1,256 research outputs found

    Where are the horses? With the sheep or cows? Uncertain host location, vector-feeding preferences and the risk of African horse sickness transmission in Great Britain

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    Understanding the influence of non-susceptible hosts on vector-borne disease transmission is an important epidemiological problem. However, investigation of its impact can be complicated by uncertainty in the location of the hosts. Estimating the risk of transmission of African horse sickness (AHS) in Great Britain (GB), a virus transmitted by Culicoides biting midges, provides an insightful example because: (i) the patterns of risk are expected to be influenced by the presence of non-susceptible vertebrate hosts (cattle and sheep) and (ii) incomplete information on the spatial distribution of horses is available because the GB National Equine Database records owner, rather than horse, locations. Here, we combine land-use data with available horse owner distributions and, using a Bayesian approach, infer a realistic distribution for the location of horses. We estimate the risk of an outbreak of AHS in GB, using the basic reproduction number (R0), and demonstrate that mapping owner addresses as a proxy for horse location significantly underestimates the risk. We clarify the role of non-susceptible vertebrate hosts by showing that the risk of disease in the presence of many hosts (susceptible and non-susceptible) can be ultimately reduced to two fundamental factors: first, the abundance of vectors and how this depends on host density, and, second, the differential feeding preference of vectors among animal species

    Evaluating Study Procedure Training Methods for a Remote Daily Diary Study of Sexual Minority Women

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    Background: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methods can be used to remotely assess physical and mental health in daily life for hard-to-reach, marginalized, and geographically dispersed populations in the U.S., such as sexual minority women (e.g., lesbian, bisexual). However, EMA studies are often complex, and engaging participants from afar can be a challenge. This study experimentally examined whether adding videos to written recruitment materials would improve consent rates, reduce dropout rates, and improve survey completion rates for an online daily diary study. Methods: As part of a 2-week study of same-sex female couples\u27 health, 376 women ages 18-35 were recruited from across the U.S. using a market research firm. Couples were randomized to an introductory information condition (written + video materials or written-only materials) prior to informed consent. Results: Overall, 97.1% of eligible women reviewed introductory materials and of these 96.7% consented; consent rates did not differ by condition (written + video: 97.1%, written-only: 97.1%). Dropout rates were low (5.4%) and survey completion rates were high (90.4% of surveys completed); there were no group differences for study dropout (written + video: 3.6%, written-only: 7.0%) or survey completion (written + video: 92.5%, written-only: 88.4%). Data from women randomized to receive videos indicated more than half (53.3%) did not watch any of the five videos in full. However, among those who viewed the videos, time spent watching videos, watching more videos in full, and watching at least one video in full were each positive associated with survey completion rates. Conclusions: In summary, we had high consent rates, low dropout rates, and high survey completion rates regardless of video instructions. Although sexual minority women can be hard to reach, our potential participants appeared highly motivated to take part in research, and thus video recruitment materials were not necessary to improve participation. Future experimental research to maximize EMA study design and implementation could be important for populations less inclined to participate in EMA studies, or who are less familiar with research

    Refining an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of Binge Eating Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Young Women: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study

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    Background: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is used to capture daily lived experiences, states, and environments. Although EMA is commonly used in behavioral health research, there remains a dearth of literature on how researchers account for design considerations of EMA techniques when designing studies. The goal of this formative mixed methods study was to elicit feedback on EMA study procedures and materials from the target populations for a larger study about binge eating among sexual minority and heterosexual young women, in which data are collected entirely remotely. Methods: Sexual minority (n=12) and heterosexual (n=9) women ages 18–30 who binge ate took part in a pilot EMA study and exit interview and survey. As part of the consent and orientation process, participants reviewed video and written materials describing the study purpose and procedures. Using a smartphone app, for seven consecutive days they completed a survey each morning, 5 random surveys per day, and self-initiated a survey each time they binge ate. Participants then provided feedback on the study via a 1-hour virtual interview and online survey. Interviews were transcribed and reviewed by two coders to identify themes on the acceptability and feasibility of the EMA procedures with a focus on: (I) the training and study description materials; (II) general smartphone app and survey preferences; and (III) specific EMA survey question content and wording. Results: The qualitative and quantitative data converged to suggest participants were able to easily download and use the app to complete surveys and report on binge eating events. Participants provided feedback that was incorporated into revisions on general study procedures, the training video content, and EMA question content for binge eating, identity-related stressors, and appearance-related pressures. No systematic themes in the quantitative or qualitative data emerged to suggest questions were perceived differently by sexual minority and heterosexual young women. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence for the feasibility of conducting a remote EMA study to assess young women’s experiences around binge eating. This formative study provides an example of how a mixed methods approach can be used to refine EMA study methods and questions to improve study design

