36 research outputs found

    Influence of frequent magnetic field on chlorophyll content in leaves of sugar beet plants

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    Chlorophyll content in plant leaves is correlated with the yield and nitrogen content in plants. Non-destructive investigations of chlorophyll content in leaves of 3 varieties of sugar beet grown from seeds revealed that a low frequent magnetic field, acting independently or in combination with other methods of seed improvement, increased chlorophyll content in leaves of the investigated plants. The treatment with the magnetic field increased nitrogen content in the examined plants. The effect was not connected with environmental conditions during vegetation seasons

    The influence of low frequency magnetic field upon cultivable plant physiology

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    The 16 Hz frequency and 5 mT magnetic flux density as well as alternating magnetic field influence the field germination physiological yield-forming features and the yield of sugar have been investigated. The profitable influence of the investigated factor at physiological yield-forming features, causing an increase in sugar beet root and leaf yield, was shown. The beneficial influence on the yield is especially clear in unfavourable weather conditions

    The influence of low-frequent magnetic field on seed germination at low temperature

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    The influence of 16 Hz and 50 Hz frequent magnetic field on the germination of seed of different agricultural crops (spring wheat, soybean and maize) under the stress condition (temperature 5掳C or 10掳C) was examined. The acceleration of germination and decrease of Pieper'si coefficient of seeds treated with frequent magnetic fiels in comparison with untreated seeds was found

    Mo偶liwo艣ci poprawy warto艣ci siewnej nasion miskanta chi艅skiego (Miscanthus sinensis Andersson)

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    Miscanthus sinensis (Andersson) is a perennial grass producing high amounts of biomass. I It can be used for energetic purposes through burning or biogas production. A main problem in this crop cultivation consists in vegetative, expensive method of propagation. First preliminary research on seed quality improvement is carried out in order to enable propagation on a large scale. The object of presented experiment was to find out the reason for low germination ability and to search methods of seed quality improvement. Miscanthus seeds were treated with sodium hypochlorite, commercial micronutrients seed fertilizer and commercial bacteria seed treatment, ash and plasma. The ability and speed of germination and root and shoot length were measured. Tetrazolium test and microscopic observations of seeds were done. Fragility and susceptibility to damage and low vitality of embryos mean that further work is needed on the genetic characteristics and methods of seed harvesting as well as postharvest processing of this species.Miskant chi艅ski jest wieloletni膮 traw膮 wytwarzaj膮c膮 du偶e ilo艣ci biomasy. Jest u偶ytkowany w celach energetycznych poprzez spalanie lub produkcj臋 biogazu. Problemem w upowszechnieniu tej uprawy jest wegetatywny, drogi spos贸b rozmna偶ania. Trwaj膮 pierwsze prace nad popraw膮 jako艣ci nasion miskanta, tak aby rozmna偶anie generatywne na szerok膮 skal臋 by艂o mo偶liwe. Celem przedstawionych bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie przyczyn niskiej zdolno艣ci kie艂kowania nasion oraz poszukiwanie metod poprawy ich warto艣ci siewnej. Nasiona miskanta by艂y traktowane chlorkiem sodu, preparatami bakteryjnymi i mikroelementami, popio艂em a tak偶e plazm膮. Badano zdolno艣膰 i szybko艣膰 kie艂kowania oraz d艂ugo艣膰 korzeni zarodkowych i kie艂k贸w. Na nasionach wykonano tak偶e test tetrazolinowy oraz obserwacje mikroskopowe. Krucho艣膰 nasion i podatno艣膰 na uszkodzenia oraz niska 偶ywotno艣膰 zarodk贸w powoduj膮, 偶e konieczne s膮 dalsze prace dotycz膮ce cech genetycznych i metod zbioru i czyszczenia nasion tego gatunku

    Preliminary assessment of efficiency of some ecological methods of sugar beet seed dressing

