284 research outputs found

    Perception, Challenges, And Academic Performance of Pre-Service Teachers in Student Teaching

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    This descriptive-correlational study was conducted among 152 randomly selected male and female pre-service teachers of Isabela State University-Echague campus. The purpose of which was to describe and analyze their perception, challenges and academic performance in student teaching with the aim of developing intervention program. Data were collected through survey using an adopted questionnaire. Majority of the respondent were female with academic performance of above-average. The study revealed that male pre-service teachers have more positive perception about student teaching than the female. Specifically, male pre-service teachers perceived that student teaching was an avenue for them to develop their knowledge and skills in teaching including appropriate attitude of an outstanding teacher. However, the study also revealed that male pre-service teachers encountered more challenges than the female pre-service teachers in the areas of classroom management, social environment, curriculum development and relationship with their supervising instructors and cooperating teachers. The study also found out that improving strategies on controlling students’ behavior, mastery of the subject matter, use of instructional materials, developing cordial relationship with other teachers and cooperating teachers, conduct of supervisory activities as often as possible and providing feedbacks will strengthen the possibility of having a better academic performance among the pre-service teachers. Intervention activity, therefore, is suggested focusing on male pre-service teachers with the aim of providing scaffolding in the areas of teaching approaches, communication and promoting good relationship with peers, supervisors and the students, including instructional materials development, values integration and the like

    Philippine forest ecosystems and climate change: Carbon stocks, rate of sequestration and the Kyoto Protocol

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    ropical forests have a valuable role in relation to climate change, being a source and sink of carbon. This paper reviews the state of knowledge on carbon stocks and rate of sequestration of various forest ecosystems in the Philippines. Carbon density ranges widely from less than 5 t/ha to more than 200 t/ha in the following order: old growth forests > secondary forest > mossy forest > mangrove forest > pine forest > tree plantation > agroforestry farm > brushlands > grasslands. Carbon sequestration ranges from less than 1 t/ha/yr in natural forests to more than 15 t/ha/yr in some tree plantations. Land-use change and forestry make an important contribution in the national emissions and sinks. It is estimated that Philippine forest lands are a net sink of greenhouse gasses (GHG) absorbing 107 Mt CO2 equivalent in 1998, about equal to the total Philippine GHG emissions. The clean development mechanism (CDM) presents a clear opportunity for Philippine forestry, if the threats are properly addressed

    Flexible Learning, Anxiety And Academic Performance Of Pre-Service Teachers: Input To Curriculum Adjustment

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    This descriptive-correlational study was conducted among randomly selected pre-service teachers of Isabela State University-Echague, Isabela. The purpose of which is to assess their attitude on blended learning, anxiety level and academic performance as an input to curriculum adjustment. Most of the participants of the study were female, user of cellular phone, messenger, and prepaid data. Also, the respondents are receiving financial and moral support from their parents while receiving help for their academics in their friends. In terms of their anxiety level, most of the respondents were suffering from moderate to severe level while they are performing on the average level. Generally speaking, the respondents have a positive attitude on blended learning. Data shows that there is a higher probability that male respondents, user of FaceBook and prepaid data and those who do have someone to support their financial needs have higher level of anxiety. Statistically, the anxiety level of the respondents affects negatively the academic performance of the respondents. Furthermore, there is also a higher possibility that the respondents’ academic performance get better when they have unlimited access to learning materials, with conducive place for learning, with organize time management, and comfortable with the use of laptops and technology-based materials. On the other hand, it was statically proven that when students get bored over the online learning and develop the feeling of being isolated, there is a probability that their grades will be affected negativel

    Results of the Anaconda endovascular graft in abdominal aortic aneurysm with a severe angulated infrarenal neck

