59 research outputs found

    Suboptimal blood pressure control in chronic kidney disease stage 3: baseline data from a cohort study in primary care

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    Background: poorly controlled hypertension is independently associated with mortality, cardiovascular risk and disease progression in chronic kidney disease (CKD). In the UK, CKD stage 3 is principally managed in primary care, including blood pressure (BP) management. Controlling BP is key to improving outcomes in CKD. This study aimed to investigate associations of BP control in people with CKD stage 3.Methods: 1,741 patients with CKD 3 recruited from 32 general practices for the Renal Risk in Derby Study underwent medical history, clinical assessment and biochemistry testing. BP control was assessed by three standards: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (KDOQI) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines. Descriptive statistics were used to compare characteristics of people achieving and not achieving BP control. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with BP control.Results: the prevalence of hypertension was 88%. Among people with hypertension, 829/1426 (58.1%) achieved NICE BP targets, 512/1426 (35.9%) KDOQI targets and 859/1426 (60.2%) KDIGO targets. Smaller proportions of people with diabetes and/or albuminuria achieved hypertension targets. 615/1426 (43.1%) were only taking one antihypertensive agent. On multivariable analysis, BP control (NICE and KDIGO) was negatively associated with age (NICE odds ratio (OR) 0.27; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.17-0.43) 70–79 compared to &lt;60), diabetes (OR 0.32; 95% CI 0.25-0.43)), and albuminuria (OR 0.56; 95% CI 0.42-0.74)). For the KDOQI target, there was also association with males (OR 0.76; 95% CI 0.60-0.96)) but not diabetes (target not diabetes specific). Older people were less likely to achieve systolic targets (NICE target OR 0.17 (95% CI 0.09,0.32) p?&lt;?0.001) and more likely to achieve diastolic targets (OR 2.35 (95% CI 1.11,4.96) p?&lt;?0.001) for people &gt;80 compared to?&lt;?60).Conclusions: suboptimal BP control was common in CKD patients with hypertension in this study, particularly those at highest risk of adverse outcomes due to diabetes and or albuminuria. This study suggests there is scope for improving BP control in people with CKD by using more antihypertensive agents in combination while considering issues of adherence and potential side effects.<br/

    Comparison of analgesic interventions for traumatic rib fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: Many studies report on outcomes of analgesic therapy for (suspected) traumatic rib fractures. However, the literature is inconclusive and diverse regarding the management of pain and its effect on pain relief and associated complications. This systematic review and meta-analysis summarizes and compares reduction of pain for the different treatment modalities and as secondary outcome mortality during hospitalization, length of mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay, length of intensive care unit stay (ICU) and complications such as respiratory, cardiovascular, and/or analgesia-related complications, for four different types of analgesic therapy: epidural analgesia, intravenous analgesia, paravertebral blocks and intercostal blocks. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE and CENTRAL databases were searched to identify comparative studies investigating epidural, intravenous, paravertebral and intercostal interventions for traumatic rib fractures, without restriction for study type. The search strategy included keywords and MeSH or Emtree terms relating blunt chest trauma (including rib fractures), analgesic interventions, pain management and complications. Results: A total of 19 papers met our inclusion criteria and were finally included in this systematic review. Significant differences were found in favor of epidural analgesia for the reduction of pain. No significant differences were observed between epidural analgesia, intravenous analgesia, paravertebral blocks and intercostal blocks, for the secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Results of this study show that epidural analgesia provides better pain relief than the other modalities. No differences were observed for secondary endpoints like length of ICU stay, length of mechanical ventilation or pulmonary complications. However, the quality of the available evidence is low, and therefore, preclude strong recommendations

    The tissue-specific aspect of genome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues: Implications for epigenetic epidemiologic studies

