1,261 research outputs found

    The gastropod-symbiotic sea anemone genus Isosicyonis Carlgren, 1927 (Actiniaria : Actiniidae): a new species from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) that clarifies the taxonomic position of the genus

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    A second species of the sea anemone genus Isosicyonis is described and illustrated from 16 specimens collected in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) on the Polarstern cruises ANT XVII/3, ANT XXI/2 and ANT XXIII/8. Isosicyonis striata n. sp. is easily distinguishable externally from the other species of the genus Isosicyonis alba by its pattern: white longitudinal stripes on the column, oral disc, and tentacles. It is also distinguished by internal features including the retractor muscles, parietobasilar muscles, marginal sphincter muscles, number of mesenteries, and cnidae. The genus Isosycionis is currently only known from the Southern Ocean. Both species of Isosicyonis live in association with a gastropod, with a single sea anemone occupying almost the whole shell of its gastropod host. The description of this new species, and our re-examination of Isosicyonis alba, resolves the controversial higher taxonomic position of the genus, confirming its placement within the Endomyaria

    A new species of Hormathia (Actiniaria, Hormathiidae) from the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica

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    A new species of sea anemone in the genus Hormathia, is described and illustrated based on fortytwo specimens collected during the Polarstern cruises ANT XV/3 and ANT XVII/3 in the Weddell Sea. The main features of the new taxon are the crown of flattened and hooked tubercles at the distal end of the scapus, the regular arrangement of pointed tubercles along the column and the cnidom. The new species shares the pointed tubercles, at least in the upper part of the scapus, with two other species of Hormathia in the southern hemisphere: Hormathia spinosa Hertwig 1882 and H. pectinata Hertwig 188

    New record of the sea anemone Kadosactis antarctica (Carlgren, 1928): re-description of an Antarctic deep-sea sea anemone, and a discussion of its generic and familial placement

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    Sagartiogeton antarcticus Carlgren, 1928 is an Antarctic deep-sea species of sea anemone only known from its holotype. The species has been assigned to the genera Sagartiogeton and Kadosactis, and is currently placed within the family Kadosactidae Riemann-Zu¨rneck, 1991. Kadosactis antarctica is re-described based on 11 specimens collected during the cruise of the R/V Polarstern ANT XIX/3 (ANDEEP-I) to the Scotia Sea and off the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). The description includes a complete account of cnidae and photographs. Because the mesogloea is thickened on the aboral surface on the base of the tentacles, this feature becomes a generic character of Kadosactis rather than a differential specific character among the species of the genus as previously proposed. Furthermore, the known distribution of the species is enlarged to include the southern branch of the Scotia Sea

    Stephanthus antarcticus, a new genus and species of sea anemone (Actiniaria, Haloclavidae) from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica

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    Stephanthus antarcticus gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated from six specimens collected in the Antarctic Peninsula on the Polarstern cruises ANT XV/3 and ANT XIX/3. The new genus is characterised by the absence of sphincter and basilar musculature, the presence of a single strong siphonoglyph with a basal enlargement, distinct parietobasilar musculature, tentacles without acrospheres, two cycles of six pairs of mesenteries (only one of them perfect), and a deep fosse with parapet; another remarkable feature is the absence of microbasic p-mastigophores. The new genus shows characteristics of three families of soft-bottomdwelling sea anemones, namely Haloclavidae Verrill, 1899, Halcampoididae Appellöf, 1896, and Andresiidae Stephenson, 1922. The generic characters of Stephanthus gen. nov. are discussed and it is tentatively placed in the family Haloclavidae

    Project Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Beer production project

