163 research outputs found

    Achieving better than 1 minute accuracy in the Heliocentric and Barycentric Julian Dates

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    As the quality and quantity of astrophysical data continue to improve, the precision with which certain astrophysical events can be timed becomes limited not by the data themselves, but by the manner, standard, and uniformity with which time itself is referenced. While some areas of astronomy (most notably pulsar studies) have required absolute time stamps with precisions of considerably better than 1 minute for many decades, recently new areas have crossed into this regime. In particular, in the exoplanet community, we have found that the (typically unspecified) time standards adopted by various groups can differ by as much as a minute. Left uncorrected, this ambiguity may be mistaken for transit timing variations and bias eccentricity measurements. We argue that, since the commonly-used Julian Date, as well as its heliocentric and barycentric counterparts, can be specified in several time standards, it is imperative that their time standards always be reported when accuracies of 1 minute are required. We summarize the rationale behind our recommendation to quote the site arrival time, in addition to using BJD_TDB, the Barycentric Julian Date in the Barycentric Dynamical Time standard for any astrophysical event. The BJD_TDB is the most practical absolute time stamp for extra-terrestrial phenomena, and is ultimately limited by the properties of the target system. We compile a general summary of factors that must be considered in order to achieve timing precisions ranging from 15 minutes to 1 microsecond. Finally, we provide software tools that, in principal, allow one to calculate BJD_TDB to a precision of 1 microsecond for any target from anywhere on Earth or from any spacecraft.Comment: Online BJD_TDB calculator at http://astroutils.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/time/utc2bjd.html. PASP accepted, 11 pages, 6 figures, updated to match published versio

    KELT-1b: A Strongly Irradiated, Highly Inflated, Short Period, 27 Jupiter-mass Companion Transiting a Mid-F Star

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    We present the discovery of KELT-1b, the first transiting low-mass companion from the wide-field Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope-North (KELT-North) transit survey. A joint analysis of the spectroscopic, radial velocity, and photometric data indicates that the V = 10.7 primary is a mildly evolved mid-F star with T eff = 6516 ± 49 K, log g = 4.228^(+0.014)_(–0.021), and [Fe/H] = 0.052 ± 0.079, with an inferred mass M_* = 1.335 ± 0.063 M_☉ and radius R_* = 1.471^(+0.045)_(–0.035) R_☉. The companion is a low-mass brown dwarf or a super-massive planet with mass M_P = 27.38 ± 0.93 M_(Jup) and radius R_P = 1.116^(+0.038)_(–0.029) R_(Jup). The companion is on a very short (~29 hr) period circular orbit, with an ephemeris T_c (BJD_(TDB)) = 2455909.29280 ± 0.00023 and P = 1.217501 ± 0.000018 days. KELT-1b receives a large amount of stellar insolation, resulting in an estimated equilibrium temperature assuming zero albedo and perfect redistribution of T_(eq) = 2423^(+34)_(–27) K. Comparison with standard evolutionary models suggests that the radius of KELT-1b is likely to be significantly inflated. Adaptive optics imaging reveals a candidate stellar companion to KELT-1 with a separation of 588 ± 1 mas, which is consistent with an M dwarf if it is at the same distance as the primary. Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements during transit imply a projected spin-orbit alignment angle λ = 2 ± 16 deg, consistent with a zero obliquity for KELT-1. Finally, the v sin I_* = 56 ± 2 km ^(s–1) of the primary is consistent at ~2σ with tidal synchronization. Given the extreme parameters of the KELT-1 system, we expect it to provide an important testbed for theories of the emplacement and evolution of short-period companions, as well as theories of tidal dissipation and irradiated brown dwarf atmospheres

    The KELT-South Telescope

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project is a survey for new transiting planets around bright stars. KELT-South is a small-aperture, wide-field automated telescope located at Sutherland, South Africa. The telescope surveys a set of 26 degree by 26 degree fields around the southern sky, and targets stars in the range of 8 < V < 10 mag, searching for transits by Hot Jupiters. This paper describes the KELT-South system hardware and software and discusses the quality of the observations. We show that KELT-South is able to achieve the necessary photometric precision to detect transits of Hot Jupiters around solar-type main-sequence stars.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    KELT-19Ab: A P ~ 4.6-day Hot Jupiter Transiting a Likely Am Star with a Distant Stellar Companion

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    We present the discovery of the giant planet KELT-19Ab, which transits the moderately bright (V ~ 9.9) A8V star TYC 764-1494-1 with an orbital period of 4.61 days. We confirm the planetary nature of the companion via a combination of radial velocities, which limit the mass to ≾ 4.1 M_J (3σ), and a clear Doppler tomography signal, which indicates a retrograde projected spin–orbit misalignment of λ = -179.7^(+3.7)_(-3.8) degrees. Global modeling indicates that the T_(eff) = 7500 ± 110 K host star has M⋆ = 1.62^(+0.25)_(-0.20) M⊙ and R⋆ = 1.83 ± 0.10 R⊙. The planet has a radius of R_p = 1.91 ± 0.11 R_J and receives a stellar insolation flux of ~3.2 x 10^9 erg s^(-1) cm^(-2), leading to an inferred equilibrium temperature of T_(eq) ~ 1935 K assuming zero albedo and complete heat redistribution. With a ν sin I* = 84.8 ± 2.0 km s^(-1), the host is relatively slowly rotating compared to other stars with similar effective temperatures, and it appears to be enhanced in metallic elements but deficient in calcium, suggesting that it is likely an Am star. KELT-19A would be the first detection of an Am host of a transiting planet of which we are aware. Adaptive optics observations of the system reveal the existence of a companion with late-G9V/early-K1V spectral type at a projected separation of ≈160 au. Radial velocity measurements indicate that this companion is bound. Most Am stars are known to have stellar companions, which are often invoked to explain the relatively slow rotation of the primary. In this case, the stellar companion is unlikely to have caused the tidal braking of the primary. However, it may have emplaced the transiting planetary companion via the Kozai–Lidov mechanism
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