984 research outputs found

    Transforming Growth Factor-Beta: Selective Increase in Glycosaminoglycan Synthesis by Cultures of Fibroblasts From Patients With Progressive Systemic Sclerosis

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    Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) has been found in all cells examined thus far, and has been shown to play an important role in inflammation and connective tissue formation. We now report that TGF-beta, alone or in combination with epidermal growth factor (EGF), led to a preferential increase in glycosaminoglycan synthesis by cultures of dermal fibroblasts from patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) when compared with normal fibroblasts (p < 0.001). Transforming growth factor-beta increased collagen synthesis to the same extent in both PSS and normal fibroblasts, whereas EGF had no stimulatory activity on collagen synthesis. The addition of EGE to cultures incubated with TGF-beta led to a decrease in collagen synthesis compared with the effect seen with TGF-beta alone (p <0.02). These studies suggest that TGF-beta may play an important role in the accumulation of connective tissue seen in PSS and that the combined action of multiple growth factors may modulate the synthetic activity of human dermal fibroblasts

    Transient Tumor-Fibroblast Interactions Increase Tumor Cell Malignancy by a TGF-β Mediated Mechanism in a Mouse Xenograft Model of Breast Cancer

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    Carcinoma are complex societies of mutually interacting cells in which there is a progressive failure of normal homeostatic mechanisms, causing the parenchymal component to expand inappropriately and ultimately to disseminate to distant sites. When a cancer cell metastasizes, it first will be exposed to cancer associated fibroblasts in the immediate tumor microenvironment and then to normal fibroblasts as it traverses the underlying connective tissue towards the bloodstream. The interaction of tumor cells with stromal fibroblasts influences tumor biology by mechanisms that are not yet fully understood. Here, we report a role for normal stroma fibroblasts in the progression of invasive tumors to metastatic tumors. Using a coculture system of human metastatic breast cancer cells (MCF10CA1a) and normal murine dermal fibroblasts, we found that medium conditioned by cocultures of the two cell types (CoCM) increased migration and scattering of MCF10CA1a cells in vitro, whereas medium conditioned by homotypic cultures had little effect. Transient treatment of MCF10CA1a cells with CoCM in vitro accelerated tumor growth at orthotopic sites in vivo, and resulted in an expanded pattern of metastatic engraftment. The effects of CoCM on MCF10CA1a cells were dependent on small amounts of active TGF-β1 secreted by fibroblasts under the influence of the tumor cells, and required intact ALK5-, p38-, and JNK signaling in the tumor cells. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that transient interactions between tumor cells and normal fibroblasts can modify the acellular component of the local microenvironment such that it induces long-lasting increases in tumorigenicity and alters the metastatic pattern of the cancer cells in vivo. TGF-β appears to be a key player in this process, providing further rationale for the development of anti-cancer therapeutics that target the TGF-β pathway

    Smad4-expression is decreased in breast cancer tissues: a retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Although transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) typically inhibits proliferation of epithelial cells, consistent with a tumor suppressor activity, it paradoxically also exhibits pro-metastatic activity in the later stages of carcinogenesis. Since tumors often display altered TGF-β signaling, particularly involving the Smad-pathway, we investigated the role of Smad4-expression in breast cancer. METHODS: Smad4 expression was investigated by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 197 samples of primary breast cancer obtained between 1986 and 1998. The prognostic value of Smad4-expression was analyzed. RESULTS: Smad4 expression was found to be reduced in lobular and ductal breast carcinoma as compared to surrounding uninvolved lobular and ductal breast epithelia (p < 0.001, n = 50). Smad4-expression correlated positively with expression of TGF-β-receptor I (p < 0.001, n = 197) and TGF-β-receptor II (p < 0.001, n = 197), but showed no significant correlation with tumor size, metastases, nodal status, histological grade, histological type, or estrogen receptor expression. While not achieving statistical significance, there was a trend towards longer survival times in patients with Smad4 negative tumors. CONCLUSION: According to the suggested role of Smad4 as a tumor suppressor we observed that expression of Smad4 is lower in human breast cancer than in surrounding breast epithelium. However, we also observed a trend towards longer survival times in Smad4-negative patients, indicating the complex role of TGF-β signaling in tumor progression

    Meteorologically estimated exposure but not distance predicts asthma symptoms in schoolchildren in the environs of a petrochemical refinery: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community concern about asthma prompted an epidemiological study of children living near a petrochemical refinery in Cape Town, South Africa. Because of resource constraints and the complexity of refinery emissions, neither direct environmental measurements nor modelling of airborne pollutants was possible. Instead a meteorologically derived exposure metric was calculated with the refinery as the putative point source. The study aimed to determine whether (1) asthma symptom prevalences were elevated compared to comparable areas in Cape Town and (2) whether there was an association between asthma symptom prevalences and the derived exposure metric.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out of all consenting school children aged 11 to 14 years attending schools in a defined area, utilizing the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC) written and video questionnaires. Information was collected on potential confounders, e.g. parental history of atopic disease, active and passive smoking by the participant, birth order, number of children in the home and distance from a major road. The exposure metric combined residential distance of each child from the refinery with a wind vector in the form of wind speed, wind direction and proportion of the year blown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 2,361 children from 17 schools met the criteria for inclusion. In multivariate analysis, meteorologically estimated exposure (MEE), but not simple distance from the refinery, was positively associated with having to take an inhaler to school [odds ratio per interquartile range (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.06-1.40], and with a number of video elicited asthma symptoms, including recent waking with wheezing (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.06-1.66) and frequent wheezing at rest (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.05 - 1.54). Symptom prevalences were higher than in other areas of the city, with frequent waking with wheezing being in great excess (OR 8.92, 95% CI 4.79-16.63).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results support the hypothesis of an increased prevalence of asthma symptoms among children in the area as a result of refinery emissions and provide a substantive basis for community concern. The methodology also provides a low cost means of testing hypotheses about point source pollutant effects on surrounding populations of children.</p

