18 research outputs found

    Effects of Cinnamomum zeylanicum on glycemic levels in patients with type 2 diabetes: Randomized clinical trial

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del consumo de suplemento de Cinnamomum zeylanicum (canela) en los niveles glucémicos de adultos mexicanos con diabetes tipo 2. Métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado simple ciego con 30 pacientes >18 años con diabetes tipo 2, se aleatorizaron en los grupos: intervención y control; donde consumieron cápsulas con 2 gramos de C. zeylanicum o harina de trigo (placebo) diario por 12 semanas y se midieron variables antropométricas y bioquímicas (HbA1c, GPa, triglicéridos, colesterol total, HDL y LDL). Se utilizó el software IBM SPSS versión 23 y se aplicó la prueba T-Student y U-Mann Withney para muestras independientes (según el comportamiento de la variable) para las diferencias entre grupos, valores p0.05). Sin embargo, post-tratamiento el grupo intervención disminuyó significativamente HbA1c al compararlo con su línea base (-0.41%, p=0.01) mientras que no se encontraron diferencias en el grupo control (+0.03%, p=0.64). No hubo diferencias significativas en variables antropométricas ni bioquímicas. Conclusiones: El consumo de 2 g de C. zeylanicum en mexicanos con diabetes tipo 2 no produjo cambios significativos entre grupos. Se sugieren nuevos estudios donde se evalúe el suplemento de canela con una muestra mayor. ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT04023539Objective: To evaluate the effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) supplement use on the glycemic levels of Mexican adults with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A single-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted with 30 patients over 18 years of age with type 2 diabetes. They were randomized into intervention and control groups where they took 2-gram capsules of Cinnamomum zeylanicum or wheat flour (placebo) daily for 12 weeks; then the anthropometric and biochemical variables HbA1c, FPG, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL were measured. IBM SPSS version 23 software was used and the Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples (according to the behavior of the variable) were applied for differences between groups, p-values 0.05). However, post-treatment, the HbA1c value in the intervention group decreased significantly when compared to their baseline (-0.41%, p=0.01), while no differences were found in the control group (+0.03%, p=0.64). There were no significant differences in the anthropometric or biochemical variables. Conclusions: The consumption of 2 g of Cinnamomum zeylanicum in Mexican people with type 2 diabetes did not produce significant changes between the groups. New studies evaluating cinnamon supplementation on a larger sample size are suggested. ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT0402353

    Efectos de Cinnamomum zeylanicum en niveles glucémicos en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2: ensayo clínico aleatorizado

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) supplement use on the glycemic levels of Mexican adults with type 2 diabetes.Methods: A single-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted with 30 patients over 18 years of age with type 2 diabetes. They were randomized into intervention and control groups where they took 2-gram capsules of Cinnamomum zeylanicum or wheat flour (placebo) daily for 12 weeks; then the anthropometric and biochemical variables HbA1c, FPG, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL were measured. IBM SPSS version 23 software was used and the Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples (according to the behavior of the variable) were applied for differences between groups, p-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.Results: No significant changes in HbA1c were seen between the two groups (p>0.05). However, post-treatment, the HbA1c value in the intervention group decreased significantly when compared to their baseline (-0.41%, p=0.01), while no differences were found in the control group (+0.03%, p=0.64). There were no significant differences in the anthropometric or biochemical variables.Conclusions: The consumption of 2 g of Cinnamomum zeylanicum in Mexican people with type 2 diabetes did not produce significant changes between the groups. New studies evaluating cinnamon supplementation on a larger sample size are suggested. ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT04023539.  Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del consumo de suplemento de Cinnamomum zeylanicum (canela) en los niveles glucémicos de adultos mexicanos con diabetes tipo 2. Métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado simple ciego con 30 pacientes >18 años con diabetes tipo 2, se aleatorizaron en los grupos: intervención y control; donde consumieron cápsulas con 2 gramos de C. zeylanicum o harina de trigo (placebo) diario por 12 semanas y se midieron variables antropométricas y bioquímicas (HbA1c, GPa, triglicéridos, colesterol total, HDL y LDL). Se utilizó el software IBM SPSS versión 23 y se aplicó la prueba T-Student y U-Mann Withney para muestras independientes (según el comportamiento de la variable) para las diferencias entre grupos, valores p<0.05 fueron considerados estadísticamente significativos. Resultados: No se observaron cambios significativos en HbA1c entre grupos (p>0.05). Sin embargo, post-tratamiento el grupo intervención disminuyó significativamente HbA1c al compararlo con su línea base (-0.41%, p=0.01) mientras que no se encontraron diferencias en el grupo control (+0.03%, p=0.64). No hubo diferencias significativas en variables antropométricas ni bioquímicas. Conclusiones: El consumo de 2 g de C. zeylanicum en mexicanos con diabetes tipo 2 no produjo cambios significativos entre grupos. Se sugieren nuevos estudios donde se evalúe el suplemento de canela con una muestra mayor. ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT04023539


