4,795 research outputs found

    Rehabilitasi Lahan Terdegradasi Pasca Penambangan Timah Di Dabo, Pulau Singkep: Pertumbuhan Dan Penampilan Padi Gogo*[rehabilitation of Degraded Land Post Tin Mining in Dabo, Singkep Island: Growth and Performance of Upland Rice Varieties]

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    Exploitation of natural resources often brings unexpected effects on the enviroment. This is happened in well-known Indonesian mining area of tin i.e. in Singkep Island, Riau Province.The accumulation of tailing as a mining waste, degraded the soil quality both chemical and physical aspects.To restore the degraded (death) land post-mining, biological agents must be introduced, to restore the biological processes within the soil as close as possible to their original conditions pre-mining.Planting rice in post mining land is thought to be one of the step to biologically, restore the quality of post-mining soil. A study of the seven upland rice varieties was conducted at Dabo village, Singkep District, Riau, using Randomized Block Design (RBD), within the scheme of introducing biological agent to post-mining soil.The high varities of upland rice consisted Jatiluhur, Limboto, Maninjau, Ranau,TB154 E.TB-2, Way Rarem and as comparison was local Pacitan variety.The results indicated that the plant heigh appereance of the high varities of upland rice variety was better compared to the local Pacitan variety, but the amount of seedling per bush of the local Pacitan variety was more at 45 and 60 days after planting. The average of panicle length on the high varities of upland rice 2 was 73.34 cm which was longer then the comparing local Pacitan variety. Biomass weight and grains production per m on the high 2 varities of upland rice was heavier than comparing local Pacitan variety. The high production of grain per m were 520 and 510 grams on the TB154 E.TB-2 and Limboto varieties respectively.Among the high variety of upland rice there were high diversities 2on plant height, total seedling per bush, panicle length, biomass weight and grain production per m .There were assumed to be influenced by habitat and genetic factors.The high varities of upland rice were able to grow and produce well on the nutrient poor soil and at low soil pH (4.87)


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    Exploitation of natural resources often brings unexpected effects on the enviroment. This is happened in well-known Indonesian mining area of tin i.e. in Singkep Island, Riau Province.The accumulation of tailing as a mining waste, degraded the soil quality both chemical and physical aspects.To restore the degraded (death) land post-mining, biological agents must be introduced, to restore the biological processes within the soil as close as possible to their original conditions pre-mining.Planting rice in post mining land is thought to be one of the step to biologically, restore the quality of post-mining soil. A study of the seven upland rice varieties was conducted at Dabo village, Singkep District, Riau, using Randomized Block Design (RBD), within the scheme of introducing biological agent to post-mining soil.The high varities of upland rice consisted Jatiluhur, Limboto, Maninjau, Ranau,TB154 E.TB-2, Way Rarem and as comparison was local Pacitan variety.The results indicated that the plant heigh appereance of the high varities of upland rice variety was better compared to the local Pacitan variety, but the amount of seedling per bush of the local Pacitan variety was more at 45 and 60 days after planting. The average of panicle length on the high varities of upland rice 2 was 73.34 cm which was longer then the comparing local Pacitan variety. Biomass weight and grains production per m on the high 2 varities of upland rice was heavier than comparing local Pacitan variety. The high production of grain per m were 520 and 510 grams on the TB154 E.TB-2 and Limboto varieties respectively.Among the high variety of upland rice there were high diversities 2on plant height, total seedling per bush, panicle length, biomass weight and grain production per m .There were assumed to be influenced by habitat and genetic factors.The high varities of upland rice were able to grow and produce well on the nutrient poor soil and at low soil pH (4.87)

    Novel silica stabilization method for the analysis of fine nanocrystals using coherent X-ray diffraction imaging

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    High-energy X-ray Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) is a well established synchrotron-based technique used to quantitatively reconstruct the three-dimensional morphology and strain distribution in nanocrystals. The BCDI technique has become a powerful analytical tool for quantitative investigations of nanocrystals, nanotubes, nanorods and more recently biological systems. BCDI has however typically failed for fine nanocrystals in sub-100 nm size regimes – a size routinely achievable by chemical synthesis – despite the spatial resolution of the BCDI technique being 20–30 nm. The limitations of this technique arise from the movement of nanocrystals under illumination by the highly coherent beam, which prevents full diffraction data sets from being acquired. A solution is provided here to overcome this problem and extend the size limit of the BCDI technique, through the design of a novel stabilization method by embedding the fine nanocrystals into a silica matrix. Chemically synthesized FePt nanocrystals of maximum dimension 20 nm and AuPd nanocrystals in the size range 60–65 nm were investigated with BCDI measurement at beamline 34-ID-C of the APS, Argonne National Laboratory. Novel experimental methodologies to elucidate the presence of strain in fine nanocrystals are a necessary pre-requisite in order to better understand strain profiles in engineered nanocrystals for novel device development

