11,094 research outputs found

    Building blocks for private investment in New York City's underserved communities

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    This paper was presented at the conference "Policies to Promote Affordable Housing," cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York University's Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, February 7, 2002. It was part of Session 5: Remarks on the Future of Housing Policy.Housing - New York (N.Y.) ; Community development ; Investment banking ; Housing - Finance ; Housing policy

    Augst-Johnson v. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated

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    Segmentally Variable Genes: A New Perspective on Adaptation

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    Genomic sequence variation is the hallmark of life and is key to understanding diversity and adaptation among the numerous microorganisms on earth. Analysis of the sequenced microbial genomes suggests that genes are evolving at many different rates. We have attempted to derive a new classification of genes into three broad categories: lineage-specific genes that evolve rapidly and appear unique to individual species or strains; highly conserved genes that frequently perform housekeeping functions; and partially variable genes that contain highly variable regions, at least 70 amino acids long, interspersed among well-conserved regions. The latter we term segmentally variable genes (SVGs), and we suggest that they are especially interesting targets for biochemical studies. Among these genes are ones necessary to deal with the environment, including genes involved in hostā€“pathogen interactions, defense mechanisms, and intracellular responses to internal and environmental changes. For the most part, the detailed function of these variable regions remains unknown. We propose that they are likely to perform important binding functions responsible for proteinā€“protein, proteinā€“nucleic acid, or proteinā€“small molecule interactions. Discerning their function and identifying their binding partners may offer biologists new insights into the basic mechanisms of adaptation, context-dependent evolution, and the interaction between microbes and their environment. Segmentally variable genes show a mosaic pattern of one or more rapidly evolving, variable regions. Discerning their function may provide new insights into the forces that shape genome diversity and adaptationNational Science Foundation (998088, 0239435

    Ammonia assimilation in Bacillus polymyxa. 15N NMR and enzymatic studies

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    Pathways of ammonia assimilation into glutamic acid and alanine in Bacillus polymyxa were investigated by 15N NMR spectroscopy in combination with measurements of the specific activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthetase, alanine dehydrogenase, and glutamic-alanine transaminase. Ammonia was found to be assimilated into glutamic acid predominantly by NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase with a Km of 2.9 mM for NH4+ not only in ammonia-grown cells but also in nitrate-grown and nitrogen-fixing cells in which the intracellular NH4+ concentrations were 11.2, 1.04, and 1.5 mM, respectively. In ammonia-grown cells, the specific activity of alanine dehydrogenase was higher than that of glutamic-alanine transaminase, but the glutamate dehydrogenase/glutamic-alanine transaminase pathway was found to be the major pathway of 15NH4+ assimilation into [15N]alanine. The in vitro specific activities of glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase, which represent the rates of synthesis of glutamic acid and glutamine, respectively, in the presence of enzyme-saturating concentrations of substrates and coenzymes are compared with the in vivo rates of biosynthesis of [15N]glutamic acid and [alpha,gamma-15N]glutamine observed by NMR, and implications of the results for factors limiting the rates of their biosynthesis in ammonia- and nitrate-grown cells are discussed

    Pride of the South: Risk Analysis for Marine Biosecurity in Fiordland

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    This paper describes a model used to assess alternative scenarios for managing the marine biosecurity risk to Fiordland from vessel traffic. Scenarios are assessed in terms of risk reduction per dollar spent. To keep the analysis manageable, we focus on vessel risks from hull fouling, as this is considered the primary pathway of vessel-related spread. Our analysis includes evaluation of the costs and benefits of different types of vector treatment as well as the possibility of continued vessel monitoring and control of pest populations in Bluff Harbour to reduce the risk of vector infection.Fiordland, marine biosecurity, risk reduction, benefit cost analysis, management options, Bluff, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Glutamate biosynthesis in Bacillus azotofixans. 15N NMR and enzymatic studies

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    Pathways of ammonia assimilation into glutamic acid in Bacillus azotofixans, a recently characterized nitrogen-fixing species of Bacillus, were investigated through observation by NMR spectroscopy of in vivo incorporation of 15N into glutamine and glutamic acid in the absence and presence of inhibitors of ammonia-assimilating enzymes, in combination with measurements of the specific activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, and alanine dehydrogenase. In ammonia-grown cells, both the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase and the glutamate dehydrogenase pathways contribute to the assimilation of ammonia into glutamic acid. In nitrate-grown and nitrogen-fixing cells, the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway was found to be predominant. NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity was detectable at low levels only in ammonia-grown and glutamate-grown cells. Thus, B. azotofixans differs from Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus macerans, but resembles other N2-fixing prokaryotes studied previously, as to the pathway of ammonia assimilation during ammonia limitation. Implications of the results for an emerging pattern of ammonia assimilation by alternative pathways among nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes are discussed, as well as the utility of 15N NMR for measuring in vivo glutamate synthase activity in the cell

    Epitope mapping using mRNA display and a unidirectional nested deletion library

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    In vitro selection targeting an anti-polyhistidine monoclonal antibody was performed using mRNA display with a random, unconstrained 27-mer peptide library. After six rounds of selection, epitope-like peptides were identified that contain two to five consecutive, internal histidines and are biased for arginine residues, without any other identifiable consensus. The epitope was further refined by constructing a high-complexity, unidirectional fragment library from the final selection pool. Selection by mRNA display minimized the dominant peptide from the original selection to a 15-residue functional sequence (peptide Cmin: RHDAGDHHHHHGVRQ; K-D = 38 nM). Other peptides recovered from the fragment library selection revealed a separate consensus motif (ARRXA) C-terminal to the histidine track. Kinetics measurements made by surface plasmon resonance, using purified Fab (antigen-binding fragment) to prevent avidity effects, demonstrate that the selected peptides bind with 10- to 75-fold higher affinities than a hexahistidine peptide. The highest affinity peptides (K-D approximate to 10 nM) encode both a short histidine track and the ARRXA motif, suggesting that the motif and other flanking residues make important contacts adjacent to the core polyhistidine-binding site and can contribute > 2.5 kcal/mol of binding free energy. The fragment library construction methodology described here is applicable to the development of high-complexity protein or cDNA expression libraries for the identification of protein-protein interaction domains
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