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    El objetivo de este documento es encontrar soluciones a los problemas de gestión de proyectos que surgen como consecuencia de la cuarta revolución industrial, que está cambiando la industria tal y como la conocemos y nos sitúa en un punto crítico de adaptación a una nueva realidad que traerá consigo grandes oportunidades y también grandes riesgos. Además, la gestión de los nuevos proyectos 4.0 supondrá un reto de comunicación entre expertos en tecnologías y lenguajes informáticos muy diferentes, por lo que este documento destaca los elementos a tener en cuenta en la revolución tecnológica y estudia cómo gestionar un proyecto en una Smart factory.The aim of this document is to find solutions to the project management problems that arise as a result of the fourth industrial revolution, which is changing industry as we know it and places us at a critical point of adaptation to a new reality that will bring great opportunities as well as great risks. In addition, the management of new 4.0 projects will pose a challenge for communication between experts in very different technologies and computer languages, which is why this document highlights the elements to be taken into account in the technological revolution and studies how to manage a project in a Smart factory.Hochschule Albstadt-SigmaringenGrado en Ingeniería en Organización Industria

    Sistematización de una experiencia pedagógica de educación primaria en una institución educativa pública del Municipio de Santa Rosa, Risaralda

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    La finalidad de la presente investigación consiste en sistematizar una experiencia significativa en la educación primaria específicamente en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales, reflexionando acerca de los aspectos positivos y negativos de la construcción y ejecución de unidades didácticas diseñadas desde la Metodología de pequeños científicos. Se propone como ruta metodológica ubicar la investigación en un paradigma cualitativo, con un diseño metodológico de estudio de caso, donde se trabaja con docentes de una Institución Educativa pública del Municipio de Santa Rosa, Risaralda. El procedimiento se realiza en cuatro momentos, el primer momento en donde se revisa el estado del arte, se construye la justificación y se formula el problema de investigación; un segundo momento en el que se acompaña a los docentes en la elaboración de las unidades didácticas; un tercer momento en donde se observan la aplicación de dos de las sesiones planteadas en la secuencia didáctica; y finalmente un cuarto momento en donde se sistematiza una de las experiencias docentes a través de la construcción de un relato en el que se exponen los aspectos positivos y/o negativos de la aplicabilidad de la metodología por indagación en el área de Ciencias Naturales

    Bullying y cyberbullying: comparativa entre centros de Mairena del Alcor y Coria del Río

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    En este proyecto trataremos los fenómenos del Bullying y Cyberbullyingen las aulas de Educación Primaria, abordando en primer lugar la bibliografía existente en referencia a ambos fenómenos con el objetivo de hacer un breve recorrido desde sus inicios hasta su actualidad. De esta forma, verificaremos los antecedentes del término así como sus múltiples acepciones, la tipología, los efectos y consecuencias, así como otros diversos aspectos que resultan necesarios para nuestro proyecto. Además de este recorrido teórico, elaboraremos una breve comparativa entre ambos fenómenos y acabaremos esta fundamentación teórica con algunas recomendaciones de prevención y extinción.Por otra parte, en segunda instancia, abordaremos de lleno la investigación que hemos llevado a cabo en dos colegios sevillanos con el objetivo de verificar el grado de concienciación que existe en ambos centros de los dos fenómenos que nos atañen así como de estimar el índice de incidencia de ambos tipos de acoso. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado un taller para trabajar la temática en los centros de Educación Primaria, de forma que ayudemos a que el nivel de incidencia disminuya.In this project, we will talk about Bullying and Cyberbullying in the classrooms of Primary Education, firstly approaching the existing bibliography in reference to both phenomena with the aim to do a brief tour from the beginnings up tothe current importance. Of this form, we will check the precedents of the term as well as the multiple meanings, the typology, the effects and the consequences, as well as other diverse aspects that turn out to be necessary for our project. Besides this theoretical tour, we will elaborate the brief comparative one between both phenomena and will end this theoretical foundation with some recommendations of prevention and extinction.On the other hand, in the second instance, we will approach squarely the research that we have carried out in two Sevillian schools with the aim to check the level of raising awareness that exists in both centers of both phenomena that us concern as well as of estimating the index of incident of both types of harassment.Finally, a workshop has developed to be employed the subject matter at the centers of Primary Education, so that we help that the level of incident diminishesUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Application of Thermography in Education: A Bibliometric and Meta-Analysis

