412 research outputs found

    Asignatura "Género y salud" en el Grado Universitario de Enfermería : minimizar creencias sexistas

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    La formación universitaria representa un importante papel en el cambio de actitudes en pro de la igualdad. Atendiendo a este compromiso, se ha implementado en la titulación de Enfermería una asignatura obligatoria en “Género y Salud” con el objetivo de capacitar al alumnado para trabajar la Violencia de Género potenciando las buenas prácticas en Igualdad. Tras dos años de aplicación de la materia hemos realizado un estudio para identificar su influencia en la minimización de las creencias sexistas Para ello hemos realizado un estudio cuasi experimental con un Grupo Estudio (GE) al cual se le ha impartido la asignatura “Género y Salud” y un Grupo Control (GC) equivalente que no ha recibido esa materia, sin embargo, han tenido asignaturas optativas o de libre configuración con perspectiva de género. En el análisis hemos tomado medidas repetidas (Antes y Después) de la intervención mediante la escala Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (Glick y Fiske, 1996) versión española de Expósito (1998) que nos ha permitido medir dos dimensiones del sexismo el Hostil o Tradicional y el Benevolente o Sutil. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan que la materia educativa influye minimizando las creencias Sexistas, especialmente las creencias sexistas Benevolente

    Diseño del modelo de competencias para la Cooperativa Gestionando COOP de la ciudad de Pereira

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    Las organizaciones actuales, se desenvuelven en un medio de constantes cambios y de una alta competitividad empresarial, por tanto requiere contar con los mejores recursos y de la más alta calidad para ser competitivos en el mercado. Uno de los elementos principales para ser competitivos, es su Talento Humano, las organizaciones, requieren contar con un departamento de Gestión Humana, que dirija todos sus esfuerzos para lograr que el personal de sus organizaciones sea competente, es decir, que todo su personal esté alineado a las políticas y objetivos organizacionales, donde realizan su trabajo de manera exitosa, produciendo beneficios y un valor agregado a las organizaciones. Es así, como a partir de dichas necesidades, se requiere contar con procesos, dentro del área de Gestión Humana, por competencias en la empresa Gestionando.coop, donde todos los trabajadores realicen su trabajo de la ¿mejor manera¿, siendo competentes tanto desde su ser, hacer, saber y que esto se manifieste en sus comportamientos. El presente trabajo de grado es una investigación descriptiva ¿ cualitativa, dirigida al diseño y estructuración de un modelo de Gestión Humana por competencias para la cooperativa de trabajo asociado Gestionando.coop. Se identifican tanto las competencias organizacionales, como específicas y se describen de tal manera que sean claras y objetivas para los cargos pertenecientes a esta organización. La identificación y creación de competencias se realiza, de manera participativa con un comité identificador de competencias, conformado por trabajadores de la Cooperativa y se valida mediante un panel de expertos.Today’s organizations develop in the middle of constant changes and very high competitive market, that’s why they require to asset the best resources and the highest quality to be a great competitor in the market. One of the main commodities to be competitive are human resources, the organizations, require to count on human resources departments or personnel departments that guides all efforts to achieve that the personnel on their organizations gets to be competent, this means, to keep all personnel align with the organizational politics and objectives, where they do their work on a successful way, making benefits and a plus to the organizations. In such needs, there are required some processes inside of the competence human resources area on Gestionando.coop, where all the workers do their work in the best way possible, being competent in their knowledge, doing, and being, and this has to be showed through their behaviors. This thesis is a descriptive and qualitative investigation leading to design and structure a model of human resources by competences to worker cooperative Gestionando .Coop. Identifying such as the organizational competencies as the specifics, describing them in such a way to be very clear and objective for every person that belongs to the organization, the identification and making of the competences are done on a participative way with a competence ID committee which is conformed by some of the cooperative workers and validated by an expert panel contributing to the competences validity and relevance by itself. Establishing organizational and specific competences for Gestionando.Coop , is created the base to keep forming an entire area of human resources by competences