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    Objective: Proximal neck anatomy of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), especially a severe angulated neck of more than 60 degrees, predicts adverse outcome in endovascular aneurysm repair. In the present study, we evaluate the feasibility of the use of the Anaconda endovascular graft (Vascutec, Terumo, Inchinnan, Scotland) for treating infrarenal AAA with a severe angulated neck (>60 degrees) and report the midterm outcomes. Methods: In total, nine Dutch hospitals participated in this prospective cohort study. From December 2005 to January 2011, a total of 36 AAA patients, 30 men and six women, were included. Mean and median follow-up were both 40 months. Results: Mean infrarenal neck angulation was 82 degrees. Successful deployment was reached in 34 of 36 patients. Primary technical success was achieved in 30 of 36 patients (83%). There was no aneurysm-related death. Four-year primary clinical success was 69%. In the first year, eight clinical failures were reported including four leg occlusions which could be solved using standard procedures. After the first year, three patients with additional failures occurred; two of them were leg occlusions. Four patients needed conversion to open AAA exclusion. In six of 36 patients, one or more reinterventions were necessary. Three of them were performed for occlusion of one Anaconda leg and two were for occlusion of the body. Conclusions: The use of the Anaconda endovascular graft in AAA with a severe angulated infrarenal neck is feasible but has its side effects. Most clinical failures occur in the first year. Thereafter, few problems occur, and midterm results are acceptable. Summarizing the present experiences, we conclude that open AAA repair is still a preferable option in patients with challenging aortic neck anatomy and fit for open surgery

    Nanoscale phase quantification in lead-free (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 relaxor ferroelectrics by means of Na 23 NMR

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    We address the unsolved question on the structure of relaxor ferroelectrics at the atomic level by characterizing lead-free piezoceramic solid solutions (100-x)(Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-xBaTiO3 (BNT-xBT) (for x=1,4,6, and 15). Based on the relative intensity between spectral components in quadrupolar perturbed Na23 nuclear magnetic resonance, we present direct evidence of the coexistence of cubic and polar local symmetries in these relaxor ferroelectrics. In addition, we demonstrate how the cubic phase vanishes whenever a ferroelectric state is induced, either by field cooling or changing the dopant amount, supporting the relation between this cubic phase and the relaxor state.open0

    Plasma lensing of a laser wakefield accelerated electron bunch

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    We report on the first all-optical demonstration of plasma lensing using laser wakefield accelerated elec-trons in a two-stage setup. The LWFA electron bunch was focused by a second plasma stage without any ex-ternal fields applied..

    Clusters and networks as enablers of product and process innovation

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    One of the strategies adopted in the Philippines to facilitate a more consistent supply of good quality vegetables from smallholder farmers is the clustering approach, whereby a small group or cluster of smallholder farmers is organized to deliver a pre-determined amount of produce to a focal customer (CRS-Philippines, 2007). Developed from the CIAT Territorial Approach, the CRS Eight Step Clustering Approach for Agro-enterprise Development employs a participatory action learning process, where the cluster members proactively plan their production to meet the specifc quality and delivery requirements of their focal customer. The clustering approach is a strategy which allows smallholder farmers to access higher value chains. Evidence is provided to demonstrate how several of the clusters facilitated have utilised the skills and knowledge acquired in servicing their focal customer to develop new products for new markets, to adopt alternative low cost systems of production to reduce their reliance on external inputs, to reduce postharvest losses and product deterioration through improved packaging, to improve access to low cost community-based loans and to take advantage of local and national government grants that provide production inputs and support the development of community-based infrastructure projects

    Lessons from Early REDD+ Experiences in the Philippines

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    There is growing interest globally in REDD+ initiatives to help mitigate climate change; the Philippines is no exception. In this paper, we review early REDD+ project experiences in the country. The guiding document for REDD+ in the Philippines is the National REDD+ Strategy (PNRPS) which was prepared by a multisectoral group of authors. There are five REDD+ projects that are underway. The critical factors emerging from these early REDD+ actions are the following: external support, local participation, free prior and informed consent, capacity building, sustainability, national laws and policies, biodiversity conservation, and use of safeguards. The pioneering projects reviewed here as well as the emerging lessons from them will hopefully provide a firmer basis for future REDD+ actions in the country