13 research outputs found

    Preconception Maternal and Paternal Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants and Birth Size: The LIFE Study

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    Background: Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are developmental toxicants, but the impact of both maternal and paternal exposures on offspring birth size is largely unexplored. Objective: We examined associations between maternal and paternal serum concentrations of 63 POPs, comprising five major classes of pollutants, with birth size measures. Methods: Parental serum concentrations of 9 organochlorine pesticides, 1 polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), 7 perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs), 10 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and 36 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured before conception for 234 couples. Differences in birth weight, length, head circumference, and ponderal index were estimated using multiple linear regression per 1-SD increase in natural log-transformed (ln-transformed) chemicals. Models were estimated separately for each parent and adjusted for maternal age, maternal prepregnancy body mass index (kilograms per meter squared) and other confounders, and all models included an interaction term between infant sex and each chemical. Results: Among girls (n = 117), birth weight was significantly lower (range, 84–195 g) in association with a 1-SD increase in ln-transformed maternal serum concentrations of DDT, PBDE congeners 28 and 183, and paternal serum concentrations of PBDE-183 and PCB-167. Among boys (n = 113), maternal (PCBs 138, 153, 167, 170, 195, and 209 and perfluorooctane sulfonamide) and paternal (PCBs 172 and 195) serum concentrations of several POPs were statistically associated with lower birth weight (range, 98–170 g), whereas paternal concentrations of PBDEs (66, 99) were associated with higher birth weight. Differences in offspring head circumference, length, and ponderal index were also associated with parental exposures. Conclusions: Preconceptional maternal and paternal concentrations of several POPs were associated with statistically significant differences in birth size among offsprin

    Factors Contributing to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy of Hispanic Population in Rio Grande Valley

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    Hispanic communities have been disproportionately affected by economic disparities. These inequalities have put Hispanics at an increased risk for preventable health conditions. In addition, the CDC reports Hispanics to have 1.5Ă— COVID-19 infection rates and low vaccination rates. This study aims to identify the driving factors for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy of Hispanic survey participants in the Rio Grande Valley. Our analysis used machine learning methods to identify significant associations between medical, economic, and social factors impacting the uptake and willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. A combination of three classification methods (i.e., logistic regression, decision trees, and support vector machines) was used to classify observations based on the value of the targeted responses received and extract a robust subset of factors. Our analysis revealed different medical, economic, and social associations that correlate to other target population groups (i.e., males and females). According to the analysis performed on males, the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) value was 0.972. An MCC score of 0.805 was achieved by analyzing females, while the analysis of males and females achieved 0.797. Specifically, several medical, economic factors, and sociodemographic characteristics are more prevalent in vaccine-hesitant groups, such as asthma, hypertension, mental health problems, financial strain due to COVID-19, gender, lack of health insurance plans, and limited test availability

    Urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations and blood glucose levels during pregnancy

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    Purpose: To examine associations between phthalate metabolite urinary concentrations during early pregnancy and blood glucose levels obtained at the time of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods: Upon initiation of prenatal care, women with a mean gestational age of 12.8 weeks were recruited for a study of environmental chemical exposures (n = 110) and provided a spot urinary specimen. Blood glucose concentrations (mg/dl) were obtained from the electronic medical record for those patients who did not experience a pregnancy loss and did not transfer care to another facility prior to glucose screening (n = 72). Urinary concentrations of nine phthalate metabolites and creatinine were measured at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Associations between tertiles of phthalate metabolites concentrations and blood glucose levels were estimated using linear regression. Results: Compared to pregnant women in the lowest concentration tertile, women with the highest urinary concentrations (≥ 3 rd tertile) of mono-iso-butyl phthalate (tertile: ≥ 15.3 μg/l, β = -18.3, 95% CI: -35.4, -1.2) and monobenzyl phthalate (tertile: ≥ 30.3 μg/l, β = -17.3, 95% CI: -34.1, -0.4) had lower blood glucose levels at the time of GDM screening after adjustment for urinary creatinine and demographic covariates. Conclusion: Because maternal glucose levels increase during pregnancy to provide adequate nutrition for fetal growth and development, these findings may have implications for fetal health. However, given the limitations of our study, findings should be interpreted cautiously

    Is bisphenol-A exposure during pregnancy associated with blood glucose levels or diagnosis of gestational diabetes?

