300 research outputs found

    Speculations on Solidarity: From Fordism to the Gig Economy

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    In this paper, Roedl traces the decline of worker solidarity starting with labor’s heyday in the 1930s and beforehand through an analysis of Fordism, post-Fordism, and ending on the recent phase of the gig economy. She employs Marxian theory on the base and superstructure to explain how economic phases have always been used to push free-market ideology, but differences in power workers leverage particularly between New Deal Fordism and the hyper specialized, hyper individualized gig economy have reinforced liberal and neoliberal ideology, and prevented unity and solidarity among workers of today

    Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich.

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    Monetary policy implications of the COVID-19 outbreak, the social pandemic

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    Whilst the magnitude and consequences of the outbreak can certainly not be compensated – at least for many, or even quantified, it is hoped that greater cooperation between global economies, will be fostered in the ongoing efforts to find a solution to address the outbreak. This paper is aimed at contributing to the literature on a topic on which previous literature, at least prior to December 12 2019, practically and literally, in respect of COVID-19, did not exist. Many major economies and global economies have extended shut downs from excluding essential workers, to 80-90% of its citizens being ordered to stay at home Whilst it is certainly crucial to ensure that the outbreak is contained, it appears that certain economies, given uncertainties associated with the nature, scope of recent developments, are willing to take risks at salvaging their economies. At what stage does a government decide that prevailing restrictive social distancing measures should be relaxed? What are possible mental, long term consequences associated with, and attributable to a protracted economic shut down? What options exist for monetary policy and central banks in particular, given less options available amidst historically low interest rate levels? These constitute some of the questions which this paper aims to address

    The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis between the UK, Germany, Italy and the US (Third Edition: Financial Crises, Enron and Northern Rock)

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    Up until 1989, there existed “the Big Eight” accountancy firms namely the eight major international accountancy firms, Arthur Young (AY), Ernst & Whinney (EW), Deloitte Haskins & Sells (DHS) ,Touche Ross (TR), Price Waterhouse, Coopers and Lybrand, Arthur Andersen and KPMG. At present, there remain only four; these four comprise of Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and KPMG. Four of the Big Eight accounting firms merged to create two firms in 1989. The four firms consisted of Arthur Young (AY) and Ernst & Whinney (EW), which merged to form Ernst & Young (EY), and Deloitte Haskins & Sells (DHS) and Touche Ross (TR), which merged to form Deloitte & Touche (DT). This resulted in the “Big Six”. The merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand which resulted in Pricewaterhouse Coopers and the Enron debacle which lead to Arthur Andersen being made defunct have resulted in the “the Big Four”. Whilst the existence of the present “Big Four” that is, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, KPMG, Ernst & Young and Deloitte & Touche, occurred mainly as a result of mergers between these accountancy firms, the demise of Arthur Andersen, its role in the collapse of Enron, and the devastating effects on so many lives, cannot be ignored. This publication considers through a comparative analysis of selected jurisdictions, how the external auditor can assist regulators in carrying out their regulatory and supervisory functions. It also considers how regulators could implement their supervisory and enforcement tools in addressing the issue of audit liability.comparative; analysis; external; auditor; US; UK; Germany; Italy; bank; regulation; Financial Crises; Enron; Northern Rock

    Monetary policy implications of the COVID-19 outbreak, the social pandemic

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    Whilst the magnitude and consequences of the outbreak can certainly not be compensated – at least for many, or even quantified, it is hoped that greater cooperation between global economies, will be fostered in the ongoing efforts to find a solution to address the outbreak. This paper is aimed at contributing to the literature on a topic on which previous literature, at least prior to December 12 2019, practically and literally, in respect of COVID-19, did not exist. Many major economies and global economies have extended shut downs from excluding essential workers, to 80-90% of its citizens being ordered to stay at home Whilst it is certainly crucial to ensure that the outbreak is contained, it appears that certain economies, given uncertainties associated with the nature, scope of recent developments, are willing to take risks at salvaging their economies. At what stage does a government decide that prevailing restrictive social distancing measures should be relaxed? What are possible mental, long term consequences associated with, and attributable to a protracted economic shut down? What options exist for monetary policy and central banks in particular, given less options available amidst historically low interest rate levels? These constitute some of the questions which this paper aims to address

    Role of regulation and micro finance in Africa, Asia and Latin America

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    An innovative aspect of this paper is evidenced through its recommendation of the Micro-Savings Requirement Scheme - which offers numerous benefits – as will be highlighted in this paper. Furthermore, the paper not only addresses how linkages, direct and facilitating linkages, can benefit microfinance institutions – and particularly in jurisdictions where the Savings Group Outreach involvement is particularly low, but also illustrates ways and means whereby group lending and other more recent innovative methods used by micro lenders to secure repayments, could increase the desired effects, efficiency and impact of microfinance in selected jurisdictions. In so doing, it addresses some of the existing and persisting problems of micro finance in rural areas

    Future Fruits Mandred Acreage Projection

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    Future Fruits, an agribusiness that leases fruits such as Lemora, Red Star Navel, Red Nules and the Mandared, is outlined, along with the career of Peter Alvitre, a serial entrepreneur. A key issue is how to promote and license the Mandared; in particular, how to control the supply of Mandared in order to maximize returns

    Role of regulation and micro finance in Africa, Asia and Latin America

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    An innovative aspect of this paper is evidenced through its recommendation of the Micro-Savings Requirement Scheme - which offers numerous benefits – as will be highlighted in this paper. Furthermore, the paper not only addresses how linkages, direct and facilitating linkages, can benefit microfinance institutions – and particularly in jurisdictions where the Savings Group Outreach involvement is particularly low, but also illustrates ways and means whereby group lending and other more recent innovative methods used by micro lenders to secure repayments, could increase the desired effects, efficiency and impact of microfinance in selected jurisdictions. In so doing, it addresses some of the existing and persisting problems of micro finance in rural areas

    Role of regulation in micro finance: application of the Micro Savings Requirement Scheme in informal sectors

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    An innovative aspect of this paper is evidenced through its recommendation of the Micro-Savings Requirement Scheme - which offers numerous benefits – as will be highlighted in this paper. Furthermore, the paper not only addresses how linkages, direct and facilitating linkages, can benefit microfinance institutions – and particularly in jurisdictions where the Savings Group Outreach involvement is particularly low, but also illustrates ways and means whereby group lending and other more recent innovative methods used by micro lenders to secure repayments, could increase the desired effects, efficiency and impact of microfinance in selected jurisdictions. In so doing, it addresses some of the existing and persisting problems of micro finance in rural areas
