83 research outputs found
Análise da produção científica e tecnológica em melhoramento genético de plantas: o desenvolvimento de cultivar na UFRGS
A produção científica e tecnológica no desenvolvimento de novas variedade de plantas cultivadas, tem como finalidade a produção de cultivares. Esse estudo, tem como objetivo investigar a interação da produção Ciência, Tecnologia e de Inovação no desenvolvimento de cultivares no contexto da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Apresenta como objetivos específicos, identificar o panorama mundial, brasileiro e da UFRGS na produção científica sobre cultivar, identificar a representatividade mundial, brasileira e da UFRGS no desenvolvimento tecnológico de cultivar e analisar a relação entre a produção científica e tecnológica dos pesquisadores da UFRGS que desenvolvem cultivares. O estudo se caracteriza como descritivo, com a utilização de técnicas bibliométricas e cientométricas para auxiliar a análise e interpretação das informações. Realizou-se a análise da produção científica em publicações científicas no âmbito internacional na base de dados Scopus, e análise de registros de proteção de cultivar nas bases Pluto, CultivarWeb, e de patentes na Patentscope. A análise dos dados obtidos, abrangendo a totalidade dos registros recuperados e a relação entre os diferentes tipos de documentos foi aprofundada a partir da análise métrica de documentos, evolução ao longo do tempo, frequência de termos e relação autoria versos colaboração entre os documentos. A partir desse estudo, identificou-se o panorama da produção científica e tecnológica sobre cultivar no âmbito mundial, brasileiro e da UFRGS, e analisou-se as interações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. O Brasil é um dos países que mais produzem artigos sobre o cultivar, principalmente na área do conhecimento das Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, e destaca-se na área de Ciências dos Materiais. No entanto, o número de registro de cultivares no país é pouco representativo comparado aos registros dos países mais produtivos, apesar do Brasil ocupar a quarta posição entre os países com maior número de registros de cultivar de soja Glycine Max (L.) Merr. A Embrapa destacase tanto na produção científica quando na produção tecnológica brasileira sobre cultivares, assim como entre as instituições financiadoras em artigos científicos. A análise da produção tecnológica da UFRGS, evidenciou a universidade como a maior detentora de registros de cultivares de aveia Avena Sativa L. no Brasil.The scientific and technological production in the development of new varieties of cultivated plants, aims at the production of cultivars. This study aims to investigate the interaction Science, Technology and Innovation in the development of cultivars in the context of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). It presents as specific objectives, to identify the world, Brazilian and UFRGS panorama in scientific production on cultivar, to identify the worldwide, Brazilian and UFRGS representativeness in the technological development of cultivating and analyzing the relationship between scientific and technological production of ufrgs researchers who develop cultivars. The study is characterized as descriptive, with the use of bibliometric and scientometric techniques to assist in the analysis and interpretation of information. The analysis of scientific production in scientific publications at the international level in the Scopus database, and analysis of cultivar protection records in the Pluto, CultivarWeb, and patent databases at Patentscope. The analysis of the obtained data, covering all the records retrieved, and the relationship between the different types of documents, was deepened from the metric analysis of documents, evolution over time, frequency of terms and relationship authorship and collaboration between the documents. From this study, we identified the panorama of scientific and technological production on cultivar at the world, Brazilian and UFRGS, and analyzed the interactions between Science, Technology and Innovation. Brazil is one of the countries that produce the most articles on the cultivar, mainly in the area of knowledge of Agrarian and Biological Sciences and stands out in the area of Materials Sciences. However, the country's technological production is poorly representative compared to the most productive countries, although Brazil occupies the fourth position among the countries with the highest number of records of soybean cultivar Glycine Max (L.) Merr. Embrapa stands out both in scientific production and in Brazilian technological production, as well as among the funding institutions in scientific articles. The analysis of the technological production of UFRGS highlights the university as the largest holder of records of oat cultivars Avena Sativa L. in Brazil
Clinical and Pathological Features of Canine Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma
