101 research outputs found

    Incorporación de casos clínicos para la mejora de la enseñanza de Fisiopatología.

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    El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido analizar los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de una nueva metodología docente en la enseñanza de Fisiopatología, asignatura troncal impartida en tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla. El número de estudiantes es de 548 repartidos en 4 grupos. El proyecto implica la resolución de casos clínicos como nuevo método de enseñanza. Con esta actividad conseguimos que el alumno realice un análisis intensivo y completo de un problema real, con la finalidad de interpretarlo, resolverlo, contrastar datos, reflexionar e interrelacionar conocimientos. El resultado de la innovación muestra que la incorporación de casos clínicos a la enseñanza de Fisiopatología beneficia al alumnado, no solo en su participación y conocimiento de la materia, sino además, en la obtención de mejores calificaciones. Por otro lado, los alumnos han mostrado su satisfacción con la nueva metodología implantada, valorando positivamente la experiencia. Palabras clave: innovación docente, Fisiopatología, casos clínicos, metodología docente.The aim of this project is to analyze the results obtained in the development of a new educational methodology in the teaching of Physiopathology (a subject included in the third year of the Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy, at the University of Seville). The number of students is 548, divided into 4 groups. The project involves the resolution of clinical cases as a new teaching method. With this activity the students carry out a full and intensive analysis of a real problem in order to interpret, solve, compare data, reflect, and interrelate knowledge. The result of this new methodology shows that the incorporation of clinical cases into the teaching of Physiopathology benefits students not only in improving the participation in class and knowledge of the material, but also in achieving better marks. Furthermore, students have shown their satisfaction with the new implemented methodology, and appreciate the experience

    La identidad femenina tradicional y moderna en Corea

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    El presente documento pretende mostrar una visión general de cómo ha evolucionado la identidad femenina en Corea hasta llegar a la actualidad en Corea del Sur. Históricamente, la cultura tradicional a nivel mundial ha colocado al rol de la mujer en la sociedad en segundo plano, siendo considerado al hombre como el principal responsable en cuanto a la toma de decisiones, tanto en el gobierno como en la familia. Mientras que la mujer ha sido encasillada en un rol de ama de casa y responsable del cuidado y educación de los hijos. Este rol, aún con el paso del tiempo y con su incursión en el ámbito laboral, cada vez más firme y en puestos de mayor rango, sigue predominando como responsabilidad del género femenino. La cultura coreana no ha sido la excepción en este esquema mundial, e incluso durante un largo periodo de tiempo, se caracterizó por tener un marcado patriarcado, que aún en tiempos modernos no ha sido erradicado del todo, sin embargo si han sido notables los cambios que se han ido dando en el rol femenino dentro de la sociedad, los cuales se mencionan en el presente documento. Para realizar este análisis, se consideraron los periodos de mayor auge para dos de las doctrinas filosófico-ideológicas predominantes en Corea, que son el chamanismo y el confucianismo, ya que en estos es muy notorio el rol impuesto a las mujeres coreanas. Se dedica también un espacio a mencionar las razones en la transición del matriarcado al patriarcado, así como las características principales que el confucianismo trajo consigo en la diferenciación entre hombres y mujeres. Posteriormente se describen brevemente los eventos que dieron oportunidad para abrir mayores espacios a la mujer dentro de la sociedad coreana y se hace una descripción de los cambios más relevantes en la transición de la mujer tradicional a la mujer moderna, impulsados por algunas políticas gubernamentales así como por movimientos feministas, tanto sutiles como radicales, que se han presentado durante las últimas décadas; finalizando con las conclusiones sobre lo investigado y plasmado en el presente documento.Centro de Estudios Coreano

    Similitudes y contrastes entre Corea y México a través de su configuración histórica a través de la religión

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    Es evidente que la religión tuvo un papel importante en la configuración de las sociedades actuales, sin embargo, su efecto lo tuvo en distinta medida. En el caso mexicano la religión no tuvo impacto en la configuración del sistema político como en Corea ya que los líderes políticos no eran enviados a escuelas religiosas para poder acceder a esos puestos, aunque la influencia si se aprecia algunas veces en la decisión sobre algunas políticas en temas como el aborto, el matrimonio igualitario en donde existe controversia entre los ideales sociales y religiosos o conservadores. En México es más evidente la influencia de la religión en la sociedad, ya que, actualmente muchas familias siguen basando su actuar en los preceptos católicos, además de que aún la festividad del 12 de diciembre, día en que se celebra a la virgen de Guadalupe es un día significativo para muchos mexicanos. La devoción de las personas hacia los santos sigue estando muy presente en todos los estratos de la sociedad, principalmente en las zonas rurales, ya que en las zonas urbanas la religión comienza a difuminarse cada vez más. Aunado a la globalización los jóvenes cada vez más se alejan de la religión (la que sea). Por otro lado, el impacto religioso en Corea es más visible en todos los aspectos, es notorio, en su manera de actuar como sociedad, además de que la religión jugó un papel importante en momentos difíciles como la invasión japonesa y la guerra de Corea reforzando el nacionalismo y buscando la unificación social. Actitudes como la disciplina, la armonía, paciencia, desapego, simplicidad los caracterizan y los han ayudado a crecer, y esas actitudes las encuentran en sus religiones y rituales religiosos. Sin duda, vivimos contextos muy distintos ya que nuestras religiones principales no son las mismas y por ende nuestras tradiciones difieren, sin embargo, ambos países compartimos algunas experiencias y elementos que nos pueden ayudar a crecer y tomar esas diferencias para enriquecernos culturalmente.Centro de Estudios Coreano