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    Celem do艣wiadczenia by艂o okre艣lenie przydatno艣ci wybranych preparat贸w i 艣rodk贸w ochrony dozwolonych w rolnictwie ekologicznym do zaprawiania materia艂u siewnego buraka cukrowego. Nasiona odmiany Poljana zosta艂y zaprawione olejkami: tymiankowym i z drzewa herbacianego oraz preparatami: Bioczos, Biochikol, Biosept i Sinocin. Kontrol臋 stanowi艂y nasiona niezaprawione, a tak偶e dla por贸wnania skuteczno艣ci dzia艂ania, potraktowane chemiczn膮 zapraw膮 Funaben T. Podczas wschod贸w polowych stwierdzono toksyczne oddzia艂ywanie na nasiona buraka cukrowego preparatu Bioczos, nierozcie艅czonego olejku tymiankowego oraz w mniejszym stopniu olejku z drzewka herbacianego 2 miesi膮ce po wschodach oraz podczas zbior贸w najwy偶sz膮 obsad臋 ro艣lin uzyskano z nasion zaprawianych preparatami Biosept, Biochikol i Funaben T. Liczba ro艣lin z nasion zaprawianych olejkiem z drzewa herbacianego i Sinocinem kszta艂towa艂a si臋 na poziomie zbli偶onym do kombinacji nasion niezaprawianych. Wi臋kszo艣膰 preparat贸w wykaza艂a dzia艂anie ochronne przez ca艂y sezon uprawy. Popraw臋 plonu korzeni uzyskano w kombinacjach zaprawianych preparatami Funaben T, Biochikol oraz olejkiem z drzewa herbacianego. Preparaty Biochikol, Biosept i Sinocin stymulowa艂y rozw贸j li艣ci buraka cukrowego.Some products and substances admitted to be used in organic farming were examined regarding their suitability for sugar beet seed dressing. Seeds of sugar beet variety Poljana were treated with plant oils (thyme and tea tree oil) and commercial products used for plant protection in organic farms: Bioczos, Biochikol, Biosept and Sinocin. The control combination were untreated seeds and also seeds treated with conventional mordant Funaben T to compare the efficiency of the treatments. During the field emergence a toxic effects of Bioczos, undiluted thyme oil and to a less degree of tea tree oil on sugar beet seeds were observed 2 months after the field emergence and during the harvest the highest field stand was obtained from the seeds dressed with Biosept, Biochikol and Funaben T. The numbers of plants grown from seeds treated with tea tree oil and Sinocin were similar to those from untreated seeds. Most of the used substances seemed to protect plants during all the vegetation period. Sugar beet seed dressing with Funaben T, Biochikol and tea tree oil improved the root yield. Moreover seed treatment with Biochikol, Biosept and Sinocin stimulated the development of sugar beet leaves

    Wizualizacja tabel kontyngencji przy pomocy wykresu mozaikowego: przyk艂ad dla badania nad wiedz膮 o i stosunkiem do GMO

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    Use of natural plant powders for organic seed treatment

