9,585 research outputs found

    Full major-shell calculation for states that were degenerate in a single-j-shell calculation

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    A full fp calculation is performed for states which were degenerate in a single-j-shell calculation in which isospin-zero two-body matrix elements were set to zero energy. Most of the splitting in a complete shell calculation (but not all) comes from the T=0 part of the interaction.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4. Submitted to Physical Review

    Ratio of Isoscalar to Isovector Core Polarization for Magnetic Moments

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    In calculations of isoscalar magnetic moments of odd-odd N=Z nuclei it was found that for medium to heavy mass nuclei large scale shell model calculations yielded results which were very close to much simpler single j shell ones. To understand this we compare isoscalar and isovector configuration mixing in first order perturbation theory using a spin dependant delata interaction.The isoscalar corrections are much smalle

    Companion problems in quasispin and isospin

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    We note that the same mathematical results apply to problems involving quasispin and isospin, but the problems per se are different. In the quasispin case, one deals with a system of identical fermions (e.g. neutrons) and address the problem of how many seniority conserving interactions there are. In the isospin case, one deals with a system of both neutrons and protons and the problem in question is the number of neutron-proton pairs with a given total angular momentum. Other companion problems are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex; some additions in section II and a brief summary at the en

    Degeneracies when only T=1 two-body interactions are present

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    In the nuclear f_7/2 shell, the nucleon-nucleon interaction can be represented by the eight values E(J)=, J=0,1,...,7, where for even J the isospin is 1, and for odd J it is 0. If we set the T=0 (odd J) two-body matrix elements to 0 (or to a constant), we find several degeneracies which we attempt to explain in this work. We also give more detailed expressions than previously for the energies of the states in question. New methods are used to explain degeneracies that are found in {45}Ti (I=25/2- and 27/2-), {46}V (I=12^+_1 and 13^+_1, as well as I=13^+_2 and 15+), and {47}V (I=29/2- and 31/2-).Comment: 21 pages; RevTeX4. We have filled in some holes, mainly including more equations for the 44Ti Sectio

    Anomalies and Hawking radiation from the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole with a global monopole

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    We extend the work by S. Iso, H. Umetsu and F. Wilczek [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 151302] to derive the Hawking flux via gauge and gravitational anomalies of a most general two-dimensional non-extremal black hole space-time with the determinant of its diagonal metric differing from the unity (g1\sqrt{-g} \neq 1) and use it to investigate Hawking radiation from the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole with a global monopole by requiring the cancellation of anomalies at the horizon. It is shown that the compensating energy momentum and gauge fluxes required to cancel gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon are precisely equivalent to the (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional thermal fluxes associated with Hawking radiation emanating from the horizon at the Hawking temperature. These fluxes are universally determined by the value of anomalies at the horizon.Comment: 18 pages, 0 figure. 1 footnote and 4 new reference adde

    Zeros of 6j Symbols:Atoms:Nuclei and Bosons

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    The same 6j symbols that explains the absence of a certain atomic state in LS coupling also explain the absence of certain states for a system of bosons and also for certain nuclear states in jj coupling

    Back reaction, covariant anomaly and effective action

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    In the presence of back reaction, we first produce the one-loop corrections for the event horizon and Hawking temperature of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. Then, based on the covariant anomaly cancelation method and the effective action technique, the modified expressions for the fluxes of gauge current and energy momentum tensor, due to the effect of back reaction, are obtained. The results are consistent with the Hawking fluxes of a (1+1)-dimensional blackbody at the temperature with quantum corrections, thus confirming the robustness of the covariant anomaly cancelation method and the effective action technique for black holes with back reaction.Comment: 17 page

    Shell-model test of the rotational-model relation between static quadrupole moments Q(2^+_1), B(E2)'s, and orbital M1 transitions

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    In this work, we examine critically the relation between orbital magnetic dipole (scissors mode) strength and quadrupole deformation properties. Assuming a simple K=0 ground state band in an even-even nucleus, the quantities Q(2^+_1) (i.e., the static quadrupole moment) and B(E2)_{0_1 \to 2_1} both are described by a single parameter--the intrinsic quadrupole moment Q_0. In the shell model, we can operationally define Q_0(Static) and Q_0(BE2) and see if they are the same. Following a brief excursion to the sd shell, we perform calculations in the fp shell. The nuclei we consider ({44,46,48}Ti and {48,50}Cr) are far from being perfect rotors, but we find that the calculated ratio Q_0(Static)/Q_0(BE2) is in many cases surprisingly close to one. We also discuss the collectivity of orbital magnetic dipole transitions. We find that the large orbital B(M1) strength in {44}Ti relative to {46}Ti and {48}Ti cannot be explained by simple deformation arguments.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX4. Sections II (Quadrupole properties in the sd-shell) and V (Random interaction studies) added. Minor changes throughout the text and 48Cr added to present Table IV, as well as results for the lowest 100 state