    Factors associated with environmental barriers of people with disabilities in Mexico

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations between sociodemographic, health and disabilityrelated factors and the perception of environmental barriers outside the home environment by individuals with permanent disabilities in Mexico. METHODS: In this cross-sectional, population-based study, we used data from the 2010 National Survey of Perceptions of Disability in the Mexican Population of 2,041 participants older than 18 with permanent disability. The perceptions of barriers take into consideration the challenges of getting around and using transportation outside the home environment. The covariates consisted of sociodemographic, health-related and disability-related factors. Multivariate logistic regression was used. RESULTS: The perception of environmental barriers outside the home environment was associated with being a woman, living in an urban area, speaking an indigenous language, experiencing emotional symptoms, having walking/movement, visual or self-care disabilities, having severe/extreme disability, having disability caused by illness, using physical devices, and receiving assistance and care in the home environment. CONCLUSIONS: This information is valuable for the design of public policies and programs that promote the participation of individuals with permanent disabilities, a high-priority issue in low- and middle-income countries

    Frequency of metabolic syndrome in women treated at the Menopause Clinic of the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of the UANL in Northeastern Mexico

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    Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL-cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors

    Archaeological History of a Fijian Island: Moturiki, Lomaiviti Group

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    Moturiki is one of the high islands in the Lomaiviti Group, central Fiji. In this article we present exhaustive empirical information on archaeological survey and test pit excavations carried out in 2008 and 2010. An interesting archaeological landscape emerged, with 89 archaeological sites found on Moturiki and neighboring islands Yanuca Levu, Leleuvia, and Caqalai. The sites include ring-ditch villages, terraced villages, isolated house mounds (yavus), and burial sites. Results from one of the test pits on the southeast of the island indicate possible landscape changes in the last millennium, since the ancient coastline is currently buried at around 1 m below the surface. This lowland area has therefore received large amounts of sediment from higher areas, a likely result of human activity. We also documented remains from a previously recorded Lapita site in the island. Overall, a shift in the settlement patterns from the coast, to the interior areas, back to the coast, has been documented. This shift, taking place on extremely small islands, can hardly be explained by environmental changes. The article puts together our findings and hypothesis, as well as providing the emphasis of our methodological approach

    La Educación en el Trabajo en la asignatura de Ortodoncia

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    Introduction: in-service education is a type of organization of the teaching-learning process where the Marxist and Martian principle of combining study and work under the direction of the professor or tutor is basically applied. This type of organization of the teaching-learning process, and the evaluation system of the subject of Orthodontics, both work as a top gear, constituting a fundamental characteristic for the training of the student.Objective: to describe the organization of the teaching-learning process related to in-service education of the subject of Orthodontics in dentistry major, according to teaching hours and topics, along with its evaluation system.Methods: literature searching in printed and digital texts together with the analysis and synthesis method.Results: program-D of study of the subject of Orthodontics dedicates 72% of the total of teaching hours for in-service education to train students, linking theory with practice and it establishes an Evaluation System that efficiently controls the acquisition of skills and knowledge in an individual way in the students.  With its application, the total number of students passed from 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 academic years, where the quality of the teaching-learning process improved.Conclusions: in-service education is the organization of the main teaching activity in the program-D of study, established by La Habana School of Dentistry together with the schedule of activities and the card for the evaluation of skills. These documents regulate and control the teaching-learning process, guaranteeing a most favorable evaluation and training of the student.Introducción: la Educación en el Trabajo es la Forma Organizativa de la Actividad Docente donde se aplica fundamentalmente el principio marxista y martiano de combinar el estudio con el trabajo bajo la dirección del Profesor o Tutor. Esta Organizativa de la Actividad, y el sistema de evaluación de la asignatura de Ortodoncia funcionan como un engranaje, al ser un aspecto fundamental para la formación del educando.Objetivo: describir la organización de la Educación en el Trabajo de la asignatura de Ortodoncia de la carrera de Estomatología, según horas y temas, y su sistema de evaluación.Métodos: búsqueda bibliográfica en textos impresos y digitales junto al método análisis y síntesis.Resultados: el Plan D de Estudio de la asignatura de Ortodoncia dedica el 72 % del total de horas de su programación a la Educación en el Trabajo, vincula armónicamente la teoría con la práctica y establece un Sistema de Evaluación que controla eficazmente la adquisición de habilidades y conocimientos de manera individual en los estudiantes.  Con su aplicación se ha logrado el total de estudiantes aprobados desde el curso 2014-2015 hasta el curso 2017-2018 y una mejor calidad del proceso docente. Conclusiones: la Educación en el Trabajo es la Organizativa de la Actividad primordial en el Plan D de Estudio, elaborado por la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana junto con el Plan Calendario de Actividades y la Tarjeta de Evaluación de Habilidades. Estos documentos regulan y controlan el proceso docente educativo al garantizar una óptima evaluación y preparación del educando