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    Epigenetic programming is essential for lineage differentiation, embryogenesis and placentation in early pregnancy. In epigenetic association studies, DNA methylation is often examined in DNA derived from white blood cells, although its validity to other tissues of interest remains questionable. Therefore, we investigated the tissue specificity of epigenome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues. Umbilical cord white blood cells (UC-WBC, n = 25), umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (UC-MNC, n = 10), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC, n = 25) and placental tissue (n = 25) were obtained from 36 uncomplicated pregnancies. Genome-wide DNA methylation was measured by the Illumina HumanMethylation450K BeadChip. Using UC-WBC as a reference tissue, we identified 3595 HUVEC tissue-specific differentially methylated regions (tDMRs) and 11,938 placental tDMRs. Functional enrichment analysis showed that HUVEC and placental tDMRs were involved in embryogenesis, vascular development and regulation of gene expression. No tDMRs were identified in UC-MNC. In conclusion, the extensive amount of genome-wide HUVEC and placental tDMRs underlines the relevance of tissue-specific approaches in future epigenetic association studies, or the use of validated representative tissues for a certain disease of interest, if available. To this purpose, we herewith provide a relevant dataset of paired, tissue-specific, genome-wide methylation measurements in newborn tissues

    The use of patient-reported outcome measures in the literature on traumatic foot fractures: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Adequate foot function is paramount in daily activities, yet the incidence of foot fractures shows a rising trend. Patient-reported outcome measures are increasingly used for research; however, the use of a wide variety of available instruments is undesirable. In the current study, an overview is provided of patient-reported outcome measures used in clinical research evaluating outcomes of foot fractures. Tools are provided to choose the most adequate instrument in future research. Methods: To identify the instruments, a systematic review was performed using PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. Articles published since 2000, reporting on traumatic foot fractures and/or their posttraumatic sequelae, and using a minimum of one condition- or region-specific patient-reported outcome measure were included. Forty-nine instruments were identified, used 636 times collectively. These instruments were evaluated on frequency of use, bones or joints analyzed with the instruments, the type and amount of contained items, and existing literature on their psychometric properties. Results: The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle-Hindfoot Scale was used predominantly (AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale; n = 243, 38.2%), followed by the Maryland Foot Score (n = 90, 14.2%). Twenty-seven instruments were included for further analysis. The majority included questions on mobility (27/27) and pain (24/27). Tools to select an adequate instrument for new research are presented in the appendices. Discussion: Controversy surrounds the AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale as other authors have found that its psychometric properties, indicating it measures what it is supposed to measure adequately, are flawed. Conclusion: A multitude of specific patient-reported outcome measures concerning foot fractures exists. Furthermore, the predominantly used instrument is deemed insufficient regarding quality as found by other studies. A valid, reliable, and responsive patient-reported outcome measure for clinical research on foot fractures is necessary. The most adequate existing ones for future research on different topics can be found through the tools provided

    Genetic loci influencing kidney function and chronic kidney disease

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    Using genome-wide association, we identify common variants at 2p12-p13, 6q26, 17q23 and 19q13 associated with serum creatinine, a marker of kidney function (P = 10 10 to 10 15). Of these, rs10206899 (near NAT8, 2p12-p13) and rs4805834 (near SLC7A9, 19q13) were also associated with chronic kidney disease (P = 5.0 × 10 5 and P = 3.6 × 10 4, respectively). Our findings provide insight into metabolic, solute and drug-transport pathways underlying susceptibility to chronic kidney disease

    Evaluation of swabbing methods for estimating the prevalence of bacterial carriage in the upper respiratory tract: a cross sectional study

