42 research outputs found

    The X-ray Ridge Surrounding Sgr A* at the Galactic Center

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    We present the first detailed simulation of the interaction between the supernova explosion that produced Sgr A East and the wind-swept inner ~ 2-pc region at the Galactic center. The passage of the supernova ejecta through this medium produces an X-ray ridge ~ 9'' to 15'' to the NE of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). We show that the morphology and X-ray intensity of this feature match very well with recently obtained Chandra images, and we infer a supernova remnant age of less than 2,000 years. This young age--a factor 3--4 lower than previous estimates--arises from our inclusion of stellar wind effects in the initial (pre-explosion) conditions in the medium. The supernova does not clear out the central ~ 0.2-pc region around Sgr~A* and does not significantly alter the accretion rate onto the central black hole upon passage through the Galactic center.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The Environments around Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors

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    Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow observations have allowed us to significantly constrain the engines producing these energetic explosions. Te redshift and position information provided by these afterglows have already allowed us to limit the progenitors of GRBs to only a few models. The afterglows may also provide another observation that can place further constraints on the GRB progenitor: measurements telling us about the environments surrounding GRBs. Current analyses of GRB afterglows suggest that roughly half of long-duration gamma-ray bursts occur in surroundings with density profiles that are uniform. We study the constraints placed by this observation on both the classic ``collapsar'' massive star progenitor and its relative, the ``helium-merger'' progenitor. We study several aspects of wind mass-loss and find that our modifications to the standard Wolf-Rayet mass-loss paradigm are not sufficient to produce constant density profiles. Although this does not rule out the standard ``collapsar'' progenitor, it does suggest a deficiency with this model. We then focus on the He-merger models and find that such progenitors can fit this particular constraint well. We show how detailed observations can not only determine the correct progenitor for GRBs, but also allow us to study binary evolution physics.Comment: 44 pages including 11 figure

    Probing the Density in the Galactic Center Region: Wind-Blown Bubbles and High-Energy Proton Constraints

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    Recent observations of the Galactic center in high-energy gamma-rays (above 0.1TeV) have opened up new ways to study this region, from understanding the emission source of these high-energy photons to constraining the environment in which they are formed. We present a revised theoretical density model of the inner 5pc surrounding Sgr A* based on the fact that the underlying structure of this region is dominated by the winds from the Wolf-Rayet stars orbiting Sgr A*. An ideal probe and application of this density structure is this high energy gamma-ray emission. We assume a proton-scattering model for the production of these gamma-rays and then determine first whether such a model is consistent with the observations and second whether we can use these observations to further constrain the density distribution in the Galactic center.Comment: 36 pages including 17 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments welcom

    Spin-Induced Disk Precession in Sagittarius A*

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    In Sgr A* at the Galactic center, by far the closest and easiest supermassive black hole we can study, the observational evidence is increasingly pointing to the presence of a compact, hot, magnetized disk feeding the accretor. In such low-Mach-number plasmas, forces arising, e.g., from pressure gradients in the plasma, can altogether negate the warping of disks around Kerr black holes caused by the Bardeen-Petterson effect and can lead to coherent precession of the entire disk. In this Letter, we present for the first time highly detailed 3D SPH simulations of the accretion disk evolution in Sgr A*, guided by observational constraints on its physical characteristics, and conclude that indeed the Bardeen-Petterson effect is probably absent in this source. Given what we now understand regarding the emission geometry in this object, we suggest that a ~ 50-500-day modulation in Sgr A*'s spectrum, arising from the disk precession, could be an important observational signature; perhaps the ~ 106-day period seen earlier in its radio flux, if confirmed, could be due to this process. On the other hand, if future observations do not confirm this long modulation in Sgr A*'s spectrum, this would be an indication that either the disk size or orientation is very different from current estimates, or that the black hole is not spinning at all (unlikely), or that our current understanding of how it produces its radiative output is incorrect.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; small changes to sections 2.1 and 3; accepted for publication in Ap

    Nucleosynthetic Yields from "Collapsars"

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    The "collapsar" engine for gamma-ray bursts invokes as its energy source the failure of a normal supernova and the formation of a black hole. Here we present the results of the first three-dimensional simulation of the collapse of a massive star down to a black hole, including the subsequent accretion and explosion. The explosion differs significantly from the axisymmetric scenario obtained in two-dimensional simulations; this has important consequences for the nucleosynthetic yields. We compare the nucleosynthetic yields to those of hypernovae. Calculating yields from three-dimensional explosions requires new strategies in post-process nucleosynthesis; we discuss NuGrid's plan for three-dimensional yields.Comment: To appear in the Conference Proceedings for the "10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X)", July 27 - August 1 2008, Mackinack Island, Michigan, US

    Difficulties in Probing Nuclear Physics: A Study of 44^{44}Ti and 56^{56}Ni

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    The nucleosynthetic yield from a supernova explosion depends upon a variety of effects: progenitor evolution, explosion process, details of the nuclear network, and nuclear rates. Especially in studies of integrated stellar yields, simplifications reduce these uncertainties. But nature is much more complex, and to actually study nuclear rates, we will have to understand the full, complex set of processes involved in nucleosynthesis. Here we discuss a few of these complexities and detail how the NuGrid collaboration will address them.Comment: To appear in the Conference Proceedings for the "10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X)", July 27 - August 1 2008, Mackinack Island, Michigan, US