    Copy Number Variation in Familial Parkinson Disease

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) are known to cause Mendelian forms of Parkinson disease (PD), most notably in SNCA and PARK2. PARK2 has a recessive mode of inheritance; however, recent evidence demonstrates that a single CNV in PARK2 (but not a single missense mutation) may increase risk for PD. We recently performed a genome-wide association study for PD that excluded individuals known to have either a LRRK2 mutation or two PARK2 mutations. Data from the Illumina370Duo arrays were re-clustered using only white individuals with high quality intensity data, and CNV calls were made using two algorithms, PennCNV and QuantiSNP. After quality assessment, the final sample included 816 cases and 856 controls. Results varied between the two CNV calling algorithms for many regions, including the PARK2 locus (genome-wide p = 0.04 for PennCNV and p = 0.13 for QuantiSNP). However, there was consistent evidence with both algorithms for two novel genes, USP32 and DOCK5 (empirical, genome-wide p-values<0.001). PARK2 CNVs tended to be larger, and all instances that were molecularly tested were validated. In contrast, the CNVs in both novel loci were smaller and failed to replicate using real-time PCR, MLPA, and gel electrophoresis. The DOCK5 variation is more akin to a VNTR than a typical CNV and the association is likely caused by artifact due to DNA source. DNA for all the cases was derived from whole blood, while the DNA for all controls was derived from lymphoblast cell lines. The USP32 locus contains many SNPs with low minor allele frequency leading to a loss of heterozygosity that may have been spuriously interpreted by the CNV calling algorithms as support for a deletion. Thus, only the CNVs within the PARK2 locus could be molecularly validated and associated with PD susceptibility

    Expression profiling of familial breast cancers demonstrates higher expression of FGFR2 in BRCA2-associated tumors

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    BackgroundBRCA1- and BRCA2-associated tumors appear to have distinct molecular signatures. BRCA1-associated tumors are predominantly basal-like cancers, whereas BRCA2-associated tumors have a predominant luminal-like phenotype. These two molecular signatures reflect in part the two cell types found in the terminal duct lobular unit of the breast. To elucidate novel genes involved in these two spectra of breast tumorigenesis we performed global gene expression analysis on breast tumors from germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Methodology Breast tumor RNAs from 7 BRCA1 and 6 BRCA2 mutation carriers were profiled using UHN human 19K cDNA microarrays. Supervised univariate analyses were conducted to identify genes differentially expressed between BRCA1 and BRCA2-associated tumors. Selected discriminatory genes were validated using real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in the tumor RNAs, and/or by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or by in situ hybridization (ISH) on tissue microarrays (TMAs) containing an independent set of 58 BRCA1 and 64 BRCA2-associated tumors. Results Genes more highly expressed in BRCA1-associated tumors included stathmin, osteopontin, TGFβ2 and Jagged 1 in addition to genes previously identified as characteristic of basal-like breast cancers. BRCA2-associated cancers were characterized by the higher relative expression of FGF1 and FGFR2. FGFR2 protein was also more highly expressed in BRCA2-associated cancers (P = 0.004). SignificanceBRCA1-associated tumours demonstrated increased expression of component genes of the Notch and TGFβ pathways whereas the higher expression of FGFR2 and FGF1 in BRCA2-associated cancers suggests the existence of an autocrine stimulatory loop

    Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for plantar heel pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis) is a common and disabling condition, which has a detrimental impact on health-related quality of life. Despite the high prevalence of plantar heel pain, the optimal treatment for this disorder remains unclear. Consequently, an alternative therapy such as dry needling is increasingly being used as an adjunctive treatment by health practitioners. Only two trials have investigated the effectiveness of dry needling for plantar heel pain, however both trials were of a low methodological quality. This manuscript describes the design of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling for plantar heel pain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty community-dwelling men and woman aged over 18 years with plantar heel pain (who satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria) will be recruited. Eligible participants with plantar heel pain will be randomised to receive either one of two interventions, (i) real dry needling or (ii) sham dry needling. The protocol (including needling details and treatment regimen) was formulated by general consensus (using the Delphi research method) using 30 experts worldwide that commonly use dry needling for plantar heel pain. Primary outcome measures will be the pain subscale of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire and "first step" pain as measured on a visual analogue scale. The secondary outcome measures will be health related quality of life (assessed using the Short Form-36 questionnaire - Version Two) and depression, anxiety and stress (assessed using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - short version). Primary outcome measures will be performed at baseline, 2, 4, 6 and 12 weeks and secondary outcome measures will be performed at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. Data will be analysed using the intention to treat principle.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study is the first randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling for plantar heel pain. The trial will be reported in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials and the Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture guidelines. The findings from this trial will provide evidence for the effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for plantar heel pain.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Australian New Zealand 'Clinical Trials Registry'. <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12610000611022.aspx">ACTRN12610000611022</a>.</p