4 research outputs found


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    En este art铆culo se reporta una investigaci贸n que analiza el efecto de las estrategias l煤dicas en el aprendizaje significativo de la Matem谩tica. La experiencia se llev贸 a cabo con estudiantes del Ciclo de Iniciaci贸n Universitaria (CIU) de la Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var, Sede del Litoral (Estado Vargas, Venezuela). Se seleccion贸 una muestra de 127 estudiantes (62 como grupo experimental y 65 como grupo control). A ambos grupos se les administraron pruebas (pre y post) para verificar sus niveles de ingreso y culminaci贸n del curso. En el transcurso de un trimestre se dise帽aron estrategias l煤dicas adecuadas para cada uno de los temas que deb铆an estudiar en Matem谩ticas III del CIU. Los resultados acad茅micos del curso muestran que se favorecieron significativamente los estudiantes que participaron en las actividades l煤dicas, tanto en promedio de calificaciones obtenidas como en n煤mero de aprobados. Se concluye que las estrategias l煤dicas utilizadas permiten reforzar y afianzar lo aprendido por los estudiantes, aumentan el proceso de socializaci贸n al compartir y cooperar en el equipo y fortalecen el aprendizaje significativo; adem谩s favorecen la motivaci贸n y propician un cambio de actitud hacia la matem谩tica.Palabras claves: Estrategias l煤dicas y matem谩tica, juegos y aprendizaje significativo.PLAYFUL STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN STUDENTS STARTING HIGHER EDUCATION STUDIES.Abstract The article presents the research report which analyzes the impact of recreational strategies in meaningful learning of mathematics. The experiment was conducted with students at the University Initiation Cycle (CIU) of the Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var, Sede del Litoral (Vargas State, Venezuela). He selected a sample of 127 students (62 as the experimental group and 65 control). Both groups were given tests (pre and post) to verify their income levels and completion of the course. In over a quarter playful strategies were appropriate for each of the topics to be studied in Mathematics III of CIU. The academic results significantly favored course the students who participated in recreational activities, both in average scores and number of passes. It was concluded that strategies used allow recreational strengthen and consolidate the learning by students, increase the socialization process to share and cooperate on the team and strengthen meaningful learning also promotes motivation and achieves a change in attitude toward mathematics. Key Words: playful and math strategies, games and meaningful learning


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    El siguiente estudio exploratorio intent贸 verificar relaciones significativas entre lamanera c贸mo los estudiantes se autoperciben en el contexto de tres modalidades de ense帽anzadiferentes; espec铆ficamente, las que utilizan tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y de lacomunicaci贸n (TIC). Se parte de las siguientes interrogantes: 驴Existe alguna diferencia entrela autopercepci贸n y los resultados acad茅micos cuando se utilizan modalidades de ense帽anzadise帽adas con TIC? 驴La autopercepci贸n acad茅mica, se asocia con los resultados acad茅micos,cuando la ense帽anza recibida se lleva a cabo a trav茅s de espacios virtuales?. A 180 estudiantespertenecientes al programa Ciclo de Iniciaci贸n Universitaria (CIU) de la Universidad Sim贸nBol铆var (USB), se les administr贸 un cuestionario de autoconcepto; luego, se organizaron entres grupos diferentes: dos bajo las modalidades Blended learning (B-learning) y Electroniclearning (E-learning) y un tercero presencial. An谩lisis intra e inter grupos con las pruebasaplicadas y correlaciones de Pearson verificaron los objetivos. Todos incrementaron suconocimiento, pero s贸lo correlacion贸 el autoconcepto acad茅mico con la modalidad ELearning.Se observ贸 que una percepci贸n alta de s铆 mismos en el 谩mbito acad茅mico, favoreceel aprendizaje cuando reciben educaci贸n a distancia. Se concluye que, para el logro del 茅xitoacad茅mico en un sistema a distancia, es conveniente intervenir el autoconcepto acad茅mico.Palabras claves: Educaci贸n a distancia, Autoconcepto, E-Learning, B-Learning.Blended learning (B-learning), Electronic learning (E-learning) and theirrelationship with the self-concept of the student.AbstractThe main goal of this study is to verify if there is significant relationships between the mannerstudents see themselves under different models of teaching, especially those students who usetechnology. The focus of our research is on these two questions: Is there any differencebetween self-perception and academic results when one uses technology in teaching? Couldthe self academic perception be associated with the academic results when teaching has beencarried out through internet? A self-concept questionnaire was applied to 180 students fromthe CIU-USB. This group was divided into three sub-groups: Blended learning (B-learning),Electronic learning (E-learning) and without technology (control group). All the groupsincreased their knowledge, but only the E-learning group results correlated with academicself-concept. Those students who have high perception of themselves in the academic scopeobtained a good score when they received education through technology. As conclusion,participants should be previously stimulated with academic self-concepts to facilitate learningwith technology.Key Words: Education and Technology, Self-Concept, B-learning, E-learnin