1 research outputs found

    Insights from experiences comanaging woody invasive alien plants in Argentina

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to a long list of organisations and colleagues who supported our work. In particular, we want to acknowledge the technical team of CONTAIN (IER), Jardín Botánico de Horco Molle, Reserva Experimental de Horco Molle y Parque Sierra de San Javier, Paititi Foundation and E. Zugasti, Secretarías de Investigación y Extensión UNCo Bariloche, S. Seijas (Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi), and Turisur. L. lucidum management was partially funded by the CONTAIN programme under the Newton Latin American Biodiversity Programme (NE/S011641/1), with contributions from NERC (UK) and CONICET 2019-74-APN-DIR#CONICET). P.G.-D. was supported by NE/S011641/1 and 2022GCBCCONTAIN.Peer reviewedPublisher PD