19 research outputs found

    A Saussurean Solution: Embodying 'Presence' in Yves Bonnefoy’s Poetics

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    This paper uses the work of contemporary French poet Yves Bonnefoy to examine the difficulty of making poetry carry the burden of transmitting a position that is, at least in part, philosophical. Bonnefoy’s work is characterized by his strong affirmation of the notion of “presence” which, he argues, can genuinely inhabit the poetic text, allowing readers to directly obtain an experience of it. He is, however, intensely aware of the barrier erected by language. His solution is to use the tools of Saussurean linguistics to suggest a means by which presence might inhabit the text

    « La « reconstruction » de la prĂ©sence : Yves Bonnefoy et l’outil linguistique »

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    Yves Bonnefoy et l’impossible traduction du poùme

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    ‘La DĂ©claration d’intention’: Paratext as Method in Yves Bonnefoy’s ‘DĂ©dicace’ to L’Improbable

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    Poetry as Place : The ‘Vrai Lieu’ in the Work of Yves Bonnefoy

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    En compagnie d'une métaphysique parodique : Beckett lecteur de Descartes redux

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    Rafael Y. Schögler (dir.), Circulation of Academic Thought. Rethinking Translation in the Academic Field

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    D’emblĂ©e, Rafael Schögler prĂ©sente l’ouvrage comme l’analyse d’un objet qui est restĂ© en marge de la traductologie, Ă  savoir, la traduction de la recherche dans les sciences humaines et sociales (SHS). Ces domaines, nous explique-t-il, demeurent inexplorĂ©s car, Ă  ce jour, seule la relation philosophie-traduction a donnĂ© lieu Ă  une rĂ©flexion poussĂ©e. AssociĂ© Ă  l’ambition de pallier cette carence, le livre – « l’anthologie », selon son coordonnateur – se donne l’objectif de contribuer Ă  une con..