32 research outputs found

    Survey On: Improved Secured Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network by Attack Detection and Recovery Mechanism

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    The remote sensor system is framed by vast number of sensor hubs. Sensor hubs may be homogeneous or heterogeneous. These systems are much conveyed and comprise of numerous number of less cost, less power, less memory and self-arranging sensor hubs. The sensor hubs have the capacity of detecting the temperature, weight, vibration, movement, mugginess, and sound as in and so on. Because of a requirement for heartiness of checking, remote sensor systems (WSN) are normally excess. Information from various sensors is totaled at an aggregator hub which then advances to the base station just the total qualities. Existing framework just concentrate on recognition of Attack in the system. This paper locations investigation of Attack Prevention furthermore gives a thought to how to conquer the issues

    A Review on Deduplication-Cost Efficient Method to Store Data Over Cloud Using Convergent Encryption

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    This paper represents that, many techniques are using for the elimination of duplicate copies of repeating data, out of those techniques, the most important data compression technique is data deduplication. Convergent technique has been used to encrypt data before outsourcing for privacy and security point of view. In the proposed system, we apply the technique of cryptographic tuning to make the encryption more secure and flexible. In previous systems, there was a limitation of convergent encryption. Data deduplication does not allow the storage of repetitive blocks. It also puts the pointer to the existing blocks so that the data owner have the freedom of selecting users, to have access to the published file. Access control is provided into the application. The integrity of data outsourced to the cloud is managed by the hash calculation of any content following the proof-of-ownership module. Proposed system calculates the hash value of the data content on both sides i.e.; destination as well as source side. Request hash for the cloud side to predict the tampering of data. The expected analysis shows the improvement in execution time and development cost

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Configuration of Privacy Policy Inference Engine for Social Networking Sites

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    With the growing volume of pictures customers offer through social destinations, keeping up security has transformed into a huge issue, as showed by a late deluge of cutting edge events where customers inadvertently shared individual information. In light of these events, the need of instruments to help customers with controlling access to their normal substance is clear. Toward tending to this need, we propose an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help customers with making security settings for their photos. We take a gander at the piece of social association, picture substance, and metadata as could be permitted pointers of customers' security slants. We propose a two-level framework which according to the customer's available history on the site, chooses the best open insurance approach for the customer's photos being exchanged. Our answer relies on upon a photo request structure for picture classes which might be associated with relative methodologies, and on a game plan desire computation to normally make a methodology for each as of late exchanged picture, furthermore according to customers' social parts. After some time, the delivered methodologies will take after the advancement of customers' security perspective. We give the eventual outcomes of our expansive appraisal more than 5,000 procedures, which show the sufficiency of our system, with desire precision's more than 90 percent

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for near-duplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method

    Design an Approach for Finding the Similarity between the Documents

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    Now a days Data Management is very important issue. Data on cloud is very large in size. Web users need tools to manage information easily. If tried to do manually this is cumbersome and time consuming process because there are many near-duplicate results. The efficient detection of near-duplicate articles is very important in many applications that have a large amount of data available for a specific requirement depending upon the task in hand. We are introducing algorithm for extracting key-phrases and matching signatures for nearduplicate articles detection. Based on N-gram (i.e. bigram & trigram) algorithm for key phrase extraction & JACCARD similarity for finding similarity between documents. Algorithms are applied on article and text Documents and result shows that our proposed methods are more effective than other existing method