1,944 research outputs found

    Thermodynamical properties of a neutral vector boson gas in a constant magnetic field

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    The thermodynamical properties of a neutral vector boson gas in a constant magnetic field are studied starting from the spectrum given by Proca formalism. Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC) and magnetization are obtained, for the three and one dimensional cases, in the limit of low temperatures. In three dimensions the gas undergoes a phase transition to an usual BEC in which the critical temperature depends on the magnetic field. In one dimension a diffuse condensate appears as for the charged vector boson gas. In both cases, the condensation is reached not only by decreasing the temperature but also by increasing the magnetic field. In three and one dimensions self-magnetization is possible. The anisotropy in the pressures due to axial symmetry imposed to the system by the magnetic field is also discussed. The astrophysical implications are commented.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Anisotropic equation of state of charged and neutral vector boson gases in a constant magnetic field. Astrophysical implications

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    We obtain the pressures and equations of state (EoS) of charged and neutral vector boson gases in a constant magnetic field. The axial symmetry imposed to the system by the field splits the pressures in the parallel and perpendicular directions along the magnetic axis, and this leads to anisotropic equations of state. The values of pressures and energy densities are in the order of those of Fermi gases in compact objects. This opens the possibility to the existence of magnetized boson stars. Under certain conditions, the perpendicular pressure might be negative imposing a bound to the stability of the star. Other implications of negative pressures are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Exploding Bose-Einstein condensates and collapsing neutron stars driven by critical magnetic fields

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    The problem of a condensate of a relativistic neutral vector boson gas constituted of particles bearing a magnetic moment is discussed. Such a vector boson system is expected to be formed either by parallel spin-pairing of neutrons in a sufficiently strong magnetic field, or by neutral atoms under specific conditions of magnetic field strength and density. A strong self-magnetization arises due to a Bose-Einstein-like condensation. Then the system, which may resemble the superfluid said to exist in the core of neutron stars, becomes more unstable under transverse collapse than the ordinary fermion gas. In the nonrelativistic limit of laboratory conditions, an analogy with the behavior of exploding Bose-Einstein condensates for critical values of magnetic field strength and particle density; reported by several authors, is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revtex

    Detecting Triaxiality in the Galactic Dark Matter Halo through Stellar Kinematics II: Dependence on Dark Matter and Gravity Nature

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    Recent studies have presented evidence that the Milky Way global potential may be nonspherical. In this case, the assembling process of the Galaxy may have left long lasting stellar halo kinematic fossils due to the shape of the dark matter halo, potentially originated by orbital resonances. We further investigate such possibility, considering now potential models further away from Λ\LambdaCDM halos, like scalar field dark matter halos, MOND, and including several other factors that may mimic the emergence and permanence of kinematic groups, such as, a spherical and triaxial halo with an embedded disk potential. We find that regardless of the density profile (DM nature), kinematic groups only appear in the presence of a triaxial halo potential. For the case of a MOND like gravity theory no kinematic structure is present. We conclude that the detection of these kinematic stellar groups could confirm the predicted triaxiality of dark halos in cosmological galaxy formation scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, ApJ96751R

    Global stability analysis of the axisymmetric wake past a spinning bullet-shaped body

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    We analyze the global linear stability of the axisymmetric flow around a spinning bullet-shaped body as a function of the Reynolds number, Re=w∞D/ÎœRe=w_{\infty}D/\nu, and of the rotation parameter Ω=ωD/(2w∞)\Omega=\omega D/(2 w_{\infty}), in the ranges Re<450Re<450 and 0≀Ω≀10\leq\Omega\leq 1. Here, w∞w_{\infty} and ω\omega are the free-stream and the body rotation velocities respectively, and Îœ\nu is the fluid kinematic viscosity. The spectrum and the eigenfunctions obtained allow us to explain the different bifurcations from the axisymmetric state observed in previous numerical studies. Our results reveal that three global eigenmodes, denoted Low-Frequency (LF), Medium-Frequency (MF) and High-Frequency (HF) modes, become unstable in different regions of the Re−ΩRe-\Omega parameter plane. We provide precise computations of the corresponding neutral curves, that divide the Re−ΩRe-\Omega plane into four different regions: the stable axisymmetric flow prevails for small enough values of ReRe and Ω\Omega, while three different frozen states, where the wake structures co-rotate with the body at different angular velocities, take place as a consequence of the destabilization of the LF, MF and HF modes. Several direct numerical simulations of the nonlinear state associated to the MF mode, identified here for the first time, are also reported to complement the linear stability results. Finally, we point out the important fact that, since the axisymmetric base flow is SO(2)SO(2)-symmetric, the theory of equivariant bifurcations implies that the weakly non-linear regimes that emerge close to criticality must necessarily take the form of rotating-wave states. These states, previously referred to as frozen wakes in the literature, are thus shown to result from the base-flow symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in J. Fluid Mec