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    Se determinó la prevalencia de resistencia a meticilina y las características epidemiológicas de aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus en el Centro Médico Dr. Ignacio Chávez (CMIC) y el Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora (HIES) de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Se estudiaron 288 aislamientos de S. aureus recuperados de muestras clínicas, desde el 01 de septiembre de 2008 al 31 de agosto de 2009. La identifi cación y pruebas de susceptibilidad se realizaron utilizando el sistema Vitek2. La resistencia a meticilina se determinó por el método de difusión en disco utilizando cefoxitina. La prevalencia de S. aureus resistente a meticilina (SARM) en el CMIC fue de 9,5 y en el HIES 13,8%. SARM se aisló de muestras de piel y tejido blando (50,0%) y de muestras tomadas en los servicios de terapia intermedia (18,7%), cirugía (18,7%) e infectología (18,7%). Todos los aislamientos de SARM presentaron resistencia a eritromicina y fueron sensibles a vancomicina, nitrofurantoína y cloranfenicol. Este estudio reveló la ocurrencia de aislamientos de SARM en dos hospitales de la Ciudad de Hermosillo, durante un año de vigilancia epidemiológica. Aunque la prevalencia de SARM no presentó niveles alarmantes en ninguno de los hospitales estudiados, se recomienda reforzar las medidas para el control de infecciones

    Nueva información del perfil de compuestos bioactivos, potencial antioxidante y antiproliferativo de Parkinsonia praecox (Fabaceae)

