69 research outputs found

    Persistent Unresolved Inflammation in the Mecp2

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder usually caused by mutations in the X-linked gene methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2). Several Mecp2 mutant mouse lines have been developed recapitulating part of the clinical features. In particular, Mecp2-308 female heterozygous mice, bearing a truncating mutation, are a validated model of the disease. While recent data suggest a role for inflammation in RTT, little information on the inflammatory status in murine models of the disease is available. Here, we investigated the inflammatory status by proteomic 2-DE/MALDI-ToF/ToF analyses in symptomatic Mecp2-308 female mice. Ten differentially expressed proteins were evidenced in the Mecp2-308 mutated plasma proteome. In particular, 5 positive acute-phase response (APR) proteins increased (i.e., kininogen-1, alpha-fetoprotein, mannose-binding protein C, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and alpha-2-macroglobulin), and 3 negative APR reactants were decreased (i.e., serotransferrin, albumin, and apolipoprotein A1). CD5 antigen-like and vitamin D-binding protein, two proteins strictly related to inflammation, were also changed. These results indicate for the first time a persistent unresolved inflammation of unknown origin in the Mecp2-308 mouse model

    Characterization of the Factor Responsible for the Antisnake Activity of Mucuna Prurien's Seeds

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    Background. Mucuna pruriens DC. (Papilionacee) has been used since several years in traditional medicine in West Africa. In Plateau State, Nigeria, the seed is prescribed as a prophylactic oral anti-snake remedy by traditional medicine pratictioners. The protective effect of a water extract of Mucuna pruriens’ seed against Echiscarinatus and Naja hannah venom has been reported. Aims The purpose of our re search is to characterize the factor (s) responsible for such antisnake activity of Mucuna pruriens seeds . Methods. A water extract of the seeds was first submitted to precipitation with solid (NH4)2SO4 and then the components were separated by gel filtration on Sephadex G50 column obtaining two fractions, the first one containing proteins. Mice were first treated with the proteic fraction: 24 hours and 14 days minimal lethal dose of Echiscarinatus venom (2 mg/Kg mouse) was injected. Results and conclusions. We demonstrated that the protective principle is a protein and this could be of importance in snakebite therapy and prevention . We are carrying out further researches for the identification of the protein(s) responsible for the antisnake activity of Mucuna pruriens’ seeds and its mechanism of action

    Effects of snake venom proteases on human fibrinogen chains

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    Proteomic approach is an effective method to study changes in human plasma proteome. Coagulopathies are commonly encountered in victims of viper envenomation which were treated with an administration of immunoglobulin. Unfortunately, this treatment shows significant risk to the patient due to an anaphylactic reaction. Since Echis carinatus Venom (EV) toxins mainly acts both directly and indirectly on fibrinogen, we planned to establish a suitable analysis of its beta (FIBB) e gamma (FIBG) chains. This study will help us to understand the mechanism of envenomation and to find alternative treatments other than the common treatment with the administration of IgG

    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Measurement by VES Matic Cube 80 in Relation to Inflammation Plasma Proteins

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    Westergren method is considered as the reference procedure to measure Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) by the International Council for Standardization in Haematology. However, a closed automated method, VES Matic Cube 80 (DIESSE S.p.A., Siena, Italy), has been introduced as a new ESR measurement instrument. In this article, we report two different studies: first, we compared the two methods (Westergren and VES Matic Cube 80) and second, we correlated the inflammatory state of 248 patients with their ESR values. Total protein, albumin, C-reactive protein, and other inflammatory proteins were detected in each sample. The results obtained using VES Matic Cube 80 demonstrated a good correlation with those obtained using the Westergren method (Ordinary linear regression: y=0.955x-0.205, r(2) =0.816, P<0.05; Passing-Bablock regression equation: y=0.9153x-0.5763; Bland-Altman analysis: bias 1.2; limits of agreement -17.4-19.9) and with the inflammatory protein levels (CRP: r=0.554 and r=0.498 and Fibrinogen: r=0.699 and r=0.663 for Ves Matic Cube 80 and Westergren, respectively), supporting the hypothesis that VES Matic Cube 80 offers a fast and safe ESR determination, ensuring precision and a very good correlation with the reference method

    Ultrastructural and biochemical investigations of protein mobilization of Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC cotyledons and embryo axis.

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    The mobilization of storage reserves, with particular emphasis on storage proteins of Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., cotyledons, and embryo was investigated from the ultrastructural and biochemical points of view. Proteins and starch were the two main storage substances in cotyledons, and proteins and lipids were the main ones in the embryo. Embryo protein bodies were smaller and fewer in number than those of cotyledons. Structural and ultrastructural data determined between 24 and 48 h after imbibition and between 48 and 72 h after imbibition, the end of significant embryo and cotyledon protein mobilization, respectively, indicating more precocious storage protein mobilization in the axis than cotyledons. Moreover, storage protein mobilization in embryo and cotyledons occurred before the end of germination. Water soluble proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, producing 29 bands with molecular weights from 14 to 90 KDa. Embryo extract contained more proteins than cotyledon extract, contained seven characteristic bands, and showed a higher variability of the optical density trend than cotyledon
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