8 research outputs found

    Evolution of the hydro-climate system in the Lake Baikal basin

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    SummaryClimatic changes can profoundly alter hydrological conditions in river basins. Lake Baikal is the deepest and largest freshwater reservoir on Earth, and has a unique ecosystem with numerous endemic animal and plant species. We here identify long-term historical (1938–2009) and projected future hydro-climatic trends in the Selenga River Basin, which is the largest sub-basin (>60% inflow) of Lake Baikal. Our analysis is based on long-term river monitoring and historical hydro-climatic observation data, as well as ensemble mean and 22 individual model results of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5). Study of the latter considers a historical period (from 1961) and projections for 2010–2039 and 2070–2099. Observations show almost twice as fast warming as the global average during the period 1938–2009. Decreased intra-annual variability of river discharge over this period indicates basin-scale permafrost degradation. CMIP5 ensemble projections show further future warming, implying continued permafrost thaw. Modelling of runoff change, however, is highly uncertain, with many models (64%) and their ensemble mean failing to reproduce historical behaviour, and with indicated future increase being small relative to the large differences among individual model results

    Mixing in two-dimensional vortex interactions

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    We examine the mixing of a passive tracer initially contained within several widely separated vortex patches in a two-dimensional, nearly inviscid, incompressible flow. The initial vortex positions and sizes are chosen so that they collapse toward a common center, resulting in a strong interaction. The area of tracer ejected from the vortices is found to be well correlated with the departure of each tracer contour from an ideal elliptical shape. This result appears to be more widely applicable, and, in particular, it may be useful for quantifying small-scale mixing in realistic atmospheric and oceanic flows. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-6631(00)50412-7].</p

    Mixing in two-dimensional vortex interactions

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    We examine the mixing of a passive tracer initially contained within several widely separated vortex patches in a two-dimensional, nearly inviscid, incompressible flow. The initial vortex positions and sizes are chosen so that they collapse toward a common center, resulting in a strong interaction. The area of tracer ejected from the vortices is found to be well correlated with the departure of each tracer contour from an ideal elliptical shape. This result appears to be more widely applicable, and, in particular, it may be useful for quantifying small-scale mixing in realistic atmospheric and oceanic flows. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S1070-6631(00)50412-7].</p

    Climate model performance and change projection for freshwater fluxes: Comparison for irrigated areas in Central and South Asia

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    Study region: The large semi-arid Aral Region in Central Asia and the smaller tropical Mahanadi River Basin (MRB) in India. Study focus: Few studies have so far evaluated the performance of the latest generation of global climate models on hydrological basin scales. We here investigate the performance and projections of the global climate models in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) for freshwater fluxes and their changes in two regional hydrological basins, which are both irrigated but of different scale and with different climate. New hydrological insights for the region: For precipitation in both regions, model accuracy relative to observations has remained the same or decreased in successive climate model generations until and including CMIP5. No single climate model out-performs other models across all key freshwater variables in any of the investigated basins. Scale effects are not evident from global model application directly to freshwater assessment for the two basins of widely different size. Overall, model results are less accurate and more uncertain for freshwater fluxes than for temperature, and particularly so for model-implied water storage changes. Also, the monsoon-driven runoff seasonality in MRB is not accurately reproduced. Model projections agree on evapotranspiration increase in both regions until the climatic period 2070–2099. This increase is fed by precipitation increase in MRB and by runoff water (thereby decreasing runoff) in the Aral Region. Keywords: CMIP5 global climate models, Hydro-climate, Freshwater change, Central Asia, South Asia, Monsoon driven seasonalit