600 research outputs found

    Is the iPhone an accurate and useful tool for the monitoring of spinal deformity?

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    The progression of spinal deformity is traditionally monitored by spinal surgeons using the Cobb method on hardcopy radiographs with a protractor and pencil. The rotation of the spine and ribcage (rib hump) in scoliosis is measured with a simple hand-held inclinometer (Scoliometer). The iPhone and other smart phones have the capability to accurately sense inclination, and can therefore be used to measure Cobb angles and rib hump angulation. The purpose of this study was to quantify the performance of the iPhone compared to a standard protractor for measuring Cobb angles and the Scoliometer for measuring rib humps. The study concluded that the iPhone is a clinically equivalent measuring tool to the traditional protractor and Scoliomete

    Biomechanical performance of polycaprolactone (PCL)-based scaffold with rhBMP-2 in a sheep thoracic spine fusion model

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    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a complex three dimensional deformity affecting 2-3% of the general population. Resulting spine deformities include progressive coronal curvature, hypokyphosis, or frank lordosis in the thoracic spine and vertebral rotation in the axial plane with posterior elements turned into the curve concavity. The potential for curve progression is heightened during the adolescent growth spurt. Success of scoliosis deformity correction depends on solid bony fusion between adjacent vertebrae after the intervertebral discs have been surgically cleared and the disc spaces filled with graft material. Problems with bone graft harvest site morbidity as well as limited bone availability have led to the search for bone graft substitutes. Recently, a bioactive and resorbable scaffold fabricated from medical grade polycaprolactone (PCL) has been developed for bone regeneration at load bearing sites. Combined with recombinant human bone morphogenic protein–2 (rhBMP-2), this has been shown to be successful in acting as a bone graft substitute in acting as a bone graft substitute in a porcine lumbar interbody fusion model when compared to autologous bone graft. This in vivo sheep study intends to evaluate the suitability of a custom designed medical grade PCL scaffold in combination with rhBMP-2 as a bone graft substitute in the setting of mini–thoracotomy surgery as a platform for ongoing research to benefit patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    Three-dimensional imaging of steeply dipping structure near the San Andreas fault, Parkfield, California

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    Shot gathers from the Parkfield, California, deep crustal seismic reflection line, recorded in 1977 by COCORP, reveal coherent events having horizontal to reverse moveouts. These events were migrated using a multioffset three-dimensional Kirchhoff summation method. This method is a ray-equation back projection inversion of the acoustic wave field, which is valid under the Born, WKBJ, and far-field assumptions. Migration of full-wave acoustic synthetics, having the same limitations in geometric coverage as the COCORP survey, demonstrates the utility of the imaging process. The images obtained from back projection of the survey data suggest that the Gold Hill fault carries ultramafic rocks from the surface to 3 km depth at a dip greater than 45 degrees, where it joins the San Andreas fault, which may cut through more homogeneous materials at shallow depths. To the southwest, a 2 km Tertiary sedimentary section appears to terminate against a near-vertical fault. The zone between this fault and the San Andreas may be floored at 3 km by flat-lying ultramafics. Lateral velocity inhomogeneities are not accounted for in the migration but, in this case, do not seriously hinder the reconstruction of reflectors

    A synthesis of scale-dependent ecology of the endangered mountain caribou in British Columbia, Canada

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    Mountain caribou are an endangered ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) that live in highprecipitation, mountainous ecosystems of southeastern British Columbia and northern Idaho. The distribution and abundance of these caribou have declined dramatically from historical figures. Results from many studies have indicated that mountain caribou rely on old conifer forests for several life-history requirements including an abundance of their primary winter food, arboreal lichen, and a scarcity of other ungulates and their predators. These old forests often have high timber value, and understanding mountain caribou ecology at a variety of spatial scales is thus required to develop effective conservation strategies. Here we summarize results of studies conducted at three different spatial scales ranging from broad limiting factors at the population level to studies describing the selection of feeding sites within seasonal home ranges of individuals. The goal of this multi-scale review is to provide a more complete picture of caribou ecology and to determine possible shifts in limiting factors across scales. Our review produced two important results. First, mountain caribou select old forests and old trees at all spatial scales, signifying their importance for foraging opportunities as well as conditions required to avoid alternate ungulates and their predators. Second, relationships differ across scales. For example, landscapes dominated by roads and edges negatively affect caribou survival, but appear to attract caribou during certain times of the year. This juxtaposition of fine-scale behaviour with broad-scale vulnerability to predation could only be identified through integrated multi-scale analyses of resource selection. Consequently we suggest that effective management strategies for endangered species require an integrative approach across multiple spatial scales to avoid a focus that may be too narrow to maintain viable populations. Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag:Skala-avhengig økologi og truet fjellvillrein i Britisk ColumbiaFjellvillreinen i de nedbørsrike fjellområdene i sørøstre Britisk Columbia og nordlige Idaho som er en truet økotype av skogsreinen (Rangifer tarandus caribou), har blitt kraftig redusert både i utbredelse og antall. Mange studier har vist at denne økotypen er avhengig av vinterføden hengelav i gammel barskog hvor det også er få andre klovdyr og dermed få predatorer. Slik skog er også viktige hogstområder, og å forstå økologien til fjellvillreinen i forskjellige skaleringer er derfor nødvendig for å utvikle forvaltningsstrategier som kan berge og ta vare på denne reinen. Artikkelen gir en oversikt over slike arbeider: fra studier av begrensende faktorer på populasjonsnivå til studier av sesongmessige beiteplasser på individnivå. Hensikten er å få frem et mer helhetlig perspektiv på fjellvillreinen og finne hvordan de begrensende faktorene varierer etter skaleringen som er benyttet i studiet. Oversikten vår frembragte to viktige resultater; 1) Uansett skalering så velger dyrene gammel skog og gamle trær. 2) Dyrenes bruk av et område kan variere med benyttet skalering, for eksempel vil landskap utbygd med veier og hogstflater være ufordelaktig for overlevelsen, men synes likevel å kunne tiltrekke fjellvillreinen til visse tider av året. Forholdet mellom atferd ut fra fin-skalering og stor-skalering sårbarhet hva gjelder predasjon, ville kun blitt avdekket ved flere-skaleringsanalyse av hvordan ressursene benyttes. Ut fra dette foreslår vi at forvaltningsstrategier for truete bestander som eksempelvis fjellvillreinen, må baseres på tilnærminger ut fra ulike skaleringer for å hindre at et for snevert perspektiv kan begrense muligheten for vedvarende levedyktighet