    In-service education in the subject of Orthodontics

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    Introducción: la Educación en el Trabajo es la Forma Organizativa de la Actividad Docente donde se aplica fundamentalmente el principio marxista y martiano de combinar el estudio con el trabajo bajo la dirección del Profesor o Tutor. Esta Organizativa de la Actividad, y el sistema de evaluación de la asignatura de Ortodoncia funcionan como un engranaje, al ser un aspecto fundamental para la formación del educando.Objetivo: describir la organización de la Educación en el Trabajo de la asignatura de Ortodoncia de la carrera de Estomatología, según horas y temas, y su sistema de evaluación.Métodos: búsqueda bibliográfica en textos impresos y digitales junto al método análisis y síntesis.Resultados: el Plan D de Estudio de la asignatura de Ortodoncia dedica el 72 % del total de horas de su programación a la Educación en el Trabajo, vincula armónicamente la teoría con la práctica y establece un Sistema de Evaluación que controla eficazmente la adquisición de habilidades y conocimientos de manera individual en los estudiantes.  Con su aplicación se ha logrado el total de estudiantes aprobados desde el curso 2014-2015 hasta el curso 2017-2018 y una mejor calidad del proceso docente. Conclusiones: la Educación en el Trabajo es la Organizativa de la Actividad primordial en el Plan D de Estudio, elaborado por la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana junto con el Plan Calendario de Actividades y la Tarjeta de Evaluación de Habilidades. Estos documentos regulan y controlan el proceso docente educativo al garantizar una óptima evaluación y preparación del educando.Introduction: in-service education is a type of organization of the teaching-learning process where the Marxist and Martian principle of combining study and work under the direction of the professor or tutor is basically applied. This type of organization of the teaching-learning process, and the evaluation system of the subject of Orthodontics, both work as a top gear, constituting a fundamental characteristic for the training of the student.Objective: to describe the organization of the teaching-learning process related to in-service education of the subject of Orthodontics in dentistry major, according to teaching hours and topics, along with its evaluation system.Methods: literature searching in printed and digital texts together with the analysis and synthesis method.Results: program-D of study of the subject of Orthodontics dedicates 72% of the total of teaching hours for in-service education to train students, linking theory with practice and it establishes an Evaluation System that efficiently controls the acquisition of skills and knowledge in an individual way in the students.  With its application, the total number of students passed from 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 academic years, where the quality of the teaching-learning process improved.Conclusions: in-service education is the organization of the main teaching activity in the program-D of study, established by La Habana School of Dentistry together with the schedule of activities and the card for the evaluation of skills. These documents regulate and control the teaching-learning process, guaranteeing a most favorable evaluation and training of the student

    Una guía metodológica para el diseño, implementación, ejecución y valoración de un proyecto educativo

