4,902 research outputs found

    Sustained Exposure to the Widely Used Herbicide Atrazine: Altered Function and Loss of Neurons in Brain Monoamine Systems

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    The widespread use of atrazine (ATR) and its persistence in the environment have resulted in documented human exposure. Alterations in hypothalamic catecholamines have been suggested as the mechanistic basis of the toxicity of ATR to hormonal systems in females and the reproductive tract in males. Because multiple catecholamine systems are present in the brain, however, ATR could have far broader effects than are currently understood. Catecholaminergic systems such as the two major long-length dopaminergic tracts of the central nervous system play key roles in mediating a wide array of critical behavioral functions. In this study we examined the hypothesis that ATR would adversely affect these brain dopaminergic systems. Male rats chronically exposed to 5 or 10 mg/kg ATR in the diet for 6 months exhibited persistent hyperactivity and altered behavioral responsivity to amphetamine. Moreover, when measured 2 weeks after the end of exposure, the levels of various monoamines and the numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH(+)) and -negative (TH(−)) cells measured using unbiased stereology were reduced in both dopaminergic tracts. Acute exposures to 100 or 200 mg/kg ATR given intraperitoneally to evaluate potential mechanisms reduced both basal and potassium-evoked striatal dopamine release. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that ATR can produce neurotoxicity in dopaminergic systems that are critical to the mediation of movement as well as cognition and executive function. Therefore, ATR may be an environmental risk factor contributing to dopaminergic system disorders, underscoring the need for further investigation of its mechanism(s) of action and corresponding assessment of its associated human health risks

    Illuminating Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning through Procedural Level Generation

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has shown impressive results in a variety of domains, learning directly from high-dimensional sensory streams. However, when neural networks are trained in a fixed environment, such as a single level in a video game, they will usually overfit and fail to generalize to new levels. When RL models overfit, even slight modifications to the environment can result in poor agent performance. This paper explores how procedurally generated levels during training can increase generality. We show that for some games procedural level generation enables generalization to new levels within the same distribution. Additionally, it is possible to achieve better performance with less data by manipulating the difficulty of the levels in response to the performance of the agent. The generality of the learned behaviors is also evaluated on a set of human-designed levels. The results suggest that the ability to generalize to human-designed levels highly depends on the design of the level generators. We apply dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques to visualize the generators' distributions of levels and analyze to what degree they can produce levels similar to those designed by a human.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS Deep RL Workshop 201

    Genetic Deletion of a Single Immunodominant T-cell Response Confers Susceptibility to Virus-induced Demyelination

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    An important question in neuropathology involves determining the antigens that are targeted during demyelinating disease. Viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS) leads to T-cell responses that can be protective as well as pathogenic. In the Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) model of demyelination it is known that the immune response to the viral capsid protein 2 (VP2) is critical for disease pathogenesis. This study shows that expressing the whole viral capsid VP2 or the minimal CD8-specific peptide VP2(121-130) as “self” leads to a loss of VP2-specific immune responses. Loss of responsiveness is caused by T cell-specific tolerance, as VP2-specific antibodies are generated in response to infection. More importantly, these mice lose the CD8 T-cell response to the immunodominant peptide VP2(121-130), which is critical for the development of demyelinating disease. The transgenic mice fail to clear the infection and develop chronic demyelinating disease in the spinal cord white matter. These findings demonstrate that T-cell responses can be removed by transgenic expression and that lack of responsiveness alters viral clearance and CNS pathology. This model will be important for understanding the mechanisms involved in antigen-specific T-cell deletion and the contribution of this response to CNS pathology

    The first microbial colonizers of the human gut: composition, activities, and health implications of the infant gut microbiota

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    The human gut microbiota is engaged in multiple interactions affecting host health during the host's entire life span. Microbes colonize the neonatal gut immediately following birth. The establishment and interactive development of this early gut microbiota are believed to be (at least partially) driven and modulated by specific compounds present in human milk. It has been shown that certain genomes of infant gut commensals, in particular those of bifidobacterial species, are genetically adapted to utilize specific glycans of this human secretory fluid, thus representing a very intriguing example of host-microbe coevolution, where both partners are believed to benefit. In recent years, various metagenomic studies have tried to dissect the composition and functionality of the infant gut microbiome and to explore the distribution across the different ecological niches of the infant gut biogeography of the corresponding microbial consortia, including those corresponding to bacteria and viruses, in healthy and ill subjects. Such analyses have linked certain features of the microbiota/microbiome, such as reduced diversity or aberrant composition, to intestinal illnesses in infants or disease states that are manifested at later stages of life, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and metabolic disorders. Thus, a growing number of studies have reported on how the early human gut microbiota composition/development may affect risk factors related to adult health conditions. This concept has fueled the development of strategies to shape the infant microbiota composition based on various functional food products. In this review, we describe the infant microbiota, the mechanisms that drive its establishment and composition, and how microbial consortia may be molded by natural or artificial interventions. Finally, we discuss the relevance of key microbial players of the infant gut microbiota, in particular bifidobacteria, with respect to their role in health and disease

