5 research outputs found


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    BACKGROUND: The cognitive reserve hypothesis explains the ability to tolerate the age-related changes and the disease related pathology in the brain without developing clear clinical symptoms or signs. Persons with a low educational level present earlier clinical symptoms of neuropathology disorders. The brain reserve moderates the relationship between changes at brain level and neuropathology disorders. Cognitive reserve could compensate the deterioration of the brain. OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the relationship between cognitive impairment level, the severity of brain atrophy and the level of education on a sample of 235 individuals with cognitive complains, who required neurocognitive evaluation at Bucharest Memory Center between 2011 to 2016. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted over six years based on the medical records of those who addressed the Center for Memory for neurocognitive assessment in order to establish the diagnosis. The socio-demographic parameters were recorded along with educational level, the brain atrophy presence, the psychiatric diagnosis and cognitive decline. RESULTS: The cognitive reserve hypothesis was verified, unless the MMSE score was very low (for severe neurocognitive disorder). Thus, the cognitive reserve theory is confirmed by the relationship between the educational level and the Mini Mental Score Evaluation (MMSE) score (the higher the educational level is, the higher the MMSE score is).   Keywords: Brain atrophy, cognitive reverve, educational level, neurocognitive disorderINTRODUCERE:  Ipoteza rezervei cognitive explică capacitatea de a tolera schimbările legate de vârstă și patologia asociată tulburărilor neurocognitive fără a dezvolta simptome sau semne clinice clare. Persoanele cu un nivel scăzut de educație prezintă simptome clinice ale tulburărilor neuropatologice din stadiile precoce. Rezerva cognitivă moderează relația dintre schimbările la nivelul creierului și tulburările neuropatologice și poate compensa deteriorarea la nivel cerebral. OBIECTIV: Acest studiu investighează relația dintre deteriorarea cognitivă, severitatea atrofiei cerebrale și nivelul de educație pe un eșantion de 235 de persoane cu acuze cognitive, care au solicitat o evaluare neurocognitivă la Centrul Memoriei București în perioada 2011-2016. METODA: A fost desfășurat un studiu retrospectiv pe parcursul a șase ani pe baza documentelor medicale ale persoanelor care s-au adresat Centrului Memoriei pentru evaluarea neurocognitivă în vederea stabilirii diagnosticului. Au fost înregistrați parametrii socio-demografici, precum și nivelul de educație, prezența atrofiei cerebrale, diagnosticul psihiatric și declinul cognitiv. REZULTATE: Ipoteza rezervei cognitive a fost verificată, cu excepția cazului în care scorul Mini Mental Score Examination (MMSE) a fost foarte scăzut (pentru tulburarea neurocognitivă severă). Astfel, teoria rezervei cognitive este confirmată de relația dintre nivelul educațional și scorul MMSE (cu cât nivelul de educație este mai înalt, cu atât scorul MMSE este mai mare).   Cuvinte cheie: atrofia creierului, rezerva cognitivă, nivelul educațional, tulburarea neurocognitiv

    Barriers and Facilitators for the Romanian Older Adults in Enjoying Physical Activity Health-Related Benefits

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    Older adults are considered a vulnerable category within the population, which is exposed to an accelerated risk of functional degeneration. The purpose of this study was to explore different facilitating factors and possible existing barriers to being physically active in older age in urban areas of Romania. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 172 participants who were asked to assess their health, on a scale from 1 to 3, and to fill out two questionnaires: 1. Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly; 2. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale. Participants were also asked to specify to what extent they performed different leisure activities during the last week. SPSS was used for data analysis. The chi-squared test, t-test, ANOVA, and MANOVA emphasised the differences between participants, at p < 0.05. Regarding health condition, 27.3% of participants responded that their health was good, 53.5%—satisfactory, and 19.2%—not so good. The results showed significant differences between older adults participating in Elderly Clubs and non-participants, only in terms of PASE leisure. There were significant multivariate effects of the variables Gender and Stable life partner regarding PASE leisure. Weak negative correlations were identified between leisure physical activities and emotional state. Among the proposed leisure activities, watching TV and listening to music represented the most frequent preferences of the participants. The older adults participating in this study preferred to become involved with different physical activities, in conjunction with their habits, health, age, sex, stable life partner, and Elderly Club participation

    Barriers and Facilitators for the Romanian Older Adults in Enjoying Physical Activity Health-Related Benefits

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    Older adults are considered a vulnerable category within the population, which is exposed to an accelerated risk of functional degeneration. The purpose of this study was to explore different facilitating factors and possible existing barriers to being physically active in older age in urban areas of Romania. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 172 participants who were asked to assess their health, on a scale from 1 to 3, and to fill out two questionnaires: 1. Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly; 2. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale. Participants were also asked to specify to what extent they performed different leisure activities during the last week. SPSS was used for data analysis. The chi-squared test, t-test, ANOVA, and MANOVA emphasised the differences between participants, at p &lt; 0.05. Regarding health condition, 27.3% of participants responded that their health was good, 53.5%—satisfactory, and 19.2%—not so good. The results showed significant differences between older adults participating in Elderly Clubs and non-participants, only in terms of PASE leisure. There were significant multivariate effects of the variables Gender and Stable life partner regarding PASE leisure. Weak negative correlations were identified between leisure physical activities and emotional state. Among the proposed leisure activities, watching TV and listening to music represented the most frequent preferences of the participants. The older adults participating in this study preferred to become involved with different physical activities, in conjunction with their habits, health, age, sex, stable life partner, and Elderly Club participation