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    The educational direction for educational projects is gaining increasing momentum in educational institutions, because, in this procedure, the necessary integration of the processes that are developed in these, in pursuit of the fulfillment of its mission, objectives and goals, intersectoral as a unifying element of all socio-educational agents that participate internally and externally in the training process, to which is added strategic planning with a prospective vision that specifies the most transcendent aspirations to achieve, what to do and how to achieve them. The paper presents a methodological guide for the design, implementation, implementation and evaluation of an educational project, which is the result of the management experience of educational projects at the University of Pedagogical Sciences Frank País García between 2010 and 2015 ( at the level of institution, careers and academic years) in order to integrate the demands of the professional training model, the improvement of the educational work in the basic link and the contextualization of the center's particularities.La dirección educacional por proyectos educativos cobra cada vez mayor auge en las instituciones educativas, por cuanto, en este proceder se materializan la necesaria integración de los procesos que se desarrollan en estas, en pos del cumplimiento de su misión, objetivos y metas, la intersectorialidad como elemento aglutinador de todos los agentes socioeducativos que participan interna y externamente en el proceso formativo, a lo que se añade la planeación estratégica con una visión prospectiva que precisa las aspiraciones más transcendentes a lograr, qué hacer y cómo lograrlas. En la ponencia se presenta una guía metodológica para el diseño implementación, ejecución y valoración de un proyecto educativo, lo cual es resultado de la experiencia de la dirección por proyectos educativos en la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Frank País García entre el 2010 y el 2015 (a nivel de institución, carreras y años académicos) en la intención de integrar las exigencias del modelo de formación del profesional, el perfeccionamiento de la labor educativa en el eslabón de base y la contextualización a las particularidades del centro

    Personality and leadership style in generation z: A quantitative study in a higher education institution in Mexico

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discern the combination of personality traits that most contribute to effective leadership styles in individuals belonging to Generation Z. Design/methodology/approach: We utilized a structural equation model to analyze data from 244 higher education students in Mexico. This approach allowed us to examine the relationship between personality traits, leadership styles, and perceived effectiveness. Findings: Our findings indicate that the transformational leadership style is the most impactful among Generation Z individuals. Furthermore, the personality traits of openness and conscientiousness emerged as the most influential in relation to effective leadership styles. Research limitations/implications:  Despite valuable insights, limitations exist due to small sample size (n=244) from one institution, restricting generalizability. The cross-sectional nature provides a snapshot, not accounting for societal/technological shifts affecting Generation Z over time. Self-reported data may suffer from biases. The cultural context focuses solely on a Mexican educational setting. Future research calls for larger, more diverse samples across institutions/countries with longitudinal data to offer enhanced, nuanced understanding of evolving leadership and personality traits within Generation Z. Practical implications: Organizations could enhance effectiveness by fostering transformational leadership among Generation Z employees through coaching/training programs tailored for this cohort. Academically, business curricula would benefit from integrating insights on aligning leadership styles with inherent personality traits. Social Implications: Transformational leadership emergence within Generation Z may propagate leaders equipped to drive innovation, convey visionary goals, and evoke follower commitment to address pressing societal issues. Originality/value: To our knowledge, this study represents the first investigation within the Mexican context examining the interplay of personality traits, leadership styles, and effectiveness among Generation Z individuals

    La evaluación de la comunicación científica escrita desde una perspectiva didáctica en la enseñanza posgraduada

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    The project «Teaching strategy to enhance scientific communication skills in professionals» develops a training course for the production of argumentative scientific texts. The paper presents the assessment criteria to be applied by the teacher and students for assessing the writing production process and the quality of argumentative scientific texts.El proyecto desarrolla un entrenamiento para la producción de textos científicos argumentativos. El proyecto «Estrategia didáctica para potenciar en los profesionales las habilidades comunicativas para la comunicación científica», desarrolla un entrenamiento para la producción de textos científicos argumentativos. En el artículo se exponen los indicadores de evaluación que emplearán el profesor y los estudiantes para evaluar el proceso de producción del texto científico argumentativo y su calidad