6 research outputs found


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    "In the original, pages 141 and 173, and 142 and 174 are transposed." Gothic type. Initials. Wood cuts. Printer's mark on recto of final leaf.Signatures: 1 leaf not signed (the modern dedication); a-1 in eights, m in four (leaf a wanting, first 3 leaves signed ai-aiij for aii-aiiij; last page blank)"Two hundred copies printed in facsimile on hand-made paper and two copies on parchment for Archer M. Huntington during nineteen hundred and nine." First known edition, reproduced from the unique copy belonging to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan.Mode of access: Internet

    The interlude of Calisto and Melebea...

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    "The only known copy of this 'new cõmodye ...' sometimes known from the heading as the Beauty of women ... is preserved among Malone's books in the Bodleian library at Oxford.""A partial rendering of the great Spanish dramatic novel Celestina ... reproduces the first four out of the twenty-one acts of the original, the conclusion is entirely different."Original (Caption) title: A new cõmodye in englysh in maner Of an enterlude ryght elygant & full of craft of rethoryk / wherein is shewed & dyscrybyd as well the bewte & good propertes of women / as theyr vycys & euyll cõdiciõs / with a morall cõclusion & exhortacyon to vertew.With facsimiles by H. Hart, M. A., Oxford, of upper portion of A1 recto (caption title, ornaments and beginning of text), C3 verso, C4 recto (ornaments), C4 verso (printer's mark of Johannes Rastell)Signatures: A in six, B-C in fours.Mode of access: Internet