204 research outputs found

    Robert Deliège, Les castes en Inde aujourd'hui

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    Il faut dire dès l'abord que participant pour une part aux débats qu'expose R. Deliège, je suis bien placé pour apprécier l'intérêt de cet ouvrage mais trop bien informé et de son sujet et des travaux passés de son auteur pour n'en pas voir les faiblesses. Mon appréciation d'ensemble étant négative, je m'efforcerai d'argumenter avec précision quelques-unes des raisons sur lesquelles je fonde mon point de vue. Ce livre m'apparaît à maints égards trompeur, par son titre et par les matériaux pré..

    Glimpses into the Life of an Engineer, Scholar and Public Intellectual

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    An engineer by training, a scholar presently teaching at the Goa Institute of Management, and a public intellectual who writes on Dalit issues, Anand Teltumbde opens up about his life experience. Coming from a landless family living in a dry village of Maharashtra, Teltumbde, who was a good pupil at school, succeeded in pursuing higher-level studies and received first a BTech, then an MBA and finally a PhD. He recounts his personal experience working as an engineer in small enterprises in Mumbai before joining the public sector as a manager. Meanwhile, Teltumbde who was born in the “den of Ambedkarism” recalls his involvement in the Ambedkar movement, although he was never a regular member of any political parties or associations. In this interview Teltumbde expresses his views that the reservation system is no panacea, but Dalits and the depressed classes should benefit from equal-quality education for all, provided by the State

    Indian Software Capital: Sociography of a New Entrepreneurial Elite

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    The aim of this article is to study Indian software capital considered as the nexus of IT companies and their top managers. For this purpose, we have conducted a Multi Correspondence Analysis of a set of data collected for the first hundred IT firms listed on the National Stock Exchange in Mumbai in 2012. We address three main research questions. Firstly, what is the socio-demographic profile of these entrepreneurs, secondly, what is the shareholding pattern of these companies and their position on the IT market and, lastly, what are the differences between these IT companies and traditional business groups? Although the managers are highly educated and share the same technical culture, the results show a clear division of software capital in 3 clusters. First, the Multinational companies, which are the oldest firms and the biggest in terms of manpower and global revenue, are opposed to a second group of IT companies founded or managed by executives who are mainly graduates, and whose activities are oriented towards the domestic market; lastly, a third group of companies run by highly-qualified managers (with MBAs) combined characters of clusters 1 and 2, but are smaller companies more dependent on the stock-market. In the software industry, the family-business model, which is not specifically related to the merchant high castes, is well represented, except for the Indian MNCs, but with some qualifications

    Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud

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    Jean-Luc Racine, directeur de recherche au CNRS La transition indienne entre nationalisme et libéralisation Conduit sous les auspices du Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud, mais aussi partie prenante du DEA « Recherches comparatives sur le développement », le séminaire a cherché à éclairer un aspect essentiel de la transition indienne en cours, celle des politiques économiques du gouvernement en place depuis 1998. Avant son arrivée au pouvoir, le parti clé de la coalition en place,..

    Book: "Body Shopping" in ICT India

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    Xiang Biao, Global "Body Shopping": An Indian Labor System in the Information Technology Industry, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2006 “How can America's information technology (IT) industry predict serious labor shortages while at the same time laying off tens of thousands of employees annually? The answer is the industry's flexible labor management system--a flexibility widely regarded as the modus operandi of global capitalism today. Global "Body Shopping" explores how flexibility ..

    References: 5. Outside India (Books)

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    Suggested reading list on Professions and Engineers Updated 19th December 2011 Abbott, A. 1988. The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Crawford P. 2009. Technical Workers in an Advanced Society. The Work, Careers and Politics of French Engineers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1st ed. 1989). Belhoste, B. 2007. From technical corps to technocratic power: French  state engineers and their professional an..

    Book: Education in India

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    Joachim Oesterheld and Krishna Kumar, Education and Social Change in South Asia, Hyderabad, Orient Blackswan, 2006. “Today education is a key factor for further development of most of the countries in South Asia, which after decades of independence are still lacking in literacy. The book focuses on the relationship between the state and society of South Asian countries, especially in the field of primary education. After dealing with developments under colonial rule, the major part of the co..

    Lafont (Jean-Marie) : La présence française dans le royaume sikh du Penjab (1822-1849)

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    Lardinois Roland. Lafont (Jean-Marie) : La présence française dans le royaume sikh du Penjab (1822-1849). In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 83, n°310, 1er trimestre 1996. p. 149
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