4 research outputs found

    Developing a machine learning model for fake news detection

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    The article is devoted to the problem of detecting fake news. This issue is relevant nowadays. Fake news paves the way for deceiving people and promoting ideologies. People who provide incorrect information benefit by earning money from the number of interactions with their publications. One of the typical tasks that arise in the process of identifying news is determining whether news belongs to one of two classes, namely the fake news or the real news. With the help of modern methods of machine learning and primary data processing, this problem is effectively solved

    The formation of ergonomic thinking when designing complex information systems in the conditions of socio-technogenic development of the world

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    The paper considers the problems of ergonomic thinking, its formation and evolution when designing information systems in the conditions of socio-technogenic development of the world. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the ergonomic thinking evolution in the design of human-technology-environment systems. The main purpose of this work is to study the process of formation and further development of ergonomic thinking since the very beginning of ergonomics as a science. The paper considers the main approaches to the definition of ergonomic thinking, on which basis definitions are proposed that take into account all the features and directions of the evolution of ergonomic thought. Special attention is paid to the development of the main directions and factors of ergonomics according to the periods of its formation

    Analysis of Social Networks Using an Information and Analytical System

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    The subject of the study is the analysis of social networks and the construction of an information and analytical system to automate data monitoring and mining. Modern social network analysis systems are reviewed, and the distinguishing features of these systems are given. Various methods of social network analysis and tasks that can be solved using these methods are described. The effectiveness of the methods to determine the text sentiment is compared

    Development of an automated system for designing ball screws

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    The purpose of the study is labor saving, productivity gain of work and ball screws quality design pursuant to the use in numerical control machines. The article is devoted to the problem of automation of the designing of ball screws with return ports. These ball screws are an important element of the mechatronic modules of numerically controlled machines, as they affect the accuracy of linear displacement. Research methods: system-oriented analysis, structural analysis, methods of functional and object-matching programming, simulation. The novelty of the work: a method of three-dimensional parametric simulation of nuts of ball screws and a computation algorithm for a ball screw based on the synthesis of well-known techniques, has been developed. Research results: a software product consisting of modules that together automate the design process of nuts, screws, rigid supports, tilting saddles and ball screw coupling elements, has been developed. Conclusions: the developed methods for calculation of basic ball screw parameters can be used as the algorithmic basis of software products. Since the process for designing ball screw nuts with return ports has been automated, there are grounds for developing automation methods for other types of nuts