    Rationale and Design of an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Examining Predictors of Binge Eating Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Young Women: Protocol for the Health and Experiences in Real Life (HER Life) Study

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    Background: Previous research has identified health disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual women, including increased rates of obesity and binge eating in sexual minority women. Established predictors of binge eating behavior include negative emotions and sociocultural processes; however, these studies are generally conducted in samples of young women where sexual identity is not known or reported. There is a dearth of research evaluating how sexual minority–specific factors (eg, minority stress and connectedness to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community) may affect binge eating in sexual minority women. In addition, no studies have examined these processes in racially diverse samples or considered how intersecting minority identities (eg, Black and sexual minority) may affect eating behaviors. Objective: The Health and Experiences in Real Life (HER Life) Project aims to clarify real-world predictors of binge eating in young heterosexual and sexual minority women using ecological momentary assessment. The role of affective, social, and health behavior factors in binge eating will be examined for all women (aim 1), and sexual minority–specific predictors will also be considered for sexual minority women participants (aim 2). Person-level moderators of race, body- and eating-related factors, and sexual minority–specific factors will also be examined to better understand how real-world binge eating predictors may differ for various demographic groups (aim 3). Methods: Researchers aim to recruit 150 sexual minority and 150 heterosexual women from across the United States, including at least 50 Black women for each group, using web-based recruitment methods. The eligibility criteria include identifying as a woman, being aged between 18 and 30 years, and having had at least two binge eating episodes in the last 2 weeks. Participants must endorse being only or mostly attracted to men (considered heterosexual) or only or mostly attracted to women or having a current or most recent female partner (considered sexual minority). Eligible participants complete an initial web-based baseline survey and then 14 days of ecological momentary assessment involving the completion of a morning and before-bed survey and 5 prompted surveys per day as well as a user-initiated survey after binge eating episodes. The data will be analyzed using a series of multilevel models. Results: Data collection started in February 2021. We have currently enrolled 129 sexual minority women and 146 heterosexual women. Data collection is expected to conclude in fall 2022. Conclusions: The Health and Experiences in Real Life Project aims to elucidate potential differences between sexual minority and heterosexual women in within-person factors predicting binge eating and inform eating disorder interventions for sexual minority women. The challenges in recruiting sexual minority women, including the determination of eligibility criteria and considerations for remote data collection, are discussed. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/4119

    Rationale and Design of a Remote Web-Based Daily Dairy Study Examining Sexual Minority Stress, Relationship Factors, And Alcohol Use In Same-Sex Female Couples Across the United States: Study Protocol of Project Relate