Background: Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) are uncommon in dogs. ACC often invade the posterior vena cava wall and the advential layer of the abdominal aorta; however, metastases to distant organs are rare. Most dogs with ACC show clinical signs of Cushing`s syndrome in a similar way with signs reported in humans. The aim of this study is to report three cases of metastatic ACC in dogs and their clinical and pathological features.Cases: This report describes three cases of metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) in dogs diagnosed post mortem through histopathological examination. The animals presented no signs of adrenal hormones overproduction. Case 1. A 13-year-old intact, mixed breed female dog was presented with a history of progressive hepatomegaly during the last four months. The animal was submitted to an exploratory laparotomy, but due to anesthetic complications no tissue specimen was sampled and after one week, the animal died. The necropsy examination showed an increased left adrenal (3 cm in diameter), multiple yellow to whitish nodules measuring 1 to 2 cm of diameter in the lung and severe hepatomegaly. The histopathological diagnosis was established as ACC with pulmonary metastasis. A severe and diffuse accumulation of glycogen in hepatocytes was also observed in Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. Case 2. A 9-year-old female intact, mixed breed dog was presented showing ataxia, left head-tilt and dyspnoea. The clinical signs progressed and the dog died after four days. The gross examination showed a diffuse increase of the left adrenal gland (2 cm of diameter) accompanied by a yellowish colour at cut surface; diffuse bronchopneumonia and cerebral and renal discrete congestion. The microscopical diagnosis was ACC with kidney and CNS metastasis. Case 3. A 16-year-old male, intact, Poodle dog was presented with apathy, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhoea in the last two days. The animal was submitted to treatment, but the clinical signs progressed and the dog died. In the necropsy exam an increased right adrenal gland was observed (5 cm of diameter) showing multiple yellowish nodules when sectioned. The lung showed multiple whitish nodules mainly in pleural region. In the histopathological examination, the definitive diagnosis was ACC with pulmonary metastasis.Discussion: Most of adrenocortical tumours in dogs are functional and secrete excessive amounts of cortisol; therefore commonly animals show clinical signs of Cushing`s syndrome. In the present cases, the animals showed no clinical evidence of hormonal changes. Well-differentiated neoplastic cells were observed in cases 1 and 2, whereas in case 3 tumorous cells showed marked features of malignancy as cellular pleomorphism, binucleation, high mitotic index and atypical mitosis. Despite mild anaplastic features observed on cases 1 and 2, animals showed focus of metastases in lung, kidney and CNS. Apparently features of malignancy in ACC were not associated to the risk of metastasis development, indicating that even well-differentiated ACC may metastasize to distant organs. Metastases of ACC to distant sites are rare in dogs and there was no previous report of metastasis to CNS as observed in case 2. Canine ACC are considered uncommon tumours, however, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of mass in the abdominal cavity since the animals may show no clinical signs of adrenocortical hormones overproduction.Keywords: adrenal tumours, adrenocortical hormones, metastases, dog
Competências e habilidades do enfermeiro na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: revisão integrativa
Estudo bibliográfico que buscou identificar a produção científica sobre a as competências e habilidades do enfermeiro na unidade de terapia intensiva. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, utilizando-se estratégias de buscas em bancos de Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Bases de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF) e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO), priorizando estudos do período de 2014 a 2023 com o objetivo de compreender o que já foi estudado nos últimos 09 (nove) anos. Considerações finais: as competências e habilidades do enfermeiro na UTI são diversas e complexas, considerando um conjunto de habilidades técnicas, cognitivas e comportamentais. O enfermeiro deve ser capaz de liderar equipes, se comunicar de forma clara e eficaz, tomar decisões rápidas e precisas, gerenciar conflitos e crises, além de ser empático e atento aos detalhes
O presente artigo discute o que se mostra nas pesquisas sobre a formação de professores de Geografia nos cursos de licenciatura. Para tanto, utilizou-se a metodologia do Estado da Questão (EQ) das autoras Nóbrega-Therrien e Silveira (2011). O EQ se respalda na pesquisa e no levantamento de bases de dados científicos, mediante a busca de uma gama variada de periódicos que aprofunde a discussão teórica e metodológica da pesquisa. Para Nóbrega-Therrien e Silveira (2011), o EQ pode conter a busca de palavras-chave, resumos, títulos de artigos, dissertações e teses relacionados ao tema investigado. As produções selecionadas para esta investigação tiveram como marco temporal o período compreendido entre 2008 e 2019. Os resultados apresentados foram que as pesquisas produzidas ao longo desse período se referem: às narrativas (auto)bibliográficas na Geografia-Licenciatura, à relação entre os cursos de Geografia – Licenciatura e as Escolas, à partilha das experiências nos lugares formativos docentes, à trama tecida entre a Educação Ambiental Crítica e Transformadora e a Geografia Crítica
Unidades de conservação no ecótono entre Pantanal e Cerrado: o caso do município de Aquidauana (MS)
As Unidades de Conservação (UCs) despontam no cenário mundial como forma legitima de proteger a biodiversidade ao final do século XX. No Brasil, o SNUC – Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza, dá fomento à criação dessas Unidades de Conservação. A gestão territorial de Unidades de Conservação situadas em regiões de importância ambiental como o Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense e o Cerrado que o circunda, tem papel fundamental para a proteção da biodiversidade. O presente trabalho buscou diagnosticar as Unidades de Conservação do município de Aquidauana-MS, visando subsidiar o planejamento ambiental. Para a elaboração do trabalho utillizou-se de informações obtidas junto a Prefeitura Municipal e pelo Instituto de Meio Ambiente de Mato Grosso do Sul (IMASUL). Durante a pesquisa, verificou-se a grande disparidade entre a situação legal e ambiental das UC’s do município de Aquidauana-MS