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    Recent epidemiological studies indicate bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogenic chemical used in production of epoxy, polycarbonate, and plastic may increase risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Exposure to BPA during pregnancy may contribute to development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), a precursor to type 2 diabetes in women. This pilot study examined the association between BPA exposure, fasting blood glucose levels (FBG), and GDM diagnosis during pregnancy. Banked urine samples from 22 cases of GDM and 72 controls were analyzed for total (free BPA + conjugates) urinary BPA concentrations (μg/L). FBG levels (mg/dl) were obtained from 1-h 50-g glucose tolerance tests (GTT) that women underwent for routine GDM screening (mean gestational age = 26.6 weeks, SD = 3.8). Those with an initial screening value ≥ 135 mg/dl underwent 3-h 100 g oral GTT. GDM diagnoses were made when the initial screening value was ≥ 200 mg/dl or when values at ≥ 2 time points exceeded 3-h oral GTT thresholds. Among controls, median FBG levels (mg/dL) did not differ across exposure tertiles, defined according to the distribution of total specific-gravity-adjusted urinary BPA concentrations. Logistic regression models controlling for race/ethnicity did not provide evidence of association between BPA exposure and case status across increasing tertiles of BPA exposure (number of GDM cases/controls in tertile1: 13/24; in tertile 2: 6/24; in tertile 3: 3/24). Findings do not support a relationship between total urinary BPA concentrations and altered glucose metabolism during pregnancy. However, due to study limitations, findings need to be interpreted with caution

    Examining the Prevalence Rates of Preexisting Maternal Medical Conditions and Pregnancy Complications by Source: Evidence to Inform Maternal and Child Research

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    Objectives—We sought to examine whether there are systematic differences in ascertainment of preexisting maternal medical conditions and pregnancy complications from three common data sources used in epidemiologic research Methods—Diabetes mellitus, chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), gestational hypertensive disorders (GHD), placental abruption and premature rupture of membranes (PROM) among 4821 pregnancies were identified via birth certificates, maternal self-report at approximately 4 months postpartum and by discharge codes from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS), a mandatory New York State hospital reporting system. The kappa statistic (k) was estimated to ascertain beyond chance agreement of outcomes between birth certificates with either maternal self-report or SPARCS Results—GHD was under-ascertained on birth certificates (5.7 %) and more frequently indicated by maternal report (11 %) and discharge data (8.2 %). PROM was indicated more on birth certificates (7.4 %) than maternal report (4.5 %) or discharge data (5.7 %). Confirmation across data sources for some outcomes varied by maternal age, race/ethnicity, prenatal care utilization, preterm delivery, parity, mode of delivery, infant sex, use of infertility treatment and for multiple births. Agreement between maternal report and discharge data with birth certificates was generally poor (kappa \u3c 0.4) to moderate (0.4 ≤ kappa \u3c 0.75) but was excellent between discharge data and birth certificates for GDM among women who underwent infertility treatment (kappa = 0.79, 95 % CI 0.74, 0.85). Conclusions for Practice—Prevalence and agreement of conditions varied across sources. Condition-specific variations in reporting should be considered when designing studies that investigate associations between preexisting maternal medical and pregnancy-related conditions with health outcomes over the life-course

    Urinary total arsenic and arsenic methylation capacity in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus: A case-control study