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    Background: The Healthy People 2020 initiative aims to reduce health disparities, including alcohol use, among sexual minority women (SMW; eg, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and pansexual). Compared with heterosexual women, SMW engage in more hazardous drinking and report more alcohol-related problems. Sexual minority stress (ie, the unique experiences associated with stigmatization and marginalization) has been associated with alcohol use among SMW. Among heterosexuals, relationship factors (eg, partner violence and drinking apart vs together) have also been associated with alcohol use. Negative affect has also been identified as a contributor to alcohol use. To date, most studies examining alcohol use among SMW have used cross-sectional or longitudinal designs. Objective: Project Relate was designed to increase our understanding of alcohol use among young SMW who are at risk for alcohol problems. The primary objectives of this study are to identify daily factors, as well as potential person-level risk and protective factors, which may contribute to alcohol use in SMW. Secondary objectives include examining other physical and mental concerns in this sample (eg, other substance use, eating, physical activity, and stress). Methods: Both partners of a female same-sex couple (aged 18-35 years; n=150 couples) are being enrolled in the study following preliminary screening by a market research firm that specializes in recruiting sexual minority individuals. Web-based surveys are being used to collect information about the primary constructs of interest (daily experiences of alcohol use, sexual minority stress, relationship interactions, and mood) as well as secondary measures of other physical and mental health constructs. Data are collected entirely remotely from women across the United States. Each member of eligible couples completes a baseline survey and then 14 days of daily surveys each morning. Data will be analyzed using multilevel structural equation modeling. Results: To date, 208 women (ie, 104 couples) were successfully screened and enrolled into the study. In total, 164 women have completed the 14-day daily protocol. Compliance with completing the daily diaries has been excellent, with participants on average completing 92% of the daily diaries. Data collection will be completed in fall 2018, with results published as early as 2019 or 2020. Conclusions: Project Relate is designed to increase our understanding of between- and within-person processes underlying hazardous drinking in understudied, at-risk SMW. The study includes a remote daily diary methodology to provide insight into variables that may be associated with daily hazardous alcohol use. Before the development of programs that address hazardous alcohol use among young SMW, there is a need for better understanding of individual and dyadic variables that contribute to risk in this population. The unique challenges of recruiting and enrolling SMW from across the United States in a daily diary study are discussed

    Nine Tolkien Scholars Respond to Charles W. Mills’s “The Wretched of Middle-Earth: An Orkish Manifesto”

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    In spite of being written over three decades ago, Mills’s posthumously published “Manifesto” not only anticipates but transcends the majority, if not the totality, of the scholarship on Tolkien, race, and racisms which has been published since 2003. Scholars in philosophy and related fields familiar with Mills’s work will recognize that the essay was a “critical exploration of [how] a fictional racial hierarchy strikingly illuminates the ongoing influence of certain old racist ideas on our present day [sic] social realities.” Reid has invited a wide-ranging Tolkienists who have read the essay to respond, briefly, on the significance of the essay to their wor

    Reduced Voluntary Running Performance is Associated with Impaired Coordination as a Result of Muscle Satellite Cell Depletion in Adult Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Satellite cells, or muscle stem cells, have been thought to be responsible for all muscle plasticity, but recent studies using genetically modified mouse models that allow for the conditional ablation of satellite cells have challenged this dogma. Results have confirmed the absolute requirement of satellite cells for muscle regeneration but surprisingly also showed that they are not required for adult muscle growth. While the function of satellite cells in muscle growth and regeneration is becoming better defined, their role in the response to aerobic activity remains largely unexplored. The purpose of the current study was to assess the involvement of satellite cells in response to aerobic exercise by evaluating the effect of satellite cell depletion on wheel running performance. RESULTS: Four-month-old female Pax7/DTA mice (n = 8-12 per group) were satellite cell depleted via tamoxifen administration; at 6 months of age, mice either remained sedentary or were provided with running wheels for 8 weeks. Plantaris muscles were significantly depleted of Pax7+cells (≥90 % depleted), and 8 weeks of wheel running did not result in an increase in Pax7+ cells, or in myonuclear accretion. Interestingly, satellite cell-depleted animals ran ~27 % less distance and were 23 % slower than non-depleted animals. Wheel running was associated with elevated succinate dehydrogenase activity, muscle vascularization, lipid accumulation, and a significant shift toward more oxidative myosin heavy chain isoforms, as well as an increase in voltage dependent anion channel abundance, a marker of mitochondrial density. Importantly, these changes were independent of satellite cell content. Interestingly, depletion of Pax7+ cells from intra- as well as extrafusal muscle fibers resulted in atrophy of intrafusal fibers, thickening of muscle spindle-associated extracellular matrix, and a marked reduction of functional outcomes including grip strength, gait fluidity, and balance, which likely contributed to the impaired running performance. CONCLUSIONS: Depletion of Pax7-expressing cells in muscle resulted in reduced voluntary wheel running performance, without affecting markers of aerobic adaptation; however, their absence may perturb proprioception via disruption of muscle spindle fibers resulting in loss of gross motor coordination, indicating that satellite cells have a yet unexplored role in muscle function