    TWAM: A Certifying Abstract Machine for Logic Programs

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    Type-preserving (or typed) compilation uses typing derivations to certify correctness properties of compilation. We have designed and implemented a type-preserving compiler for a simply-typed dialect of Prolog we call T-Prolog. The crux of our approach is a new certifying abstract machine which we call the Typed Warren Abstract Machine (TWAM). The TWAM has a dependent type system strong enough to specify the semantics of a logic program in the logical framework LF. We present a soundness metatheorem which constitutes a partial correctness guarantee: well-typed programs implement the logic program specified by their type. This metatheorem justifies our design and implementation of a certifying compiler from T-Prolog to TWAM.Comment: 41 pages, under submission to ACM Transactions on Computational Logi

    Improving prenatal diagnosis through standards and aggregation.

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    Advances in sequencing and imaging technologies enable enhanced assessment in the prenatal space, with a goal to diagnose and predict the natural history of disease, to direct targeted therapies, and to implement clinical management, including transfer of care, election of supportive care, and selection of surgical interventions. The current lack of standardization and aggregation stymies variant interpretation and gene discovery, which hinders the provision of prenatal precision medicine, leaving clinicians and patients without an accurate diagnosis. With large amounts of data generated, it is imperative to establish standards for data collection, processing, and aggregation. Aggregated and homogeneously processed genetic and phenotypic data permits dissection of the genomic architecture of prenatal presentations of disease and provides a dataset on which data analysis algorithms can be tuned to the prenatal space. Here we discuss the importance of generating aggregate data sets and how the prenatal space is driving the development of interoperable standards and phenotype-driven tools

    Dinosaurian Soft Tissues Interpreted as Bacterial Biofilms

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    A scanning electron microscope survey was initiated to determine if the previously reported findings of “dinosaurian soft tissues” could be identified in situ within the bones. The results obtained allowed a reinterpretation of the formation and preservation of several types of these “tissues” and their content. Mineralized and non-mineralized coatings were found extensively in the porous trabecular bone of a variety of dinosaur and mammal species across time. They represent bacterial biofilms common throughout nature. Biofilms form endocasts and once dissolved out of the bone, mimic real blood vessels and osteocytes. Bridged trails observed in biofilms indicate that a previously viscous film was populated with swimming bacteria. Carbon dating of the film points to its relatively modern origin. A comparison of infrared spectra of modern biofilms with modern collagen and fossil bone coatings suggests that modern biofilms share a closer molecular make-up than modern collagen to the coatings from fossil bones. Blood cell size iron-oxygen spheres found in the vessels were identified as an oxidized form of formerly pyritic framboids. Our observations appeal to a more conservative explanation for the structures found preserved in fossil bone

    Interference coloration as an anti-predator defence

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    Interference coloration, in which the perceived colour varies predictably with the angle of illumination or observation, is extremely widespread across animal groups. However, despite considerable advances in our understanding of the mechanistic basis of interference coloration in animals, we still have a poor understanding of its function. Here, I show, using avian predators hunting dynamic virtual prey, that the presence of interference coloration can significantly reduce a predator's attack success. Predators required more pecks to successfully catch interference-coloured prey compared with otherwise identical prey items that lacked interference coloration, and attacks against prey with interference colours were less accurate, suggesting that changes in colour or brightness caused by prey movement hindered a predator's ability to pinpoint their exact location. The pronounced antipredator benefits of interference coloration may explain why it has evolved independently so many times. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved

    Thermodynamics of a class of non-asymptotically flat black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory

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    We analyse in detail the thermodynamics in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles of a class of non-asymptotically flat black holes of the Einstein-(anti) Maxwell-(anti) Dilaton theory in 4D with spherical symmetry. We present the first law of thermodynamics, the thermodynamic analysis of the system through the geometrothermodynamics methods, Weinhold, Ruppeiner, Liu-Lu-Luo-Shao and the most common, that made by the specific heat. The geometric methods show a curvature scalar identically zero, which is incompatible with the results of the analysis made by the non null specific heat, which shows that the system is thermodynamically interacting, does not possess extreme case nor phase transition. We also analyse the local and global stability of the thermodynamic system, and obtain a local and global stability for the normal case for 0<\gamma<1 and for other values of \gamma, an unstable system. The solution where \gamma=0 separates the class of locally and globally stable solutions from the unstable ones.Comment: 18 pages, version accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio
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