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    Objectives Bacterial carriage in the upper respiratory tract is usually asymptomatic but can lead to respiratory tract infection (RTI), meningitis and septicaemia. We aimed to provide a baseline measure of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis carriage within the community. Self-swabbing and healthcare professional (HCP) swabbing were compared. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Individuals registered at 20 general practitioner practices within the Wessex Primary Care Research Network South West, UK. Participants 10?448 individuals were invited to participate; 5394 within a self-swabbing group and 5054 within a HCP swabbing group. Self-swabbing invitees included 2405 individuals aged 0–4?years and 3349 individuals aged ?5?years. HCP swabbing invitees included 1908 individuals aged 0–4?years and 3146 individuals aged ?5?years. Results 1574 (15.1%) individuals participated, 1260 (23.4%, 95% CI 22.3% to 24.5%) undertaking self-swabbing and 314 (6.2%, 95% CI 5.5% to 6.9%) undertaking HCP-led swabbing. Participation was lower in young children and more deprived practice locations. Swab positivity rates were 34.8% (95% CI 32.2% to 37.4%) for self-taken nose swabs (NS), 19% (95% CI 16.8% to 21.2%) for self-taken whole mouth swabs (WMS), 25.2% (95% CI 20.4% to 30%) for nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) and 33.4% (95% CI 28.2% to 38.6%) for HCP-taken WMS. Carriage rates of S. aureus were highest in NS (21.3%). S. pneumoniae carriage was highest in NS (11%) and NPS (7.4%). M. catarrhalis carriage was highest in HCP-taken WMS (28.8%). H. influenzae and P. aeruginosa carriage were similar between swab types. N. meningitidis was not detected in any swab. Age and recent RTI affected carriage of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. Participant costs were lower for self-swabbing (£41.21) versus HCP swabbing (£69.66). Conclusions Higher participation and lower costs of self-swabbing as well as sensitivity of self-swabbing favour this method for use in large population-based respiratory carriage studies. <br/

    Change in prevalence of chronic kidney disease in England over time: comparison of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys from 2003 to 2010

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    Design: Cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative Health Survey for England (HSE) random samples.Setting: England 2003 and 2009/2010.Survey participants: 13?896 adults aged 16+ participating in HSE, adjusted for sampling and non-response, 2009/2010 surveys combined.Main outcome measure: Change in prevalence of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) &lt;60?mL/min/1.73?m2 (as proxy for stage 3–5 CKD), from 2003 to 2009/2010 based on a single serum creatinine measure using an isotope dilution mass spectrometry traceable enzymatic assay in a single laboratory; eGFR derived using Modified Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKDEPI) eGFR formulae.Analysis: Multivariate logistic regression modelling to adjust time changes for sociodemographic and clinical factors (body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, lipids). A correction factor was applied to the 2003 HSE serum creatinine to account for a storage effect.Results: National prevalence of low eGFR (&lt;60) decreased within each age and gender group for both formulae except in men aged 65–74. Prevalence of obesity and diabetes increased in this period, while there was a decrease in hypertension. Adjustment for demographic and clinical factors led to a significant decrease in CKD between the surveyed periods. The fully adjusted OR for eGFR &lt;60?mL/min/1.73?m2 was 0.75 (0.61 to 0.92) comparing 2009/2010 with 2003 using the MDRD equation, and was similar using the CKDEPI equation 0.73 (0.57 to 0.93).Conclusions: The prevalence of a low eGFR indicative of CKD in England appeared to decrease over this 7-year period, despite the rising prevalence of obesity and diabetes, two key causes of CKD. Hypertension prevalence declined and blood pressure control improved but this did not appear to explain the fall. Periodic assessment of eGFR and albuminuria in future HSEs is needed to evaluate trends in CKD

    Using simulation modelling for evaluation screening services for diabetic retinopathy

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    In using discrete event simulation for planning services in the health sector, epidemiologists and clinicians were closely involved in model design, data collection, analysis, validation and experimentation. For patients with diabetes, loss of sight can be prevented by timely treatment if detected sufficiently early. Simulation models, using the patient oriented simulation technique, POST, have been developed to assist policy makers in the choice of screening strategy in terms of operator, equipment, frequency of screening and target population. The models describe the progress of a population of diabetic patients, including new arrivals, over 25 years. The initial population were given characteristics retrospectively and the parameters were derived from peer reviewed publications. The results from the models show that the interval between screening is more important than screening sensitivity. The simulation can determine the expected workload and the amount of vision loss prevented for any population group

    Inequity of use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in England: retrospective analysis

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    Sudden cardiac death occurs in approximately 100 000 people annually in the United Kingdom and can be prevented by implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs).1 Rates of implantation of ICDs in England have been increasing but lag behind those in other western European countries and North America. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has recommended indications for use in patients with ventricular arrhythmias and proposed an annual implantation rate of 50 per million population.2 We present data on current use, geographical and social equity, and barriers to care in the provision of ICDs in England
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