Infection control and patient safety measures addressed in nursing pedagogical projects
Objective: To characterize teaching about patient safety and standard precautionary measures for infection prevention and control in undergraduate nursing courses. Method: A descriptive documentary analysis study carried out in undergraduate courses, with a concept equal to or greater than three in the National Student Performance Exam and in the Preliminary Course Concept, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Results: Six education institutions participated, with the majority being private with curricular structure by discipline. Six pedagogical projects and 273 subject plans were analyzed. The most discussed topics for patient safety development were human factors related to communication, interpersonal relationships, and principles and techniques. Thirty-nine (39) disciplines contemplated teaching infection prevention and control measures, and the most approached topics were personal protective equipment and hand hygiene. Conclusion: Teaching about patient safety presented strong gaps in the six evaluated courses. There is fragility in teaching infection prevention and control measures. The data indicate the need to review the Course Pedagogical Projects in order to incorporate necessary educational demands for training professionals so that they develop safe and quality care
Pathological Findings in the Adrenal Glands of 80 Dogs
Background: The adrenal glands development important endocrine functions and can be affected by primary or secondary diseases. These adrenal gland pathologies may induce clinical syndromes resulting from abnormalities in the production and secretion of hormones. Data about pathological changes in dogs are scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify and evaluate the histopathological and epidemiological features of adrenal changes in dogs submitted to necropsy examination from 2005 to 2016 in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.Material, Methods & Results: During this period, 80 animals presented alterations of adrenal gland, representing 5.5% of all necropsied dogs. The pure breed dogs representing 58.6% and mixed breed 41.4%; 53.4% were female and 46.6% were male. The non-neoplastic adrenal lesions were more frequently (57.5%) compared to the neoplastic changes (42.5%). Most of the adrenal glands lesions occurred in older dogs (60%), following by the middle aged (31.25%) and young dogs (8.75%). The main non-neoplastic lesions observed in the adrenal glands were of hyperplastic (69.5%) and circulatory (26%) origin, among the earlier, 68.8% were diffuse hyperplasia and 31.2% nodular hyperplasia. The nodular hyperplasia was classified as micronodular multifocal in 40% of the glands with nodular hyperplasia, macronodular multifocal in 30%, micronodular diffuse in 20%, and micronodular focal in 10%. The neoplasms observed were adrenocortical adenoma (ACA) in 44.1%, pheochromocytomas in 23.5% and adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) in 11.7% of the dogs with adrenal tumors. Metastasis from other primary tumors were observed in 20.6%.Discussion: The data in veterinary literature about the frequency of changes in adrenal gland of dogs are scarce and focus features of diagnosis by ultrasound examination. Most of the adrenal changes observed in the present study were incidental findings observed during the necropsy examination and no specific clinical signs were observed. Non-neoplastic adrenal lesions, mainly of hyperplastic origin, were more frequently observed compared to the neoplastic changes. Differing from previous studies, the diffuse hyperplasia was the most common non neoplastic finding in the adrenal glands. Considering the subclassification of nodular hyperplasia, the multifocal micronodular and macronodular multifocal pattern were the most frequent. In veterinary literature, there are no data about frequency of nodular hyperplastic subtypes. However, in humans the subclassification of nodular hyperplasia is associated to development of endocrine disorders. Previous studies reported lower incidence of neoplastic changes in adrenal gland of dogs compared to the present results. The adrenocortical adenoma was the most common primary tumor, followed by the adrenocortical carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and adrenocortical carcinoma. Congestion and hemorrhage were common findings observed in the adrenal gland primary tumors. On the other hand, necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate were observed only in the adrenocortical carcinomas. These histopathological features may be used as tool in the differential diagnosis between well differentiated adrenocortical carcinoma and adenoma. The histopathological examination was fundamental to differential and definitive diagnosis of all canine adrenal gland disorders observed
Eficácia jurídica racialmente estratificada da proteção integral: análise de obstáculos à fruição adequada do direito à infância e adolescência no Brasil em 2019 e 2020
