721 research outputs found

    Structure and classification results for the ∞-elastica problem

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    Consider the following variational problem: among all curves in Rn of fixed length with prescribed end points and prescribed tangents at the end points, minimise the L∞-norm of the curvature. We show that the solutions of this problem, and of a generalised version, are characterised by a system of differential equations. Furthermore, we have a lot of information about the structure of solutions, which allows a classification

    An L<sup>p</sup> regularity theory for harmonic maps

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    Motivated by the harmonic map heat flow, we consider maps between Riemannian manifolds such that the tension field belongs to an L p L^p -space. Under an appropriate smallness condition, a certain degree of regularity follows. For suitable solutions of the harmonic map heat flow, we have a partial regularity result as a consequence.</p

    Structure and classification results for the ∞\infty-elastica problem

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    Consider the following variational problem: among all curves in Rn\mathbb{R}^n of fixed length with prescribed end points and prescribed tangents at the end points, minimise the L∞L^\infty-norm of the curvature. We show that the solutions of this problem, and of a generalised version, are characterised by a system of differential equations. Furthermore, we have a lot of information about the structure of solutions, which allows a classification

    Existence, uniqueness and structure of second order absolute minimisers

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    Let Ω⊆Rn be a bounded open C1,1 set. In this paper we prove the existence of a unique second order absolute minimiser u∞ of the functionalE∞(u,O):=∄F(⋅,Δu)∄L∞(O),O⊆Ωmeasurable,with prescribed boundary conditions for u and Du on ∂Ω and under natural assumptions on F. We also show that u∞ is partially smooth and there exists a harmonic function f∞∈L1(Ω) such thatF(x,Δu∞(x))=e∞sgn(f∞(x))for all x∈{f∞≠0} , where e∞ is the infimum of the global energy.<br/

    Variational problems in L∞L^\infty involving semilinear second order differential operators

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    For an elliptic, semilinear differential operator of the form S(u)=A:D2u+b(x,u,Du)S(u) = A : D^2 u + b(x, u , Du), consider the functional E∞(u)=ess supΩ∣S(u)∣E_\infty(u) = \mathop{\mathrm{ess \, sup}}_\Omega |S(u)|. We study minimisers of E∞E_\infty for prescribed boundary data. Because the functional is not differentiable, this problem does not give rise to a conventional Euler-Lagrange equation. Under certain conditions, we can nevertheless give a system of partial differential equations that all minimisers must satisfy. Moreover, the condition is equivalent to a weaker version of the variational problem

    Separation of domain walls with nonlocal interaction and their renormalised energy by Γ-convergence in thin ferromagnetic films

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    We analyse two variants of a nonconvex variational model from micromagnetics with a nonlocal energy functional, depending on a small parameter Ï”&gt;0. The model gives rise to transition layers, called NĂ©el walls, and we study their behaviour in the limit ϔ→0. The analysis has some similarity to the theory of Ginzburg-Landau vortices. In particular, it gives rise to a renormalised energy that determines the interaction (attraction or repulsion) between NĂ©el walls to leading order. But while Ginzburg-Landau vortices show attraction for degrees of the same sign and repulsion for degrees of opposite signs, the pattern is reversed in this model. In a previous paper, we determined the renormalised energy for one of the models studied here under the assumption that the NĂ©el walls stay separated from each other. In this paper, we present a deeper analysis that in particular removes this assumption. The theory gives rise to an effective variational problem for the positions of the walls, encapsulated in a Γ-convergence result. In the second part of the paper, we turn our attention to another, more physical model, including an anisotropy term. We show that it permits a similar theory, but the anisotropy changes the renormalised energy in unexpected ways and requires different methods to find it.</p

    A zigzag pattern in micromagnetics

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    AbstractWe study a simplified model for the micromagnetic energy functional in a specific asymptotic regime. The analysis includes a construction of domain walls with an internal zigzag pattern and a lower bound for the energy of a domain wall based on an “entropy method”. Under certain conditions, the two results yield matching upper and lower estimates for the asymptotic energy. The combination of these then gives a Γ-convergence result