    Inactivation of the CB2 receptor accelerated the neuropathological deterioration in TDP-43 transgenic mice, a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    The activation of the cannabinoid receptor type-2 (CB2) afforded neuroprotection in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) models. The objective of this study was to further investigate the relevance of the CB2 receptor through investigating the consequences of its inactivation. TDP-43(A315T) transgenic mice were crossed with CB2 receptor knock-out mice to generate double mutants. Temporal and qualitative aspects of the pathological phenotype of the double mutants were compared to TDP-43 transgenic mice expressing the CB2 receptor. The double mutants exhibited significantly accelerated neurological decline, such that deteriorated rotarod performance was visible at 7 weeks, whereas rotarod performance was normal up to 11 weeks in transgenic mice with intact expression of the CB2 receptor. A morphological analysis of spinal cords confirmed an earlier death (visible at 65 days) of motor neurons labelled with Nissl staining and ChAT immunofluorescence in double mutants compared to TDP-43 transgenic mice expressing the CB2 receptor. Evidence of glial reactivity, measured using GFAP and Iba-1 immunostaining, was seen in double mutants at 65 days, but not in TDP-43 transgenic mice expressing the CB2 receptor. However, at 90 days, both genotypes exhibited similar changes for all these markers, although surviving motor neurons of transgenic mice presented some morphological abnormalities in absence of the CB2 receptor that were not as evident in the presence of this receptor. This faster deterioration seen in double mutants led to premature mortality compared with TDP-43 transgenic mice expressing the CB2 receptor. We also investigated the consequences of a pharmacological inactivation of the CB2 receptor using the selective antagonist AM630 in TDP-43 transgenic mice, but results showed only subtle trends towards a greater deterioration. In summary, our results confirmed the potential of the CB2 receptor agonists as a neuroprotective therapy in ALS and strongly support the need to progress towards an evaluation of this potential in patients.post-print1648 K

    Motor neuron preservation and decrease of in vivo TDP-43 phosphorylation by protein CK-1δ kinase inhibitor treatment

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    athogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating disease where no treatment exists, involves the compartmentalization of the nuclear protein TDP-43 (TAR DNA-binding protein 43) in the cytoplasm which is promoted by its aberrant phosphorylation and others posttranslational modifications. Recently, it was reported that CK-1δ (protein casein kinase-1δ) is able to phosphorylate TDP-43. Here, the preclinical efficacy of a benzothiazole-based CK-1δ inhibitor IGS-2.7, both in a TDP-43 (A315T) transgenic mouse and in a human cell-based model of ALS, is shown. Treatment with IGS-2.7 produces a significant preservation of motor neurons in the anterior horn at lumbar level, a decrease in both astroglial and microglial reactivity in this area, and in TDP-43 phosphorylation in spinal cord samples. Furthermore, the recovery of TDP-43 homeostasis (phosphorylation and localization) in a human-based cell model from ALS patients after treatment with IGS-2.7 is also reported. Moreover, we have shown a trend to increase in CK-1δ mRNA in spinal cord and significantly in frontal cortex of sALS cases. All these data show for the first time the in vivo modulation of TDP-43 toxicity by CK-1δ inhibition with IGS-2.7, which may explain the benefits in the preservation of spinal motor neurons and point to the relevance of CK-1δ inhibitors in a future disease-modifying treatment for ALS

    Endocannabinoid System in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type-3 and Other Autosomal-Dominant Cerebellar Ataxias: Potential Role in Pathogenesis and Expected Relevance as Neuroprotective Targets