    Hemangioma of the prostate - an unusual cause of lower urinary tract symptoms: Case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hemangioma of the prostate gland is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. There have been several cases of hemangioma of posterior urethra, urinary bladder and periprostatic plexus in the literature, all presenting with hematuria or hematospermia. Diagnosis of prostatic hemangioma is difficult due to its rarity and unspecific symptoms such as hematuria, hematospermia or lower urinary tract symptoms. It cannot be detected by conventional examinations such as cystoscopy or standard rectal ultrasonography.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present a case of prostatic hemangioma in an 84-year old male presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms. Bleeding has not been a feature in our case and diagnosis was not made until after operation. The patient was treated as a case of bladder neck outflow obstruction with transurethral resection of prostate gland and simultaneous bladder neck incisions. A period of self-catheterization was instituted due to postoperative urinary retention as the result of detrusor insufficiency.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hemangioma of prostate gland is extremely rare and symptomatic prostatic hemangioma should be treated either by transurethral resection of prostate or laser evaporation.</p

    Wavelet Cycle Spinning Denoising of NDE Ultrasonic Signals Using a Random Selection of Shifts

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    Wavelets are a powerful tool for signal and image denoising. Most of the denoising applications in different fields were based on the thresholding of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) coefficients. Nevertheless, DWT transform is not a time or shift invariant transform and results depend on the selected shift. Improvements on the denoising performance can be obtained using the stationary wavelet transform (SWT) (also called shift-invariant or undecimated wavelet transform). Denoising using SWT has previously shown a robust and usually better performance than denoising using DWT but with a higher computational cost. In this paper, wavelet shrinkage schemes are applied for reducing noise in synthetic and experimental non-destructive evaluation ultrasonic A-scans, using DWT and a cycle-spinning implementation of SWT. A new denoising procedure, which we call random partial cycle spinning (RPCS), is presented. It is based on a cycle-spinning over a limited number of shifts that are selected in a random way. Wavelet denoising based on DWT, SWT and RPCS have been applied to the same sets of ultrasonic A-scans and their performances in terms of SNR are compared. In all cases three well known threshold selection rules (Universal, Minimax and Sure), with decomposition level dependent selection, have been used. It is shown that the new procedure provides a good robust denoising performance, without the DWT fluctuating performance, and close to SWT but with a much lower computational cost.This work was partially supported by Spanish MCI Project DPI2011-22438San Emeterio Prieto, JL.; Rodríguez-Hernández, MA. (2015). Wavelet Cycle Spinning Denoising of NDE Ultrasonic Signals Using a Random Selection of Shifts. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 34(1):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-014-0270-8S18341Galloway, R.L., McDermott, B.A., Thurstone, F.L.: A frequency diversity process for speckle reduction in real-time ultrasonic images. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 35, 45–49 (1988)Newhouse, V.L., Bilgutay, N.M., Saniie, J., Furgason, E.S.: Flaw-to-grain echo enhancement by split spectrum processing. Ultrasonics 20, 59–68 (1982)Karpur, P., Canelones, O.J.: Split spectrum processing: a new filtering approach for improved signal-to-noise ratio enhancement of ultrasonic signals. Ultrasonics 30, 351–357 (1992)Donoho, D.L., Johnstone, I.M.: Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika 81, 425–455 (1994)Donoho, D.L., Johnstone, I.M., Kerkyacharian, G., Picard, D.: Wavelet shrinkage: asymptotia? J. R Stat. Soc. Ser. B 57, 301–369 (1995)Donoho, D.L., Johnstone, I.M.: Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage. J. Am. Stat. 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Control 58, 1027–1036 (2011)Shi, G.M., Chen, X.Y., Song, X.X., Qui, F., Ding, A.L.: Signal matching wavelet for ultrasonic flaw detection in high background noise. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 58, 776–787 (2011)Song, S.P., Que, P.W.: Wavelet based noise suppression technique and its application to ultrasonic flaw detection. Ultrasonics 44, 188–193 (2006)Rodriguez, M.A., San Emeterio, J.L., Lázaro, J.C., Ramos, A.: Ultrasonic flaw detection in NDE of highly scattering materials using wavelet and Wigner-Ville transform processing. Ultrasonics 42, 847–851 (2004)Zhang, G.M., Zhang, S.Y., Wang, Y.W.: Application of adaptive time-frequency decomposition in ultrasonic NDE of highly-scattering materials. Ultrasonics 38, 961–964 (2000)Drai, R., Khelil, M., Benchaala, A.: Time frequency and wavelet transform applied to selected problems in ultrasonics NDE. 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    Clinical and genetic analysis of 29 Brazilian patients with Huntington’s disease-like phenotype

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by chorea, behavioral disturbances and dementia, caused by a pathological expansion of the CAG trinucleotide in the HTT gene. Several patients have been recognized with the typical HD phenotype without the expected mutation. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of diseases such as Huntington’s disease-like 2 (HDL2), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) and choreaacanthocytosis (ChAc) among 29 Brazilian patients with a HD-like phenotype. In the group analyzed, we found 3 patients with HDL2 and 2 patients with ChAc. The diagnosis was not reached in 79.3% of the patients. HDL2 was the main cause of the HD-like phenotype in the group analyzed, and is attributable to the African ancestry of this population. However, the etiology of the disease remains undetermined in the majority of the HD negative patients with HD-like phenotype. Key words: Huntington’s disease, Huntington’s disease-like, chorea-acanthocytosis, Huntington’s disease-like 2

    Logic and/of Truthmaking

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the question of how truthmaker theorists ought to think about their subject in relation to logic. Regarding logic and truthmaking, I defend the view that considerations drawn from advances in modal logic have little bearing on the legitimacy of truthmaker theory. To do so, I respond to objections Timothy Williamson has lodged against truthmaker theory. As for the logic of truthmaking, I show how the project of understanding the logical features of the truthmaking relation has led to an apparent impasse. I offer a new perspective on the logic of truthmaking that both explains the problem and offers a way out