    On propagation of photons in a magnetized medium

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    The aim of this work is to solve the dispersion relations near the first excitation threshold of photon propagating along the magnetic field in the strong field limit. We have calculated the time damping of the photon in two particular cases: the degenerate gas as well as the diluted gas limit being both important from the Astrophysical point of view. In particular the diluted gas limit could describe the magnethosphere of neutron stars. The solutions have been used to obtain a finite Quantum Faraday angle in both limits. A resonant behavior for the Faraday angle is also obtained. To reproduce the semi-classical result for the Faraday rotation angle the weak field limit is considered.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    (Self-)Magnetized Bose-Einstein Condensate stars

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    We study magnetic field effects on the Equations of State (EoS) and the structure of Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) stars, i.e. a compact object composed by a gas of interacting spin one bosons formed up by the pairing of two neutrons. To include the magnetic field in the thermodynamic description, we suppose that particle-magnetic field and particle-particle interactions are independent. We consider two configurations for the magnetic field: one where it constant and externally fixed, and another where it is produced by the bosons by self-magnetization. Since the magnetic field produces the splitting of pressures in the directions along and perpendicular to the magnetic axis, stable configurations of self-magnetized and magnetized BEC stars are studied using the recently found Îł\gamma-structure equations that describe axially symmetric objects. The magnetized BEC stars are, in general spheroidal, less massive and smaller than the non-magnetic ones, being these effects more relevant at low densities. For the self-magnetized BEC stars their inner profiles of magnetic field can be computed as a function of the equatorial radii. The values obtained for the core and surface magnetic fields are in agreement with those typical of compact objects.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, 1 tabl

    A non-relativistic magnetized vector boson gas at any temperature

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    We study the thermodynamic properties of a neutral vector boson gas in presence of a constant magnetic field, by means of a semi-classical approach that allows to introduce the spin in the non-relativistic spectrum of the bosons. Bose-Einstein condensation is obtained and it turns out to depend on all the parameters involved in the problem: temperature, particle density and magnetic field. An spontaneous magnetization appears at low temperature as a consequence of the condensed state. The axial symmetry imposed in the system by the magnetic field presence, splits the pressure in two components, one along and another perpendicular to the magnetic axis. Under certain conditions, the perpendicular pressure becomes negative signaling that the system undergoes a transversal magnetic collapse. The spontaneous magnetization might be useful to model magnetic field production inside compact stars, while the negative pressures imposes certain limits to the temperatures and densities needed inside these objects to support a given magnetic field

    2D massless QED Hall half-integer conductivity and graphene

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    Starting from the photon self-energy tensor in a magnetized medium, the 3D complete antisymmetric form of the conductivity tensor is found in the static limit of a fermion system CC non-invariant under fermion-antifermion exchange. The massless relativistic 2D fermion limit in QED is derived by using the compactification along the dimension parallel to the magnetic field. In the static limit and at zero temperature the main features of quantum Hall effect (QHE) are obtained: the half-integer QHE and the minimum value proportional to e2/he^2/h for the Hall conductivity . For typical values of graphene the plateaus of the Hall conductivity are also reproduced.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Empirical bayes formulation of the elastic net and mixed-norm models: application to the eeg inverse problem

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    The estimation of EEG generating sources constitutes an Inverse Problem (IP) in Neuroscience. This is an ill-posed problem, due to the non-uniqueness of the solution, and many kinds of prior information have been used to constrain it. A combination of smoothness (L2 norm-based) and sparseness (L1 norm-based) constraints is a flexible approach that have been pursued by important examples such as the Elastic Net (ENET) and mixed-norm (MXN) models. The former is used to find solutions with a small number of smooth non-zero patches, while the latter imposes sparseness and smoothness simultaneously along different dimensions of the spatio-temporal matrix solutions. Both models have been addressed within the penalized regression approach, where the regularization parameters are selected heuristically, leading usually to non-optimal solutions. The existing Bayesian formulation of ENET allows hyperparameter learning, but using computationally intensive Monte Carlo/Expectation Maximization methods. In this work we attempt to solve the EEG IP using a Bayesian framework for models based on mixtures of L1/L2 norms penalization functions (Laplace/Normal priors) such as ENET and MXN. We propose a Sparse Bayesian Learning algorithm based on combining the Empirical Bayes and the iterative coordinate descent procedures to estimate both the parameters and hyperparameters. Using simple but realistic simulations we found that our methods are able to recover complicated source setups more accurately and with a more robust variable selection than the ENET and LASSO solutions using classical algorithms. We also solve the EEG IP using data coming from a visual attention experiment, finding more interpretable neurophysiological patterns with our methods, as compared with other known methods such as LORETA, ENET and LASSO FUSION using the classical regularization approach
