21 research outputs found

    Estudio exploratorio en gestión de proyectos

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    Several authors argue that project management is conducted with quantitative techniques that correspond to a linear cause-effect behavior; however, it should be treated with techniques that correspond to a nonlinear cause and effect behavior. This study explores the behavior of project management under a non-linear cause-effect approach using chaos theory and four project management variables: time, human resources, quality, and cost. Parkinson's law and chaos theory are used; mathematical equations are formulated to explain nonlinear cause-effect behavior in project management. The study was conducted considering the experience of management in mining projects. The mathematical model found can be used by academics to deepen the analysis of the reasons for the complexity of project management. Also, this study is useful for managers in making decisions to calculate the expected duration of the project.Diversos autores sostienen que la gestión de proyectos se conduce con técnicas cuantitativas que corresponden a un comportamiento de causa-efecto lineal; sin embargo, debería ser tratada con técnicas que corresponden a un comportamiento de causa-efecto no lineal. Este estudio explora el comportamiento de la gestión de proyectos bajo un enfoque de causa-efecto no lineal utilizando la teoría del caos y cuatro variables de gestión proyectos: tiempo, recurso humano, calidad, y costo. Se utiliza la ley de Parkinson y la teoría del caos, se formulan ecuaciones matemáticas para explicar el comportamiento de causa-efecto no lineal en la gestión de proyectos. El estudio fue realizado considerando la experiencia de la gestión en proyectos mineros. El modelo matemático encontrado puede ser utilizado por los académicos para profundizar el análisis de los motivos de la complejidad de la gestión de proyectos. Asimismo, este estudio es de utilidad para los gerentes en la toma de decisiones para el cálculo de la duración esperada del proyecto

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)

    Measuring suspended sediment and its wave and turbulence forcing in the Dee estuary

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    Coastal areas support many human activities and represent a very important habitat for many marine and bird species. The Dee estuary, located in the eastern Irish Sea, is 20 km long, 8 km wide at the mouth and is characterized by a 10 m tidal range. Suspended and seabed sediments in the Dee contain a diverse assemblage of non-cohesive and cohesive sediments, and therefore the threshold of motion at the bed could be a complex process, dependent on several factors. In this paper, we present data collected during 2 deployments in the Dee, including both acoustic and optical instruments to study the link between the hydrodynamics, turbulence, and suspended sediments. Suspended sediment concentration is clearly controlled by tides following the flood/ ebb and spring/neap cycle. Moderate wave events were observed to increase sediment concentration, though mainly near the bed. High concentrations of silt and very fine sand were found that could support the flocculation processes during the flood and ebb cycle. Sediment concentrations at heights above 1 m from the bed do not present direct relation with bottom stress

    Prediccion de oleaje generado por dos huracanes en las costas mexicanas del Golfo de Mexico : Evaluation of wave generation induced by two hurricanes on the Mexican coast of the Gulf of Mexico

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    In this paper the behavior of the WAM model in the prediction of waves induced by hurricanes using wind fields of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis program is evaluated. This is done by simulating the wave fields generated in the Gulf of Mexico by two recent hurricanes: Gilbert (1988) and Isidore (2002). Wave spectra at four points in front of the most important ports of the area are also analyzed. The results of significant wave heights and periods are compared with field measurements from three oceanographic buoys located in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico. The agreement between model results and measurements is satisfactory

    Comparison of wave-current interaction formulation using POLCOMS-WAM wave-current model

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    Ocean processes do not take place in isolation but interact with one another to form a complex system. This paper focuses on these processes by using and developing the POLCOMS-WAM model. The Stokes’ drift and radiation stress effect on currents have been included, following state of the art formulations. The system is evaluated in the NW Mediterranean and the Irish Sea. Due to oceanographic properties of the Catalan coast, currents are typically less than 20 cm/s and therefore the modification of waves due to the effect of currents is minimal. However, the wave induced currents, mainly caused by enhanced wind drag due to waves, produce a current of about the same magnitude as the ambient one and thus become an important source of mass transport. For the Irish Sea an improvement of storm surge modelling by considering a wave modified wind stress is presented