16 research outputs found

    Romanian accrual accounting experience in public higher education sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to present experiences from the use of accrual accounting information in the public higher education sector in Romania and, thus, to contribute to our understanding of the prospects for using that kind of accounting in public organizations.Public Sector, Accrual Accounting, Profession

    Case study over the employee’s benefits and pension plan accounting

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    The study indicates in its introduction IAS 19’s and IAS 26’s objectives continued by a detailed presentation of the employee’s benefits and pension plans. The essay represents a study over the benefit-determined pension plans, emphasizing, as a result of a comparing analysis, the main differences between the two major pension plans categories. At the end of the essay one can observe the conclusions that have been drawn as a result of the conducted study regarding the obtained results.benefit-determined pension plans, contribution-determined pension plans, short-term employee benefits, long-term employee benefits, benefit-determined obligation’s actualized value.


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    For decades the accountancy profession has responded to the "credibility crisis" by coining, reciting and hiding behind the phrase "audit expectation gap" - a phrase which denotes the differences between the public's and Auditors' perceptions of the role of an audit function. This paper reports the findings of a questionnaire survey on the audit expectation gap conducted in Romania. The aims of the study are to examine whether an expectation gap exists in Romania among the auditors, auditees and audit beneficiaries in relation to the auditors' duties The results proved the existence of an audit expectation gap in Romania. The study shows that the auditees and audit beneficiaries placed much higher expectations on the auditors' duties when compared with what auditors have perceived their duties to be. The analysis of the expectation gap indicated the existence of unreasonable expectations of the part of users.audit, audit expectation gap


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    Environmental problems that have arisen all over the world are concerning many controversial aspects that were created due to the advance of industrialization in tandem with scientific and technological development. For solving these problems, in the past 40 years many international and national organizations have adopted a substantial and diverse range of environmental measures aimed to improving the quality of the environment. Our research aims to highlight how Romanian authorities face the problems regarding environment. To accomplish our objective we trace two main directions of the study, firstly we conduct an analytical investigation of green accounting regulations and secondly we describe the environmental fiscal policy at national level and their impact on Romanian companies.environment, green accounting, fiscal policy, regulations

    Budgetary and accounting experience in public sector- comparative case study

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    During the last decade the public sector has been affected by the introduction of significant reforms in the public accounting system in the international context. During the reform process different countries have put into practice numerous intermediate variants between the extremes of cash and accrual budgeting and accounting. The reasons for the different national systems may be due to the culture, the historical background or the structural elements of these countries. Also the specific objectives and the principal users of the financial reporting, the financial resource suppliers and the influence of public accounting regulatory bodies imply different national accounting systems. In the Western democracies there are two main broad styles of public management: Anglo-American and European Continental types. The paper presents the United Kingdom accrual accounting model adopted in the public institutions (an Anglo-Saxon country) by comparison with the Romanian one (a Continental European country). In this paper there will be taken into account some case studies of two public institutions: one from United Kingdom and the other from Romania. The paper tries to emphasize the differences and the similarities between the two countries accounting systems as well as the lessons learned from the United Kingdom accounting system regarding the implementation of the accrual accounting in public sector.accrual accounting, public public sector, the United Kingdom, Romania, International Public Sector Accounting Standards.


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    Are auditors responsible for detecting fraud in the companies they inspect? Most ofthe public thinks they are. Auditors often demur. The auditors' duties for the prevention, detectionand reporting of fraud, other illegal acts and errors is one of the most controversial issues inauditing. This paper reports the findings of a survey that explores the financial report users’perceptions on the extent of fraud in Romania and their perceptions of auditors’ responsibilities indetecting fraud and the related audit procedures. This study also finds that there is a widely heldmisperception of the objective of an audit. This is because, among respondents, a much higherexpectation has been placed on the auditors' duties in detecting and reporting fraud than statute oraudit standards require. The results of the study show unquestionably the existence, with respect todetection of fraud, of a gap between the perception of the respondents and the present statutoryrequirements of auditors.fraud; auditors’ responsibilities; audit expectation gap

    Investor relations on the internet. An empirical study of Romanian listed companies

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    Corporate disclosure is critical for the functioning of an efficient capital market (Healy & Palepu, 2001) and investor relations has more and more importance in comunication between company and its investors. In recent years many publicly traded companies use internet as a new channel to inform current and potential investors about their financial performance. In this paper we investigate the extent to which Romanian listed companies use internet for investor relations purposes. To achieve this goal we carried out an investigation of the Romanian companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) and data from all the listed companies have been collected. The objective of our paper is to identify the stage Romanian listed companies are as regarding the internet advantages they use for disclosing information for their investors. The results suggest that is a poor use of internet advantages for investor relations.investor relations, listed companies, corporate reporting, disclosure, internet.

    Romanian accrual accounting experience in public higher education sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to present experiences from the use of accrual accounting information in the public higher education sector in Romania and, thus, to contribute to our understanding of the prospects for using that kind of accounting in public organizations


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    To meet the challenges generated by globalization and the technological progress, the European cohesion policy through its financial instruments is a source of competitiveness, as it implements anticipation strategies in terms of research-development, innovation, firms’ competitiveness improvement, economic reorganization, in conditions of ensuring the social composition by creating new jobs. The paper analyzes the impact of EU financial effort combined with public and private national effort on the competitiveness of some European Union member states. Quantitative research carried out by econometric modeling confirms a correlation between the considered states score of competitiveness and the financial resources allocated for the objective Regional competitiveness and employment, the primary role exercised by the public and private sector contribution of states and the need to increase the European funds allocated to improve competitiveness and to achieve a prosperous economy based on knowledge.competitiveness; cohesion; structural funds