45 research outputs found

    Prevention of recurrent sudden cardiac arrest: role of provocative electropharmacologic testing

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    This study evaluates the usefulness of serial provocative electropharmacologic testing for predicting the efficacy of prophylactic antiarrhythmic treatment regimens in patients resuscitated from sudden cardiac arrest in the absence of acute myocardial infarction. Testing was carried out in 34 consecutive patients (28 men and 6 women) who required cardiopulmonary resuscitation and direct current countershock for treatment of primary ventricular fibrillation (28 patients), ventricular tachycardia (5 patients) or excessively rapid heart rate during atrial fibrillation with preexcitation (1 patient).In 8 (24%) of the 34 patients, drug testing either was not feasible because of absence of inducible arrhythmia or was incomplete because of patient withdrawal from study; and 3 of these 8 patients had recurrent sudden cardiac arrest within 10 to 19 months. In an additional five patients, treatment regimens failed to prevent initiation of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias in the catheterization laboratory, and two of these five patients had cardiac arrest recurrences within 2 weeks to 25 months of follow-up. In the remaining 21 (62%) of the 34 patients, including 3 patients with preexcitation syndrome, a drug regimen or surgical treatment, or both, was found that prevented inducible life-threatening tachyarrhythmias in the laboratory. Subsequently, only 1 (5%) of these 21 patients died suddenly within a 7 to 38 month (mean ± standard deviation, 18 ± 8.3) follow-up period. Thus, provocative electropharmacologic testing appears to be useful in predicting response to therapy in survivors of sudden cardiac arrest

    Aberrant axial mineralization precedes spinal ankylosis: a molecular imaging study in ank/ank mice

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    Abstract Introduction The diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis is made from a combination of clinical features and the presence of radiographic evidence that may be detected only after many years of inflammatory back pain. It is not uncommon to have a diagnosis confirmed 5 to 10 years after the initial onset of symptoms. Development of a more-sensitive molecular imaging technology to detect structural changes in the joints would lead to earlier diagnosis and quantitative tracking of ankylosis progression. Progressive ankylosis (ank/ank) mice have a loss of function in the Ank gene, which codes for a regulator of PPi transport. In this study, we used these ank/ank mutant mice to assess a noninvasive, quantitative measure of joint ankylosis with near-infrared (NIR) molecular imaging in vivo. Methods Three age groups (8, 12, and 18 weeks) of ank/ank (15 mice) and wild-type littermates (12 +/+ mice) were assessed histologically and radiographically. Before imaging, OsteoSense 750 (bisphosphonate pamidronate) was injected i.v. Whole-body images were analyzed by using the multispectral Maestro imaging system. Results OsteoSense 750 signals in the paw joints were higher in ank/ank mice in all three age groups compared with controls. In the spine, significantly higher OsteoSense 750 signals were detected early, in 8-week-old ank/ank mice compared with controls, although minimal radiographic differences were noted at this time point. The molecular imaging changes in the ank/ank spine (8 weeks) were supported by histologic changes, including calcium apatite crystals at the edge of the vertebral bodies and new syndesmophyte formation. Conclusions Changes in joint pathology of ank/ank mice, as evaluated by histologic and radiographic means, are qualitative, but only semiquantitative. In contrast, molecular imaging provides a quantitative assessment. Ankylosis in ank/ank mice developed simultaneously in distal and axial joints, contrary to the previous notion that it is a centripetal process. NIR imaging might be feasible for early disease diagnosis and for monitoring disease progression in ankylosing spondylitis

    Postal survey of physicians and laboratories: Practices and perceptions of molecular oncology testing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular oncology testing (MOT) to detect genomic alterations underlying cancer holds promise for improved cancer care. Yet knowledge limitations regarding the delivery of testing services may constrain the translation of scientific advancements into effective health care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a cross-sectional, self-administered, postal survey of active cancer physicians in Ontario, Canada (N = 611) likely to order MOT, and cancer laboratories (N = 99) likely to refer (i.e., referring laboratories) or conduct (i.e., testing laboratories) MOT in 2006, to assess respondents' perceptions of the importance and accessibility of MOT and their preparedness to provide it.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>54% of physicians, 63% of testing laboratories and 60% of referring laboratories responded. Most perceived MOT to be important for treatment, diagnosis or prognosis now, and in 5 years (61% – 100%). Yet only 45% of physicians, 59% of testing labs and 53% of referring labs agreed that patients in their region were receiving MOT that is indicated as a standard of care. Physicians and laboratories perceived various barriers to providing MOT, including, among 70% of physicians, a lack of clear guidelines regarding clinical indications, and among laboratories, a lack of funding (73% – 100%). Testing laboratories were confident of their ability to determine whether and which MOT was indicated (77% and 82% respectively), and perceived that key elements of formal and continuing education were helpful (75% – 100%). By contrast, minorities of physicians were confident of their ability to assess whether and which MOT was indicated (46% and 34% respectively), and while majorities considered various continuing educational resources helpful (68% – 75%), only minorities considered key elements of formal education helpful in preparing for MOT (17% – 43%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Physicians and laboratory professionals were enthusiastic about the value of MOT for cancer care but most did not believe patients were gaining adequate access to clinically necessary testing. Further, our results suggest that many were ill equipped as individual stakeholders, or as a coordinated system of referral and interpretation, to provide MOT. These challenges should inspire educational, training and other interventions to ensure that developments in molecular oncology can result in optimal cancer care.</p

    Roundtable Discussion: Corporate Governance

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    This is a transcript of a roundtable discussion between Robert Pritzker of The Marmon Group, Inc., Vice-Chancellor Jack Jacobs of the Delaware Court of Chancery, and Law Professors William Carney, Richard Painter, and Robert Sitkoff, with Professor Carney serving as moderator. The general topic was corporate governance. Among other things the participants discussed the implications of information provided by Mr. Pritzker regarding Smith v. Van Gorkom. Mr. Pritzker stated that the $55 price and the one-week deadline were established by Jerry Van Gorkom, not the Pritzkers. Mr. Pritzker also described the terms and the motivations for the Pritzkers\u27 contribution to the settlement. Finally, in addition to analysis of the Van Gorkom decision, the panel also discussed public and private boards of directors, the Caremark decision, and corporate charitable and political contributions. The roundtable was held under the auspices of the Theory Informs Business Practices Symposium at the Chicago-Kent College of Law on April 6, 2001