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    Celem przedstawionych bada艅 by艂a ocena przydatno艣ci dopuszczonych do stosowania w gospodarstwach ekologicznych] zi贸艂: czosnku, tymianku i bazylii do zaprawiania nasion ro艣lin rolniczych: pszenicy i buraka cukrowego oraz warzyw: rzodkiewki, marchwi i pietruszki. Badane gatunki ro艣lin uprawnych odmiennie reagowa艂y na zaprawy nasienne. W przypadku] buraka cukrowego najlepsz膮 ochron臋 siewek i rozwijaj膮cych si臋 ro艣lin uzyskano stosuj膮c zapraw臋 chemiczn膮 Funaben T, natomiast marchew i pietruszka lepiej reagowa艂y na zaprawy zio艂owe. Najwy偶sz膮 obsad臋 wykaza艂y ro艣liny wyros艂e z nasion zaprawianych mieszanin膮 czosnku i bazylii. Uzyskane wyniki by艂y odpowiednio o 19% (marchew), 79% (pietruszka) i 49% I (rzodkiewka) wy偶sze od kontroli. Nieco gorsze, ale tak偶e wy偶sze od kontroli wyniki uzyskano po zastosowaniu mieszaniny czosnku i tymianku. Natomiast sam czosnek podwy偶sza艂 obsad臋 ro艣lin w stosunku do kontroli jedynie w przypadku rzodkiewki. Podobnie najwy偶szy plon korzeni wyda艂y ro艣liny wyros艂e z nasion zaprawianych mieszanin膮 czosnku i bazylii. By艂 j on odpowiednio o 117% (marchew), 35% (pietruszka) i 69% (rzodkiewka) wy偶szy od plonu ro艣lin wyros艂ych z nasion zaprawianych chemicznie.The object of an experiment was to assess the usefulness of powdered plants (garlic, thyme and basil) for wheat, sugar beet, radish ,carrot and parsley seed dressing. Mentioned crops showed different reactions to seed treatments. The best protection of sugar beet seedlings and young plants was obtained due to conventional chemical seed dressing Funaben T. On the contrary carrot and parsley showed better reaction to the herbal seed dressing. The highest number of plants was obtain from seed dressed with mixed garlic and basil powder. The results were respectively by 19% (carrot), 79% (parsley) i 49% (radish) higher than for plants from untreated seeds. Slightly lower increase in plant number comparing to the control seeds was obtained from seeds dressed with powdered garlic mixed with thyme. Pure garlic powder increased only i number of radish plants. Highest root yields for carrot, parsley and radish were obtained from seeds treated with garlic cm basil. They were by 115%, 35% and 69% respectively higher than from seeds treated with chemical seed dressing Funaben T

    Dost臋pno艣膰 i jako艣膰 ekologicznego materia艂u siewnego na przyk艂adzie wybranych gatunk贸w warzyw

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    Ecological seed is very necessary, but its quality is often much lower than of conventional seeds. The aim of the study was to compare the sowing value of organic seeds of different vegetable species with their conventional equivalents. The research was carried out on the seeds of lettuce, cucumber, spinach and beet from PlantiCo (Zielonki, Poland). The seeds were sown under laboratory conditions in the containers lined with blotting paper and on Petri dishes to observe the course of germination and in soil to observe the emergence process. The weight of one thousand seeds of each species and type was estimated, and the price-seed ratio in the package was established. In general, conventional seeds were characterized by a higher sowing value and a mass of thousand seeds as compared to their organic equivalents. The differences in quality depended on the species. The quality of organic lettuce seeds was the lowest. There was also a high percentage of damages seeds of organic cucumber (10%).Ekologiczny materia艂 siewny jest bardzo poszukiwany, lecz jego jako艣膰 cz臋sto odbiega od warto艣ci siewnej nasion konwencjonalnych. Celem bada艅 by艂o por贸wnanie warto艣ci siewnej nasion ekologicznych r贸偶nych gatunk贸w warzyw i ich konwencjonalnych odpowiednik贸w. Badania przeprowadzono na nasionach sa艂aty, og贸rka, szpinaku i buraka 膰wik艂owego firmy PlantiCo (Zielonki, Polska). Nasiona wysiano w laboratorium w pojemnikach wy艂o偶onych bibu艂膮 i na szalkach Petriego, aby zaobserwowa膰 przebieg kie艂kowania oraz w gruncie w celu obserwacji wschod贸w. Dodatkowo oszacowano mas臋 tysi膮ca nasion ka偶dego gatunku i rodzaju oraz ustalono stosunek ceny do ilo艣ci nasion w opakowaniu. Na og贸艂 nasiona konwencjonalne charakteryzowa艂y si臋 wy偶sz膮 warto艣ci膮 siewn膮 i mas膮 tysi膮ca nasion w por贸wnaniu do swoich ekologicznych odpowiednik贸w. R贸偶nice w jako艣ci zale偶a艂y od gatunku. Najni偶sza by艂a jako艣膰 ekologicznych nasion sa艂aty. Zaobserwowano du偶y odsetek uszkodze艅 nasion ekologicznych og贸rka (10%)