4,409 research outputs found

    Subluminal and Superluminal Electromagnetic Waves and the Lepton Mass Spectrum

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    Maxwell equation \dirac F = 0 for F \in \sec \bwe^2 M \subset \sec \clif (M), where \clif (M) is the Clifford bundle of differential forms, have subluminal and superluminal solutions characterized by F2≠0F^2 \neq 0. We can write F=ψγ21ψ~F = \psi \gamma_{21} \tilde \psi where \psi \in \sec \clif^+(M). We can show that ψ\psi satisfies a non linear Dirac-Hestenes Equation (NLDHE). Under reasonable assumptions we can reduce the NLDHE to the linear Dirac-Hestenes Equation (DHE). This happens for constant values of the Takabayasi angle (00 or π\pi). The massless Dirac equation \dirac \psi =0, \psi \in \sec \clif^+ (M), is equivalent to a generalized Maxwell equation \dirac F = J_{e} - \gamma_5 J_{m} = {\cal J}. For ψ=ψ↑\psi = \psi^\uparrow a positive parity eigenstate, je=0j_e = 0. Calling ψe\psi_e the solution corresponding to the electron, coming from \dirac F_e =0, we show that the NLDHE for ψ\psi such that ψγ21ψ~=Fe+F↑\psi \gamma_{21} \tilde{\psi} = F_e + F^{\uparrow} gives a linear DHE for Takabayasi angles π/2\pi/2 and 3π/23\pi/2 with the muon mass. The Tau mass can also be obtained with additional hypothesis.Comment: 24 pages, KAPPROC style (Kluwer Ac. Pub. Proceedings) with named references. The Abstract to appear in the e-print archive list has been corrected. The main text is the sam

    On the Equation rotA = K A

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    We show that when correctly formulated the equation \nabla \times \mbox{\boldmath a} = \kappa \mbox{\boldmath a} does not exhibit some inconsistencies atributed to it, so that its solutions can represent physical fields.Comment: 8 pages, documentstyle [preprint,aps]{revtex} with special macro climacr

    Subluminal and superluminal solutions in vacuum of the Maxwell equations and the massless Dirac equation

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    We show that Maxwell equations and Dirac equation (with zero mass term) have both subluminal and superluminal solutions in vacuum. We also discuss the possible fundamental physical consequences of our results.Comment: REVTeX, 8 pages, talk given at the International Conference on the Theory of the Electron, Sept.95, Mexico City. To appear in the proceeding

    Equivalence Principle and the Principle of Local Lorentz Invariance

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    In this paper we scrutinize the so called Principle of Local Lorentz Invariance (\emph{PLLI}) that many authors claim to follow from the Equivalence Principle. Using rigourous mathematics we introduce in the General Theory of Relativity two classes of reference frames (\emph{PIRFs} and \emph{LLRF}γ\gamma\emph{s}) which natural generalizations of the concept of the inertial reference frames of the Special Relativity Theroy. We show that it is the class of the \emph{LLRF}γ\gamma\emph{s} that is associated with the \emph{PLLI.} Next we give a defintion of physically equivalent referefrence frames. Then, we prove that there are models of General Relativity Theory (in particular on a Friedmann universe) where the \emph{PLLI}is false. However our find is not in contradiction with the many experimental claims vindicating the \emph{PLLI}, because theses experiments do not have enough accuracy to detect the effect we found. We prove moreover that \emph{PIRFs}are not physically equivalent.Comment: This is a version of a paper originally published in Found. Phys.(2001) which includes a corrigenda published in Found. Phys. 32, 811-812 (2002

    Spacetime model with superluminal phenomena

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    recent theoretical results show the existence of arbitrary speeds (0≤v<∞0\leq v <\infty) solutions of the wave equations of mathematical physics. Some recent experiments confirm the results for sound waves. The question arises naturally: What is the appropriate spacetime model to describe superluminal phenomena? In this paper we present a spacetime model that incorporates the valid results of Relativity Theory and yet describes coherently superluminal phenomena without paradoxes.Comment: 12 pages, uses amstex, amsppt documentstyl