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    Previous studies suggest arsenic exposure may increase the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). However, prior assessments of total arsenic concentrations have not distinguished between toxic and nontoxic species. Our study aimed to investigate the relationships between inorganic arsenic exposure, arsenic methylation capacity, and GDM. Sixty-four cases of GDM and 237 controls were analyzed for urinary concentrations of inorganic arsenic species and their metabolites (arsenite (As3), arsenate (As5), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA)), and organic forms of arsenic. Inorganic arsenic exposure was defined as the sum of inorganic and methylated arsenic species (iSumAs). Methylation capacity indices were calculated as the percentage of inorganic arsenic species [iAs% = (As3 + As5)/iSumAs, MMA% = MMA/iSumAs, and DMA% = DMA/iSumAs]. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to evaluate the association between inorganic arsenic exposure, methylation capacity indices, and GDM. We did not observe evidence of a positive association between iSumAs and GDM. However, women with GDM had an increased odds of inefficient methylation capacity when comparing the highest and lowest tertiles of iAs% (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.48, 95% CI 0.58–3.77) and MMA% (aOR = 1.95 (95% CI 0.81–4.70) and a reduced odds of efficient methylation capacity as indicated by DMA% (aOR = 0.62 (95% CI 0.25–1.52), though the confidence intervals included the null value. While the observed associations with arsenic methylation indices were imprecise and warrant cautious interpretation, the direction and magnitude of the relative measures reflected a pattern of lower detoxification of inorganic arsenic exposures among women with GDM

    Examining the Gap Between Medical School Matriculation and Graduation Rates Amongst Self-Identified Minorities

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    Purpose: Despite increasing diversity, data indicates that there is a gap between the matriculation or admission of and graduation rates amongst medical students who identify with racial or ethnic minority groups. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers experienced by minority medical students that may account for this gap. Methods: An IRB approved online survey was created, and distributed electronically to minority medical students, residents, and practicing physicians. Information on demographics, family dynamics, academic struggles, health issues, financial difficulties and faculty diversity was collected via self-report. Results: Participants (n = 167) who completed the survey identified as Black/African/African American (60%), Hispanic/Latinx (26%), Asian (8%), and as Other racial or ethnic minority (6%). The majority of survey participants graduated within the traditional 4 years of medical school (83%) and 17% did not. The most frequently reported reason was to pursue academic advancement (42%) which included completing a research year, dual degree, or PhD. The second reason was due to academic deficiencies (38%), either course failure or failure of a board exam. The majority of respondents (59%) also reported not having enough faculty members who were members of racial or ethnic minority groups at their medical school. Conclusions: Our data suggests the majority of racial and ethnic minority medical students graduate within the traditional 4 years of medical school. However, if they do not, it is either due to academic advancement to become a more successful residency applicant, or due to academic issues. The majority of respondents reported that they perceive a lack of racial and ethnic minority faculty members in academics

    Reproductive Health Knowledge Among African American Women Enrolled in a Clinic-Based Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Psychosocial and Behavioral Risk: Project DC-HOPE

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    BACKGROUND: Washington, DC, has among the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy in the United States. Increasing women\u27s reproductive health knowledge may help to address these reproductive health issues. This analysis assessed whether high-risk pregnant African American women in Washington, DC, who participated in an intervention to reduce behavioral and psychosocial risks had greater reproductive health knowledge than women receiving usual care. METHODS: Project DC-HOPE was a randomized, controlled trial that included pregnant African American women in Washington, DC, recruited during prenatal care (PNC). Women in the intervention group were provided reproductive health education and received tailored counseling sessions to address their psychosocial and behavioral risk(s) (cigarette smoking, environmental tobacco smoke exposure, depression, and intimate partner violence). Women in the control group received usual PNC. Participants completed a 10-item reproductive knowledge assessment at baseline (n = 1,044) and postpartum (n = 830). Differences in total reproductive health knowledge scores at baseline and postpartum between groups were examined via χ(2) tests. Differences in postpartum mean total score by group were assessed via multiple linear regression. RESULTS: Women in both groups and at both time points scored approximately 50% on the knowledge assessments. At postpartum, women in the intervention group had higher total scores compared with women receiving usual care (mean 5.40 [SD 1.60] vs. 5.03 [SD 1.53] out of 10, respectively; p \u3c .001). CONCLUSIONS: Although intervention participants increased reproductive health knowledge, overall scores remained low. Development of interventions designed to impart accurate, individually tailored information to women may promote reproductive health knowledge among high-risk pregnant African American women residing in Washington, DC