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    [EN] From engineering and physics to health sciences are only a few of the professional topics where infrared thermography is usually applied. Future professionals need to be thoroughly taught in its use and familiar with its fundamentals for this reason. However, because of the high cost and the difficulty in evaluating the outcomes of using this technology in teaching and learning, it may be difficult to acquire the necessary skills and to design educational research that can be used to evaluate the learning potential of the tool. Furthermore, thermography is a physical instrument that can be used to enhance the competencies acquired at different educational levels. In this work, a bibliometric analysis is implemented from a Scopus ® dataset to analyse the trend and evolution of the work linking thermography and education, also the main sources of the works. Additionally, a meta-analysis will be implemented to draw a network map for co-occurrences in order to identify the different subtopics from the relationship between the scientific works published. Since infrared thermography oriented to education is a lowly explored topic, this work may be a starting point for new developments and research lines.S

    Palabras que moven o mundo: o ensino da literatura máis aló das aulas universitarias

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    [Resumen] “Palabras que moven o mundo” é un proxecto interdisciplinar levado a cabo no curso 2017/2018 no marco de tres materias do Mestrado Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obrigatoria e Bacharelato, Formación Profesional e Ensinanza de Idiomas en que participou o alumnado do módulo específico de Linguas e Literaturas galega e castelá. Asenta na vindicación do hábitat e gravita arredor de tres elementos sobre os que queremos reformular a práctica docente: o espazo público, o uso da palabra escrita por parte de quen transita por este e a poesía, desde a convicción de que existe unha retroalimentación positiva entre todos eles. Así, a súa implementación contribuíu a facer máis habitábeis os espazos intervidos e estes actuaron, asemade, como resortes de visibilidade para o xénero poético e fomentaron a lectura fóra dos espazos en que esta constitúe unha práctica excesivamente ritualizada, promovendo a formación do alumnado en metodoloxías activas e ampliando a súa concepción de literatura e dos espazos en que debe proxectarse. Outrosí, a potencialidade transformadora do proxecto favoreceu tamén que o alumnado se decatase da importancia do espazo público como ámbito de diálogo e reflexión social e da dimensión das artes como xeradoras de pensamento crítico.[Abstract] Abstract:“Words to Rock the World” is an interdisciplinary project carried out during the 2017/2018 academic year in the context of three subjects belonging to the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (University of A Coruña) and involving students from the module on Language and Literature in Galician and Spanish. Grounded on a particular interest in space, the project is organized around three elements and their potential intersections: public spaces, the use of the written word by those who inhabit such spaces, and (the vindication of) poetry. Its implementation has contributed to making the featured spaces more habitable, while adding visibility to the poetic genre and promoting the act of reading poetry in broader – and less ritualised – contexts and spaces. This, in turn, has served to train students in various methodologies of active learning as well as to widen their approach to literature, both in itself and in relation to the spaces in which it is usually consumed. In addition, the transforming potential of this project has also helped students to apprehend the importance of public spaces as sites of dialogue and social reflection, while reinforcing the potential of various artistic manifestations to engender critical thinking

    Impact of stock health on fish prices: Evaluation and implications for food accessibility

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    [Abstract]: The continuous rise of the world’s population has made food security a major point of the global agenda, with fisheries providing a key source of nutrition, especially in developing countries. Ensuring their health is key to maintain the availability of the resource, but its effect over accessibility is yet unclear. In this paper, we discuss the relevance of stock health for ensuring the price accessibility of the resource. A Least Square Dummy Variable panel model is proposed for bluefin tuna prices, with a biological explanatory component, and dummy variables reflecting changes in fishing trends. Both have proven to be significant to explain annual price variations, with improvements in stock health achieving price reductions