    Rotating Frames in SRT: Sagnac's Effect and Related Issues

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    After recalling the rigorous mathematical representations in Relativity Theory (\emph{RT}) of (i): observers, (ii): reference frames fields, (iii): their classifications, (iv) naturally adapted coordinate systems (\emph{nacs}%) to a given reference frame, (v): synchronization procedure and some other key concepts, we analyze three problems concerning experiments on rotating frames which even now (after almost a century from the birth of \emph{RT}) are sources of misunderstandings and misconceptions. The first problem, which serves to illustrate the power of rigorous mathematical methods in \emph{RT}is the explanation of the Sagnac effect (\emph{SE}). This presentation is opportune because recently there are many non sequitur claims in the literature stating that the \emph{SE} cannot be explained by \emph{SRT}, even disproving this theory or that the explanation of the effect requires a new theory of electrodynamics. The second example has to do with the measurement of the one way velocity of light in rotating reference frames, a problem for which many wrong statements appear in recent literature. The third problem has to do with claims that only Lorentz like type transformations can be used between the \emph{nacs}associated to a reference frame mathematically moddeling of a rotating platform and the \emph{nacs} associated with a inertial frame (the laboratory). Whe show that these claims are equivocated

    The geometry of spacetime with superluminal phenomena

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    Recent theoretical results show the existence of arbitrary speeds (0 <= v < \infty) solutions of all relativistic wave equations. Some recent experiments confirm the results for sound waves. The question arises naturally: What is the appropriate geometry of spacetime to describe superluminal phenomena? In this paper we present a spacetime model that incorporates the valid results of Relativity Theory and yet describes coherently superluminal phenomena without paradoxes.Comment: 16 pages, Amstex, amsppt styl

    Launching of Non-Dispersive Superluminal Beams

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    In this paper we analyze the physical meaning of sub- and superluminal soliton-like solutions (as the X-waves) of the relativistic wave equations and of some non-trivial solutions of the free Schr\"odinger equation for which the concepts of phase and group velocities have a different meaning than in the case of plane wave solutions. If we accept the strict validity of the principle of relativity, such solutions describe objects of two essentially different natures: carrying energy wave packets and inertia-free properly phase vibrations. Speeds of the first-type objects can exceed the plane wave velocity c∗c_* only inside media and are always less than the vacuum light speed cc. Particularly, very fast sound pulses with speeds c∗<v<cc_* < v < c have already been launched. The second-type objects are incapable of carrying energy and information but have superluminal speed. If we admit the possibility of a breakdown of Lorentz invariance, pulses described, for example, by superluminal solutions of the Maxwell equations can be generated. Only experiment will give the final answer.Comment: 12 pages, standard Latex articl

    Faster Than Light ?

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    In this paper we present a pedestrian review of the theoretical fact that all relativistic wave equations possess solutions of arbitrary velocities 0≤v<∞0 \leq v < \infty. We discuss some experimental evidences of v≥cv \geq c transmission of electromagnetic field configurations and the importance of these facts with regard to the principle of relativity.Comment: 12 pages, Latex2e article, with figures. Requires packages epsfig and graphicx. Figure 2 has been correcte

    The Hyperbolic Clifford Algebra of Multivecfors

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    In this paper we give a thoughtful exposition of the hyperbolic Clifford algebra of multivecfors which is naturally associated with a hyperbolic space, whose elements are called vecfors. Geometrical interpretation of vecfors and multivecfors are given. Poincare automorphism (Hodge dual operator) is introduced and several useful formulas derived. The role of a particular ideal in the hyperbolic Clifford algebra whose elements are representatives of spinors and resume the algebraic properties of Witten superfields is discussed.Comment: a few misprints and typos have been correcte
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