The paper carries out an empirical analysis of aspects of childhood and adolescence law, not however informed by a generic approach to legal efficacy pertaining to an abstract universal subject, but rather with a racialized approach to legal efficacy, taking into account racial cleavages. The seeks to answer whether, and in what degree, racial strata are relevant to the fruition of the right to childhood and adolescence through variables which relate to aspects that undermine integral protection, such as: homicides, deaths by incidents, deaths caused by accidental firearm discharges, deaths of persons under one year of age, low-birth weight, notifications of neglect and abandonment, of physical and sexual violence; of sexual harassment and exploitation against children and adolescents, and of child pornography. The methodology is quantitative in nature and focused on descriptive statistics. The research timespan encompasses the years of 2019 and 2020, and the data is referred to Brazil. The main finding is that race/color of children and adolescents mattered to the fruition of the right to integral protection. Better levels of fruition corresponded to the white stratum of race/color, while black and indigenous strata accounted for worse positioning. Another important finding is that homicides of persons under 19 years old and deaths caused by accidental firearm discharges were the most race-sensitive variables, while low-birth weight had the lowest racial bias among the variables encompassed in the research. The results challenge characterizations of de-racialized childhood and adolescence in Brazil.El artículo analiza los aspectos empíricos del derecho a la infancia y la adolescencia, no desde una concepción genérica de la eficacia y referida a un sujeto universal abstracto, sino con un enfoque racializado de la eficacia que tiene en cuenta los clivajes raciales existentes. El estudio cuestiona si, y en qué medida, los estratos raciales son relevantes para la fructificación empírica del derecho a la infancia y a la adolescencia a partir de variables correlacionadas con elementos atenuantes de la protección integral, como los homicidios, las muertes por ocurrencia, las muertes accidentales por arma de fuego, las muertes de niños menores de un año, los nacimientos con bajo peso, las notificaciones de negligencia y abandono, la violencia física y sexual, el acoso y la explotación sexual contra niños y adolescentes, y la pornografía infantil. La metodología es cuantitativa y se centra en la estadística descriptiva. El corte temporal de la investigación consiste en los años 2019 y 2020, y los datos están referidos a Brasil. La principal conclusión fue que la raza/color del niño y del adolescente importaba para la fructificación del derecho a la plena protección. Los mejores niveles de fructificación correspondieron al estrato de raza/color blanco, y los peores a los negros e indígenas. Se descubrió que los homicidios de menores de 19 años y las muertes accidentales por arma de fuego eran las variables más sensibles desde el punto de vista racial, mientras que los nacidos vivos con bajo peso al nacer eran la variable con menor sesgo racial. Los resultados desafían las caracterizaciones de la infancia y la adolescencia desracionalizadas en Brasil.O artigo analisa aspectos empíricos do direito à infância e adolescência, não a partir de uma concepção genérica de eficácia e referida a um sujeito universal abstrato, mas com uma abordagem racializada da eficácia, que leve em conta as clivagens raciais existentes. O estudo questiona se, e em que dimensão, os estratos raciais são relevantes para a fruição empírica do direito à infância e adolescência a partir de variáveis correlatas a elementos mitigadores da proteção integral, como homicídios, óbitos por ocorrências, óbitos acidentais por armas de fogo, óbitos de menores de um ano de idade, nascidos com baixo peso, notificações de negligência e abandono, de violência física e sexual, de assédio e exploração sexual contra crianças e adolescentes, e de pornografia infantil. A metodologia é quantitativa e centrada em estatística descritiva. O recorte temporal da pesquisa consiste nos anos de 2019 e 2020, e os dados são referidos ao Brasil. A principal constatação foi a de que a raça/cor da criança e do adolescente importaram para a fruição do direito à proteção integral. Melhores patamares de fruição corresponderam ao estrato de raça/cor branca, e os piores a negros e indígenas. Constatou-se que homicídios de menores de 19 anos e óbitos acidentais por arma de fogo foram as variáveis mais sensíveis à raça, ao passo que nascidos vivos com baixo peso ao nascer foi a variável com menor viés racial. Os resultados contestam caracterizações de infância e adolescência desracializadas no Brasil
Creation of Organizational Knowledge on the Basis Von Krogh, Nonaka and Ichijo Capacitors: A Case Study in the Grange Df Pork Company
This research aimed to identify and analyze, from the perspective of Von krogh et al. (2001), what enablers are present at the creation of organizational knowledge of the swine Granja DF Pork Company, from the perspectives of its managers and employees. The research is characterized as descriptive, qualitative, and the case study as the chosen method. There were nine representative interviewed subjects of strategic, managerial and operational company, selected by convenience sample, via semi-structured, and the use of participant observation technique. The results indicate the existence of four of the five enablers proposed by Von Krogh et al. (2001) in the context of DF Pork: ‘to instill the vision of knowledge', 'managing conversations', 'creating the appropriate context' and 'globalize local knowledge', and detected the absence of enabling 'mobilize knowledge activists' . However, the existence of these enablers happens at the level of individuals the company researched through isolated knowledge conversion practices, not as conditions for the creation of knowledge at the organizational level. Such considerations may serve as a basis for structuring and implementation of knowledge translation practices at the organizational level in DF Pork
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