    Adiposity and the development of dyslipidemia in APOE epsilon 2 homozygous subjects:A longitudinal analysis in two population-based cohorts

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    Background and aims: Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia (FD), characterized by remnant lipoprotein accumulation and premature cardiovascular disease, occurs in homozygous carriers of the APOE epsilon 2 allele, but genetic predisposition alone does not suffice for the clinical phenotype. Cross-sectional studies suggest that a second metabolic hit-notably adiposity or insulin resistance-is required, but the association between these risk factors and development of FD has not been studied prospectively. Methods: For this study, we evaluated 18,987 subjects from two large prospective Dutch population-based cohorts (PREVEND and Rotterdam Study) of whom 118 were homozygous APOE epsilon 2 carriers. Of these, 69 subjects were available for prospective analyses. Dyslipidemia-likely to be FD-was defined as fasting triglyceride (TG) levels >3 mmol/L in untreated subjects or use of lipid lowering medication. The effect of weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-TG metabolic syndrome on development of dyslipidemia was investigated. Results: Eleven of the 69 epsilon 2 epsilon 2 subjects (16%) developed dyslipidemia-likely FD-during follow-up. Age-, sexand cohort-adjusted risk factors for the development of FD were BMI (OR 1.19; 95%CI 1.04-1.39), waist circumference (OR 1.26 95%CI 1.01-1.61) and presence of non-TG metabolic syndrome (OR 4.39; 95%CI 1.04-18.4) at baseline. Change in adiposity during follow-up was not associated with development of dyslipidemia. Conclusions: Adiposity increases the risk of developing an FD-like lipid phenotype in homozygous APOE epsilon 2 subjects. These results stress the importance of healthy body weight in subjects at risk of developing FD

    Dynamics and prognostic value of serum neurofilament light chain in Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    Background: Neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a biomarker for axonal damage in several neurological disorders. We studied the longitudinal changes in serum NfL in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in relation to disease severity, electrophysiological subtype, treatment response, and prognosis. Methods: We included patients with GBS who participated in a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial that evaluated the effects of a second course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) on clinical outcomes. Serum NfL levels were measured before initiation of treatment and at one, two, four, and twelve weeks using a Simoa HD-X Analyzer. Serum NfL dynamics were analysed using linear mixed-effects models. Logistic regression was employed to determine the associations of serum NfL with clinical outcome and the prognostic value of serum NfL after correcting for known prognostic markers.Findings: NfL levels were tested in serum from 281 patients. Serum NfL dynamics were associated with disease severity and electrophysiological subtype. Strong associations were found between high levels of serum NfL at two weeks and inability to walk unaided at four weeks (OR = 1.74, 95% CI = 1.27–2.45), and high serum NfL levels at four weeks and inability to walk unaided at 26 weeks (OR = 2.79, 95% CI = 1.72–4.90). Baseline serum NfL had the most significant prognostic value for ability to walk, independent of known predictors of outcome. The time to regain ability to walk unaided was significantly longer for patients with highest serum NfL levels at baseline (p = 0.0048) and week 2 (p &lt; 0.0001). No differences in serum NfL were observed between patients that received a second IVIg course vs. IVIg and placebo.Interpretation: Serum NfL levels are associated with disease severity, axonal involvement, and poor outcome in GBS. Serum NfL potentially represents a biomarker to monitor neuronal damage in GBS and an intermediate endpoint to evaluate the effects of treatment. </p
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