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    Background and Aims: Parkinsonia praecox,“palo brea”, is a medicinal plant distributed in the Mexican Sonoran Desert. However, there is little information about the chemical composition and biological potential of this plant. As a consequence, the objective of the present study was to determine the chemical composition, as well as the antioxidant and antiproliferative activity, of P. praecox. Methods: Methanolic extracts of stems (PPS), berries (PPB) and flowers (PPF) were performed. Chemical composition was determined by phytochemical screening, Folin Ciocalteu and UPLC-DAD methods. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH, ABTS, ORAC and FRAP methods. Antiproliferative activity was evaluated by MTT against A549 (non-small-cell lung cancer cells), MDA-MB-231 (triple negative breast cancer), PC-3 (adenocarcinoma prostate cancer grade IV), HeLa (human cervical cancer) and L929 (non-cancerous subcutaneous connective tissue) cell lines. Results: Phytochemical screening showed the presence of terpenes, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and sugars in the extracts. PPS showed the highest (p<0.05) concentration of phenolic compounds (65.5 mg GAE/g), identifying and quantifying quercetin (218.86 µg/g). Additionally, PPS exhibited the highest capacity (p<0.05) to stabilize the DPPH (IC50: 137 µg/ml), ABTS (39.56 µM TE/g), hydroxyl radicals (ORAC: 1777.78 µM TE/g), and to reduce metals (FRAP: 935.6 µM Fe(II)/g). Similar behavior was observed in antiproliferative activity, since PPS presented the highest cytotoxicity (p<0.05): A549 (IC50: 341.3 µg/ml), MDA-MB-231 (IC50: 147.3 µg/ml), PC-3 (IC50: 78.8 µg/ml), HeLa (IC50: 121.6 µg/ml) and L929 (IC50: 93.29 µg/ml). Conclusion: This is the first research where the bioactive compound profile and the biological potential of P. praecox are reported. The results show the strong association between the antioxidant and the antiproliferative activities with the presence of phenolic compounds. This represents a potential support for the development of pharmacological therapies.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Parkinsonia praecox,“palo brea”, es una planta medicinal distribuida en el Desierto de Sonora en México. Sin embargo, existe poca información acerca de la composición química y del potencial biológico de esta planta. Basado en lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la composición química y el potencial antioxidante y antiproliferativo de P. praecox. Métodos: Se prepararon extractos metanólicos de tallos (PPS), frutos (PPB) y flores (PPF). La composición química se determinó a través de los métodos de perfil fitoquímico, Folin-Ciocalteu y UPLC-DAD. La actividad antioxidante se evaluó por los métodos DPPH, ABTS, ORAC y FRAP. La actividad antiproliferativa se determinó por el ensayo MTT contra las líneas celulares A549 (cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas), MDA-MB-231 (cáncer de mama triple negativo), PC-3 (cáncer de próstata grado IV), HeLa (cáncer de cervix) y L929 (tejido conectivo subcutáneo no canceroso). Resultados: El perfil fitoquímico mostró la presencia de terpenos, compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides, taninos y azúcares en los extractos. PPS presentó la concentración más elevada (p<0.05) de compuestos fenólicos (65.5 mg GAE/g), identificando y cuantificando quercetina (218.86 µg/g). Además, PPS mostró la capacidad más elevada (p<0.05) para estabilizar a los radicales DPPH (IC50: 137 µg/ml), ABTS (39.56 µM TE/g), hidroxilo (ORAC: 1777.78 µM TE/g), y reducir metales (FRAP: 935.6 µM Fe(II)/g). Un comportamiento similar se observó en la actividad antiproliferativa, ya que PPS mostró la citotoxicidad más elevada (p<0.05): A549 (IC50: 341.3 µg/ml), MDA-MB-231 (IC50: 147.3 µg/ml), PC-3 (IC50: 78.8 µg/ml), HeLa (IC50: 121.6 µg/ml) y L929 (IC50: 93.29 µg/ml).Conclusión: Este es el primer estudio donde se reporta el perfil de compuestos bioactivos y el potencial biológico de P. praecox. Los resultados muestran una fuerte asociación entre la actividad antioxidante y antiproliferativa con la presencia de compuestos fenólicos. Esto representa un potencial soporte para el desarrollo de terapias farmacológicas

    Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae comunitarias y hospitalarias productoras de β-lactamasas en hospitales de Hermosillo, Sonora Hospital and community-acquired β-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at hospitals in Hermosillo, Sonora

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de &#946;-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en hospitales de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 1 412 aislamientos obtenidos durante un año (2008-2009). La detección de productores de BLEE se realizó por el método de sinergia de doble disco con y sin ácido clavulánico. RESULTADOS: Se aislaron E.coli y K.pneumoniae productores de BLEE hospitalarios (31.8 y 35.3%) con mayor prevalencia que los comunitarios (14.4 y 0.0%) (pOBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of extended-spectrum &#946;-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Esherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in hospitals of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: To detect ESBL-production, 1 412 bacterial isolates obtained over a one year period (2008-2009) were analyzed using the double-disk synergy test, with and without clavulanic acid. RESULTS: Hospitalaryacquired ESBL-producing E.coli and K.pneumoniae (31.8% and 35.3%) were isolated with higher prevalence that community-acquired isolates (14.4% and 0.0%) (p<0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows the presence of ESBL-producing bacteria in the three hospitals

    New 3rd Generation of Casiopeinas Family Compounds with Indomethacin as a Secondary Ligand: Synthesis, Characterization, Antiproliferative Activity, and Nanoencapsulation

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    The search for new molecules with greater antitumor activity as well as new forms of administration of chemotherapeutic drugs are the task of this work. [...

