36 research outputs found

    Health Econometric:Uncovering the Anthropometric Behavior on Women's Labor Market

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    Exploring current literature that assess relations between cognitive ability and height, obesity, and its productivity-employability effect on women's labor market we appraised the Argentine case to find these social-physical relations which involve anthropometric and traditional economic variables. Adapting an anthropometric Mincer approach by using probabilistic and censured econometric models which were developed for it. Subtle evidence of discriminative behavior on obese women, and a good performance of height variable as unobserved cognitive ability approximate measure to explain feminine productivity has been found.

    Medición fisiológica integral de la pobreza crónica profunda y estrategias de políticas sociales para el desarrollo temprano

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    The methodology of the anthropometric indices of chronic poverty at early stages of human development is reviewed by including the possibility of using wealth or consumption as an alternative to income for the representation of an integral dimension of socioeconomic status as well as remarking the methodological adaptability of the indicator to several anthropometric criteria for growth assessment as an integral dimension of the physiologic status for the next generation of poor. Furthermore, a framework on strategies of generational and agricultural policies is discussed to target long-term human development

    Una Aproximación Antropométrica a la Medición de la Pobreza

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    Desde una perspectiva multidimensional al análisis de la pobreza crónica, se adiciono una dimensión antropométrica como referencia integral de bienestar, reinterpretando el significado fisiológico de la existencia de diferentes tipos de desnutrición en niños Argentinos entre 0,5 y 6 años de edad como el de aquellos que sufrirán carencias globales esenciales en el futuro. Indices de Sen y Gini antropométricos demostraron que aquellas familias con desnutrición infantil poseen distribuciones del ingreso más desiguales. Indices de Foster-Greer-Thorbecke bidimensionales identificaron las regiones de NEA y NOA como las más perjudicadas en términos de capacidades cognitivas y culturales en la siguiente generación de pobres./ From a perspective of multidimensional poverty analysis, an anthropometric dimension was added as an integral representation of future welfare, by reinterpreting the current nutritional state of 0.5 to 6 year-old children in Argentina as those who will suer deprivation in Sen's functioningcapability terms. A two-dimensions Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty index has been proposed along with Sen's and Gini's anthropometric indexes to appraise inequality in families undergoing children's malnutrition. Having had malnutrition means more unequal income distribution. NEA's and NOA's regions will have greater problems in functioning, capabilities and cultural barriers when considering the next poor's generation.Crisis alimentaria, deprivación antropométrica, desnutrición, pobreza multidimensional, F-G-T bidimensional, Sen antropométrico. Food crisis, anthropometric deprivation, malnutrition, two-dimensional FG- T, anthropometric Sen index.

    Una aproximación antropométrica a la medición de la pobreza crónica: réplica y notas sobre pobreza multidimensional

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    This essay represents a reply to the commented work “Una aproximación antropométrica a la medición de la pobreza crónica”, and embracing further notes on the adaptability of the proposed integral index ablest to be implemented with others anthropometric measurement criteria in the child poverty measurement. The benefits of the illustrated bidimensional FGT against the usual multidimensional indexes adopted to appraise additional dimensions beyond income are also presented

    Medición fisiológica integral de la pobreza crónica profunda y estrategias de políticas sociales para el desarrollo temprano

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    The methodology of the anthropometric indices of chronic poverty at early stages of human development is reviewed by including the possibility of using wealth or consumption as an alternative to income for the representation of an integral dimension of socioeconomic status as well as remarking the methodological adaptability of the indicator to several anthropometric criteria for growth assessment as an integral dimension of the physiologic status for the next generation of poor. Furthermore, a framework on strategies of generational and agricultural policies is discussed to target long-term human development

    Una aproximación antropométrica a la medición de la pobreza crónica: réplica y notas sobre pobreza multidimensional

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    This essay represents a reply to the commented work “Una aproximación antropométrica a la medición de la pobreza crónica”, and embracing further notes on the adaptability of the proposed integral index ablest to be implemented with others anthropometric measurement criteria in the child poverty measurement. The benefits of the illustrated bidimensional FGT against the usual multidimensional indexes adopted to appraise additional dimensions beyond income are also presented