    The nature of deep crustal structures in the Mojave Desert, California

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    The character of multi-offset reflections from the deep crust in the Mojave Desert are examined to reveal the physical nature of the reflecting structures. We focus on distinguishing classical abrupt discontinuities, such as traditional models of the Conrad and Moho boundaries, from more unusual structures. Finite-difference modeling and simple interference relations show that pre-critical reflections exhibiting an increase in peak frequency with offset arise from thinly-layered horizontal structures, while reflections from step discontinuities show no change in frequency with offset. In the deep crust thin layers may result from sill intrusion or fault motion. The sense of changes in Poisson's ratio and the relative strength of density changes determine whether reflection amplitudes will increase or decrease with offset. A simple linear regression on pre-critical reflection amplitudes against offset is adequate to separate reflections arising from increases in Poisson's ratio from those arising from decreases in Poisson's ratio and/or density changes. The latter condition may be the result of strong anisotropy or the presence of pore fluid. Comparisons of the properties of major deep reflectors across the Mojave Desert suggest that the effects of tectonic motion and fluid injection have penetrated all levels of the crust

    Preliminary report on the Yamato-86032 lunar meteorite: III. Ages, noble gas isotopes, oxygen isotopes and chemical abundances

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    The isotope abundances of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, including ^Kr, the oxygen isotopic composition, and the concentrations of Na, K, Sc, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Y, Zr, La, Sm, Eu, Hf, Ta, and W were determined for the lunar meteorite Yamato-86032. Based on the radionuclide ^Kr we obtain a terrestrial age of 72000±30000 years, whereas the cosmic-ray exposure age is 10.6±0.6 Ma assuming exposure of the meteorite as a small object in space. Exposure to cosmic rays occurred at shallow shielding of about 40g/cm^2. The K-Ar gas retention ages of two separate splits are 3680±300 Ma and 3810±400 Ma, respectively. All ages agree with those for the lunar meteorites Y-82192 and Y-82193 recovered in the same area on the antarctic ice. The small amounts of trapped solar wind noble gases indicate that the Y-86032 material was exposed only briefly, some grains perhaps not at all, to the solar wind. The concentrations are similar to those of the Yamato-82 lunar meteorites. The oxygen isotopic composition is within the range of that for lunar rocks. The chemical composition of the samples from Y-86032,Y-82192,and Y-82193 is uniform for most major elements but not for all minor and trace elements, probably due to inhomogeneity of the source material. From the fact that the history of Y-86032 is the same as that of Y-82192/3 we conclude that these three rocks are pieces of the same meteorite fall

    The CR chondrite clan

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    The (1) CR chondrites, (2) LEW 85332,(3) Acfer 182,(4) ALH 85085-like chondrites, and (5) Bencubbin-like chondritic breccias are five kinds of chondritic groups which have dramatically different petrographic characteristics, but have mineralogical, bulk chemical, and oxygen and nitrogen isotopic similarities that indicate they are closely related. They are all considered to be members of what we term the CR chondrite clan. Distinguishing characteristics of CR clan chondrites include : (a) reduced, Mg-rich mafic silicates, (b) hydrous matrix and/or dark inclusions (except for Bencubbin-like chondrites), (c) high modal abundances of FeNi metal, (d) FeNi metal having a solar Ni : Co ratio, (e) solar (CI) abundances of refractory and moderately volatile lithophiles, and highly depleted abundances of volatile lithophiles, (f) similar oxygen isotopic compositions of whole rocks, chondrules and matrices, which are on or near the CR mixing line, and (g) anomalously high ^N abundances. CR clan chondrites must have formed in the same local region of the nebula, from closely related reservoirs of materials. The coexistence of anhydrous chondrules with hydrous matrix (and dark inclusions) in the LEW 85332,Acfer 182,and ALH 85085-like chondrites, as well as the widely differing degrees of hydration within and between chondritic samples, implies that hydration of the components was not variable in a single locality, but took place at a variety of locales prior to final lithification of the CR clan chondrites
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