87 research outputs found

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    Integració de competències genèriques a les titulacions de Grau de l’Escola d'Enginyeria de Terrassa (EET) a través de les TIC: comunicació eficaç oral i escrita, tercera llengua i treball en grup

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    S'ha equipat una sala de la Biblioteca del Campus de Terrassa, BCT, com a estudi d'enregistrament de vídeos. Els estudiants poden reservar anticipadament una sessió d'enregistrament mitjançant una plataforma digital i, en aquest estudi, poden gravar un vídeo de la seva presentació oral de forma completament autònoma, amb un mètode senzill i ràpid a través de la plataforma Adobe Connect. El vídeo resultant queda allotjat en un servidor de streaming i la seva URL és el que els estudiants envien als Professors a través del correu-e o, millor, mitjançant ATENEA per procedir a l'avaluació de les competències corresponents. El Projecte nasqué de la necessitat d'avaluar les competències genèriques "comunicació eficaç oral i escrita” alhora que les competències “treball en equip" i "tercera llengua (anglès)" a tots els programes de Grau de l'àrea industrial i de les telecomunicacions a l'EET.Peer Reviewe

    Self-video recording for the integration and assessment of generic competencies

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    This document presents the use of a self-video-recording service for the integration and assessment of certain generic competences (oral and written communication, teamwork and third (English) language) in all degree programs related to the Industrial area at the Terrassa School of Engineering (EET). The resulting service allows to carry out the assessment through active and collaborative learning methodologies using ICT as a support, becoming an educational resource where students are encouraged to evaluate their own activity, individually and in groups (co-evaluation), and with which the faculty can enhance certain sections of the syllabus while also evaluating generic competences. This paper outlines the rationale and design of the system based on self-recording-video that assists work on some generic competences. A preliminary experience has taken place and it has been carried out by volunteer students and some professors from the promoting team. It consisted of following all steps to obtain the video-recording as a result and fulfil the further assessment. Preparing the defence of the final project career, explaining the way a problem is faced are examples of use of the service endowed to assist the assessment of some generic competences. A good number of students and professors have participated in this preliminary experiment carried out on some subjects and in which oral effective communication will be assessed. A specific rubric for the assessment of generic competences has been used both for students and faculty. There is a summary of qualitative feedback from both students and instructors, and where several issues related to improving the self-assessment and self-video-recording system, are discussed. Finally, a survey is proposed, whose results will be helpful for its improvement.Peer ReviewedPreprin