2 research outputs found

    Measured potential profile in a quantum anomalous Hall system suggests bulk-dominated current flow

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    Ideally, quantum anomalous Hall systems should display zero longitudinal resistance. Yet in experimental quantum anomalous Hall systems elevated temperature can make the longitudinal resistance finite, indicating dissipative flow of electrons. Here, we show that the measured potentials at multiple locations within a device at elevated temperature are well-described by solution of Laplace's equation, assuming spatially-uniform conductivity, suggesting non-equilibrium current flows through the two-dimensional bulk. Extrapolation suggests that at even lower temperatures current may still flow primarily through the bulk rather than, as had been assumed, through edge modes. An argument for bulk current flow previously applied to quantum Hall systems supports this picture.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, plus supplemental material

    Unusual magnetotransport in twisted bilayer graphene from strain-induced open Fermi surfaces

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    Anisotropic hopping in a toy Hofstadter model was recently invoked to explain a rich and surprising Landau spectrum measured in twisted bilayer graphene away from the magic angle. Suspecting that such anisotropy could arise from unintended uniaxial strain, we extend the Bistritzer-MacDonald model to include uniaxial heterostrain. We find that such strain strongly influences band structure, shifting the three otherwise-degenerate van Hove points to different energies. Coupled to a Boltzmann magnetotransport calculation, this reproduces previously-unexplained non-saturating B2B^2 magnetoresistance over broad ranges of density near filling ν=±2\nu=\pm 2, and predicts subtler features that had not been noticed in the experimental data. In contrast to these distinctive signatures in longitudinal resistivity, the Hall coefficient is barely influenced by strain, to the extent that it still shows a single sign change on each side of the charge neutrality point -- surprisingly, this sign change no longer occurs at a van Hove point. The theory also predicts a marked rotation of the electrical transport principal axes as a function of filling even for fixed strain and for rigid bands. More careful examination of interaction-induced nematic order versus strain effects in twisted bilayer graphene could thus be in order.Comment: 11 pages main text (4 figures) + 8 pages supplementary material (11 figures