    The Dichloromethane Fraction of Croton sonorae, A Plant Used in Sonoran Traditional Medicine, Affect Entamoeba histolytica Erythrophagocytosis and Gene Expression

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    &lt;jats:p&gt;Intestinal parasites are a global problem, mainly in developing countries. Obtaining information about plants and compounds that can combat gastrointestinal disorders and gastrointestinal symptoms is a fundamental first step in designing new treatment strategies. In this study, we analyzed the antiamoebic activity of the aerial part of &lt;jats:italic&gt;Croton sonorae&lt;/jats:italic&gt;. The dichloromethane fraction of &lt;jats:italic&gt;C. sonorae&lt;/jats:italic&gt; (CsDCMfx) contained flavonoids, terpenes, alkaloids, and glycosides. The ultrastructural morphology of the amoebae treated for 72 h with CsDCMfx was completely abnormal. CsDCMfx reduced erythrophagocytosis of trophozoites and the expression of genes involved in erythrocyte adhesion (&lt;jats:italic&gt;gal/galnac lectin&lt;/jats:italic&gt;) and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in the phagocytosis pathway (&lt;jats:italic&gt;rho1 gtpase&lt;/jats:italic&gt; and &lt;jats:italic&gt;formin1&lt;/jats:italic&gt;). Interestingly, CsDCMfx decreased the expression of genes involved in &lt;jats:italic&gt;Entamoeba histolytica&lt;/jats:italic&gt; trophozoite pathogenesis, such as cysteine proteases (&lt;jats:italic&gt;cp1&lt;/jats:italic&gt;, &lt;jats:italic&gt;cp4&lt;/jats:italic&gt;, and &lt;jats:italic&gt;cp5&lt;/jats:italic&gt;), &lt;jats:italic&gt;sod&lt;/jats:italic&gt;, &lt;jats:italic&gt;pfor&lt;/jats:italic&gt;, and &lt;jats:italic&gt;enolase.&lt;/jats:italic&gt; These results showed that &lt;jats:italic&gt;C. sonorae&lt;/jats:italic&gt; is a potential source of antiamoebic compounds.&lt;/jats:p&gt

    Antiproliferative activity of spinasterol isolated of Stegnosperma halimifolium (Benth, 1844)

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    Cancer is the major cause of death in the world, representing a significant public health problem. Plants have been shown as a great source of secondary metabolites with anticancer activity. The aim of this work was evaluated the antiproliferative activity of the methanolic extracts, chemical fractions and the compound spinasterol isolated of medicinal plant Stegnosperma halimifolium. The methanolic extracts of stem, leaf and stem/leaf was obtained by maceration. The methanolic extract of stem was purified by successive extractions with solvents as n-hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol. The n-hexane fraction was separated by column chromatographic and monitored by thin layer chromatographic. The compound spinasterol was characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass Spectrometry. Methanolic extracts, chemical, chromatographic fractions and spinasterol was evaluated against RAW 264.7, M12.C3.F6, PC-3, LS-180, A549 and HeLa cancer cell lines by the standardized method MTT for determinate the antiproliferative activity. Methanolic extract of stem shown the better antiproliferative activity against the murine macrophage cancer cell line RAW 264.7. n-Hexane chemical fraction shown antiproliferative activity against human alveolar cancer cell line A549 and RAW 264.7. Was isolated and characterized a compound by NMR 1H and 13C, revealing the presence of sterol spinasterol. Spinasterol shown to have antiproliferative activity against cervical cancer cell line HeLa and RAW 264.7, indicating that spinasterol can be a responsible compound of antiproliferative activity found in the methanolic extract of Stegnosperma halimifolium. Keywords: Stegnosperma halimifolium, Stegnospermaceae, Antiproliferative activity, Spinastero