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a group of hereditary and progressive neurological disorders characterized by a loss of balance and motor coordination typically associated with cerebellar atrophy. The most prevalent SCA types are all polyQ disorders like Huntington’s disease, sharing the most relevant events in pathogenesis with this basal ganglia disorder, but with most of the damage concentrated in cerebellar neurons, and in their afferent and efferent connections (e.g., brainstem nuclei). SCAs have no cure and effective symptom-alleviating and disease-modifying therapies are not currently available. However, based on results obtained in studies conducted in murine models and information derived from analyses in post-mortem tissue samples from patients, which show notably higher levels of CB1 receptors found in different cerebellar neuronal subpopulations, the blockade of these receptors has been proposed for acutely modulating motor incoordination in cerebellar ataxias, whereas their chronic activation has been proposed for preserving specific neuronal losses. Additional studies in post-mortem tissues from SCA patients have also demonstrated elevated levels of CB2 receptors in Purkinje neurons as well as in glial elements in the granular layer and in the cerebellar white matter, with a similar profile found for endocannabinoid hydrolyzing enzymes, then suggesting that activating CB2 receptors and/or inhibiting these enzymes may also serve to develop cannabinoid-based neuroprotective therapies. The present review will address both aspects. On one hand, the endocannabinoid system becomes dysregulated in the cerebellum and also in other CNS structures (e.g., brainstem, basal ganglia) in SCAs, which may contribute to the progression of pathogenic events in these diseases. On the other hand, these endocannabinoid alterations may be pharmacologically corrected or enhanced, and this may have therapeutic consequences, either alleviating specific symptoms or eliciting neuroprotective effects, an objective presently under investigation

    Preparation of Low-Phenylalanine Macro Peptides and Estimation of its Phenylalanine Content by Fluorometric Technique

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    The aims of the study were to prepare macro peptides low in phenylalanine (Phe) from non-conventional raw materials, and to demonstrate the feasibility of using the fluorometric technique to measure the diminution of their Phe content. Aqueous solution of flours of legumes, and amaranth panicles were used to elaborate the concentrates by using isoelectric precipitation. These protein concentrates, and a whey solution were incubated with proteolytic enzymes to hydrolyze the peptide link at the aromatic amino acids, and then these macro peptides were filtrated through activated charcoal, in order to reduce its phenylalanine concentration. The Phe concentration, of the each prepared macro peptides, was analyzed by using fluorometric technique, and it was later validated by using HPLC. The crude protein contents in the concentrates have varied from 90% in the protein isolate from lentils, 76% in those from the frijol white, and 44% in those from amaranth panicles. Protein concentrates, and whey were hydrolyzed by using the following enzymes: pepsin from the pig gastric mucosa, protease from Aspergillus oryzae, and protease type XIV from Streptomyces griseus. It was determined that the enzymes with the better hydrolysis capacity, were the proteases from S. griseus and A. oryzae. The macro peptides with non-linked phe were filtered through activated charcoal. Reductions of Phe of up to 99% in the second and third filtrate were observed and this reduction was corroborated by using HPLC technique. It was also established the higher sensitivity of the fluorometric method to detect Phe, than the HPLC technique

    Dysregulation of the endocannabinoid signaling system in the cerebellum and brainstem in a transgenic mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type-3.

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type-3 (SCA-3) is a rare disease but it is the most frequent type within the autosomal dominant inherited ataxias. The disease lacks an effective treatment to alleviate major symptoms and to modify disease progression. Our recent findings that endocannabinoid receptors and enzymes are significantly altered in the post-mortem cerebellum of patients affected by autosomal-dominant hereditary ataxias suggest that targeting the endocannabinoid signaling system may be a promising therapeutic option. Our goal was to investigate the status of the endocannabinoid signaling system in a transgenic mouse model of SCA-3, in the two CNS structures most affected in this disease cerebellum and brainstem. These animals exhibited progressive motor incoordination, imbalance, abnormal gait, muscle weakness, and dystonia, in parallel to reduced in vivo brain glucose metabolism, deterioration of specific neuron subsets located in the dentate nucleus and pontine nuclei, small changes in microglial morphology, and reduction in glial glutamate transporters. Concerning the endocannabinoid signaling, our data indicated no changes in CB2 receptors. By contrast, CB1 receptors increased in the Purkinje cell layer, in particular in terminals of basket cells, but they were reduced in the dentate nucleus. We also measured the levels of endocannabinoid lipids and found reductions in anandamide and oleoylethanolamide in the brainstem. These changes correlated with an increase in the FAAH enzyme in the brainstem, which also occurred in some cerebellar areas, whereas other endocannabinoid-related enzymes were not altered. Collectively, our results in SCA-3 mutant mice confirm a possible dysregulation in the endocannabinoid system in the most important brain structures affected in this type of ataxia, suggesting that a pharmacological manipulation addressed to correct these changes could be a promising option in SCA-3.This study has been supported by MICINN (SAF2009-11847 and SAF2015-68580-C2-1-R), CIBERNED (CB06/05/0089), "Fundacion Eugenio Rodriguez Pascual" and the Research and Education Component of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Carmen Rodriguez-Cueto was a predoctoral fellow supported by FPI Program-Ministry of Science. Authors are indebted to Yolanda Garcia-Movellan for administrative support