47 research outputs found

    Some supports of Fourier transforms of singular measures are not Rajchman

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    The notion of Riesz sets tells us that a support of Fourier transform of a measure with non-trivial singular part has to be large. The notion of Rajchman sets tells us that if the Fourier transform tends to zero at infinity outside a small set, then it tends to zero even on the small set. Here we present a new angle of an old question: Whether every Rajchman set should be Riesz

    An example of a minimal action of the free semi-group \F^{+}_{2} on the Hilbert space

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    The Invariant Subset Problem on the Hilbert space is to know whether there exists a bounded linear operator TT on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH such that the orbit {Tnx; n≥0}\{T^{n}x;\ n\ge 0\} of every non-zero vector x∈Hx\in H under the action of TT is dense in HH. We show that there exists a bounded linear operator TT on a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH and a unitary operator VV on HH, such that the following property holds true: for every non-zero vector x∈Hx\in H, either xx or VxVx has a dense orbit under the action of TT. As a consequence, we obtain in particular that there exists a minimal action of the free semi-group with two generators \F^{+}_{2} on a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space HH.Comment: 10

    A general approach to Read's type constructions of operators without non-trivial invariant closed subspaces

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    We present a general method for constructing operators without non-trivial invariant closed subsets on a large class of non-reflexive Banach spaces. In particular, our approach unifies and generalizes several constructions due to Read of operators without non-trivial invariant subspaces on the spaces ℓ1\ell_{1}, c0c_{0} or ⊕ℓ2J\oplus_{\ell_{2}}J, and without non-trivial invariant subsets on ℓ1\ell_{1}. We also investigate how far our methods can be extended to the Hilbertian setting, and construct an operator on a quasireflexive dual Banach space which has no non-trivial w∗w^{*}-closed invariant subspace.Comment: Minor modification

    Conjugacy of real diffeomorphisms. A survey

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    Given a group G, the conjugacy problem in G is the problem of giving an effective procedure for determining whether or not two given elements f, g of G are conjugate, i.e. whether there exists h belonging to G with fh = hg. This paper is about the conjugacy problem in the group Diffeo(I) of all diffeomorphisms of an interval I in R. There is much classical work on the subject, solving the conjugacy problem for special classes of maps. Unfortunately, it is also true that many results and arguments known to the experts are difficult to find in the literature, or simply absent. We try to repair these lacunae, by giving a systematic review, and we also include new results about the conjugacy classification in the general case.Comment: 53 page

    Flowability of plane homeomorphisms

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    We describe necessary and sufficient conditions for an orientation preserving fixed point free planar homeomorphism that preserves the standard Reeb foliation to embed in a planar flow that leaves the foliation invariant.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    The spectral radius formula for Fourier-Stieltjes algebras

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    In this short note we first extend the validity of the spectral radius formula obtained in \cite{ag} to Fourier--Stieltjes algebras. The second part is devoted to showing that for the measure algebra on any locally compact non-discrete Abelian group there are no non-trivial constraints between three quantities: the norm, the spectral radius and the supremum of the Fourier--Stieltjes transform even if we restrict our attention to measures with all convolution powers singular with respect to Haar measure

    Some new examples of recurrence and non-recurrence sets for products of rotations on the unit circle

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    summary:We study recurrence and non-recurrence sets for dynamical systems on compact spaces, in particular for products of rotations on the unit circle T\mathbb T. A set of integers is called rr-Bohr if it is recurrent for all products of rr rotations on T\mathbb T, and Bohr if it is recurrent for all products of rotations on T\mathbb T. It is a result due to Katznelson that for each r≥1r\ge 1 there exist sets of integers which are rr-Bohr but not (r+1)(r+1)-Bohr. We present new examples of rr-Bohr sets which are not Bohr, thanks to a construction which is both flexible and completely explicit. Our results are related to an old combinatorial problem of Veech concerning syndetic sets and the Bohr topology on Z\mathbb Z, and its reformulation in terms of recurrence sets which is due to Glasner and Weiss