroplasty because of aseptic loosening. Distension of the joint capsule was measured with sonography in 13 cases. In extension, the mean intracapsular pressure was 26 (0-60) mmHg, in extension and inward rotation it was 159 (24-280) mmHg, in extension and outward rotation it was 30 (3-67) mmHg and in 45 degrees of flexion it was 12 (0-28) mmHg. A mean of 6 (0.5-20) mL of joint fluid was aspirated after the pressure measurements. Sonography showed increased joint fluid/synovial edema and/or increased capsular thickness, as compared to 34 unrevised, radiographically not loose prosthetic hips, and that the capsular distension correlated to intracapsular pressure during extension and inward rotation. We conclude that the intracapsular pressure usually is elevated in a hip joint with loose prosthetic components, that the intracapsular pressure varies with the position of the hip and that capsular distension reflects increased intracapsular pressure. The increased and often very high pressure, varying during gait, may pump debris away from the joint along the interfaces and even by itself cause osteolysis and loosening

    Circulating blood diminishes cement penetration into cancellous bone. In vivo studies of 21 arthrotic femoral heads

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    We compared the penetration depth into cancellous bone when pressurizing cement at predetermined pressure levels, and at different times after cement mixing, in 21 arthrotic femoral heads during total hip replacement. To determine the influence of circulating blood on cement penetration, cement was injected into holes drilled into the femoral head before and after osteotomy of the femoral neck. The penetration of cement increased on the average 100 percent in the absence of circulation

    Polyethylene wear and synovitis in total hip arthroplasty: a sonographic study of 48 hips

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    Forty-six patients (48 hips), operated on with cemented total hip arthroplasty (THA) because of arthrosis, were examined radiographically and sonographically at 10-year follow-up. Polyethylene wear of acetabular cups was measured on conventional non-weight-bearing pelvic radiographs, and the volume of polyethylene debris was calculated. Radiographic signs of loosening were identified. The capsular distance (ie, thickness of the synovium or synovial contents) was measured sonographically. We found a significant correlation between increased volumetric wear and increased capsular distance. Hips with radiographically loose acetabular components had significantly greater volumetric wear and capsular distance than those without signs of acetabular loosening. This relationship was not observed in hips with radiographically loose femoral components. In cemented THA, the volume of polyethylene wear debris and the thickness of the synovium and the synovial contents are related. In the event of radiographic loosening of the acetabular component, they are both increased

    Contamination of polyethylene cups with polymethyl methacrylate particles: an experimental study

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    The articulating surfaces of 6 ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene cups were exposed to curing polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) bone-cement and examined with scanning electron microscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). Three of the cups were exposed to blood and bone-cement, and the rest were exposed to bone-cement only. After removal of the bone-cement bulk, PMMA particles were found and identified in all 6 cups. The particles were verified by identifying zirconium with energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy in 5 cups and with LA-ICPMS in 1 cup. The degree of surface contamination was estimated with LA-ICPMS. The number of zirconium-containing particles detected was on average 10 to 20/mm2. PMMA bone-cement left in polyethylene cups during polymerization can contaminate the articulating surface with adherent PMMA particles