6,330 research outputs found

    A Declarative Semantics for CLP with Qualification and Proximity

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    Uncertainty in Logic Programming has been investigated during the last decades, dealing with various extensions of the classical LP paradigm and different applications. Existing proposals rely on different approaches, such as clause annotations based on uncertain truth values, qualification values as a generalization of uncertain truth values, and unification based on proximity relations. On the other hand, the CLP scheme has established itself as a powerful extension of LP that supports efficient computation over specialized domains while keeping a clean declarative semantics. In this paper we propose a new scheme SQCLP designed as an extension of CLP that supports qualification values and proximity relations. We show that several previous proposals can be viewed as particular cases of the new scheme, obtained by partial instantiation. We present a declarative semantics for SQCLP that is based on observables, providing fixpoint and proof-theoretical characterizations of least program models as well as an implementation-independent notion of goal solutions.Comment: 17 pages, 26th Int'l. Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'10

    A Transformation-based Implementation for CLP with Qualification and Proximity

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    Uncertainty in logic programming has been widely investigated in the last decades, leading to multiple extensions of the classical LP paradigm. However, few of these are designed as extensions of the well-established and powerful CLP scheme for Constraint Logic Programming. In a previous work we have proposed the SQCLP (proximity-based qualified constraint logic programming) scheme as a quite expressive extension of CLP with support for qualification values and proximity relations as generalizations of uncertainty values and similarity relations, respectively. In this paper we provide a transformation technique for transforming SQCLP programs and goals into semantically equivalent CLP programs and goals, and a practical Prolog-based implementation of some particularly useful instances of the SQCLP scheme. We also illustrate, by showing some simple-and working-examples, how the prototype can be effectively used as a tool for solving problems where qualification values and proximity relations play a key role. Intended use of SQCLP includes flexible information retrieval applications.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, preliminary version of an article of the same title, published as Technical Report SIC-4-10, Universidad Complutense, Departamento de Sistemas Inform\'aticos y Computaci\'on, Madrid, Spai

    Zero-inflated longitudinal mixture model for stochastic radiographic lung compositional change following radiotherapy of lung cancer

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    Compositional data (CD) is mostly analyzed as relative data, using ratios of components, and log-ratio transformations to be able to use known multivariable statistical methods. Therefore, CD where some components equal zero represent a problem. Furthermore, when the data is measured longitudinally, observations are spatially related and appear to come from a mixture population, the analysis becomes highly complex. For this matter, a two-part model was proposed to deal with structural zeros in longitudinal CD using a mixed-effects model. Furthermore, the model has been extended to the case where the non-zero components of the vector might a two component mixture population. Maximum likelihood estimates for fixed effects and variance components are calculated by an approximate Fisher scoring procedure base on sixth-order Laplace approximation. The EM algorithm is used to estimate the probability of the mixture model. The proposed model was used to analyze the radiation therapy effect on tissue change in one patient with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Five CT-scans were obtained during 24 months following RT. Instead of using voxel-level data, voxels were grouped into larger subvolumes called patches. Data in each patch can be represented by a vector in the form of CD with the proportions of tissue classified as dense, hazy, or normal. A statistical model of radiation-induced lung damage (RILD) over time for each patch as a function of time and dose was implemented. The predicted longitudinal compositions were classified to describe tissue change using cluster analysis. Finally, proposed method and cluster analysis were applied to two groups of patients with and without radiation pneumonitis (RP) to characterize tissue changes in RP

    Cosmological Bianchi Class A models in S\'aez-Ballester theory

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    We use the S\'aez-Ballester (SB) theory on anisotropic Bianchi Class A cosmological model, with barotropic fluid and cosmological constant, using the Hamilton or Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Contrary to claims in the specialized literature, it is shown that the S\'aez-Ballester theory cannot provide a realistic solution to the dark matter problem of Cosmology for the dust epoch, without a fine tunning because the contribution of the scalar field in this theory is equivalent to a stiff fluid (as can be seen from the energy--momentum tensor for the scalar field), that evolves in a different way as the dust component. To have similar contributions of the scalar component and the dust component implies that their past values were fine tunned. So, we reinterpreting this null result as an indication that dark matter plays a central role in the formation of structures and galaxy evolution, having measureable effects in the cosmic microwave bound radiation, and than this formalism yield to this epoch as primigenius results. We do the mention that this formalism was used recently in the so called K-essence theory applied to dark energy problem, in place to the dark matter problem. Also, we include a quantization procedure of the theory which can be simplified by reinterpreting the theory in the Einstein frame, where the scalar field can be interpreted as part of the matter content of the theory, and exact solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found, employing the Bianchi Class A cosmological models.Comment: 24 pages; ISBN: 978-953-307-626-3, InTec

    Deployment of Digital Video and Audio Over Electrical SCADA Networks

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    With the arrival of new hardware and software technologies, supervisory control and data acquisition human-machine interfaces (SCADA/HMI), usually text-based, can now benefit from the advantages the inclusion of multimedia information brings. However, due to the special requirements imposed by such systems, integrating audio and video data into the SCADA interfaces is not a trivial task. In this document we analyze those special characteristics and propose solutions so this integration is possible in power systems communication.Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIC2000-0367-P4-0
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