39 research outputs found

    Prescribing for children

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    In this article in the series of ‘bite sized’ pharmacology, we will look at the pharmacological considerations when prescribing for children. This article will illustrate the common issues to consider when prescribing for the under 18 (or more often than not the under 12) population. The primary focus will be on pharmacokinetics and the four processes that occur after oral drug administration, with specific details on the factors that affect these processes in this patient group. There will also be some consideration of legal aspects and consent to treatment including concordance and a brief area on licensing. Exercises provided will help you apply this knowledge to your prescribing practice

    Prescribing in alcohol misuse

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    Alcohol misuse is defined as the consistent and excessive drinking of alcohol above the low-risk limits of 14 units per week. This article will look at the pharmacological properties of drugs prescribed for those who misuse alcohol and will also outline the issues surrounding intervention

    Prescribing in pregnancy and breastfeeding

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    This article will look at the pharmacological considerations when prescribing for the pregnant or breastfeeding patient. It will illustrate the common issues to consider when prescribing in these groups. Focus will be on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, but the types of harm that can occur when medications are given in pregnancy will also be discussed. There will be some consideration of prescribing in women of childbearing age

    Pharmacology and prescribing in anxiety

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    In this article in the series of ‘bite sized’ pharmacology, we will look at the pharmacological actions of drugs used in the management of anxiety disorders. This article will outline the categories of anxiety disorder and pharmacological interventions required in these disorders with reference to current guidelines and formulary. It will illustrate the common therapeutic interventions in patients with general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It will then go on to examine the main types of drug used and their pharmacodynamic actions. The management will be considered within the NICE guidance and evidence base. Exercises will be provided to help you apply this knowledge to your prescribing practice

    Antimicrobial prescribing in SARS-CoV-2

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided

    Managing diabetes care in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provide

    Statin prescribing, preventative use and lipid levels

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided

    Antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided

    COVID-19, coagulopathy and clotting abnormalities

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provide

    Opioid drugs : a high risk prescribing area?

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    Deborah Robertson provides an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to non-medical prescribers. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided