38 research outputs found

    Meta-Learning via Classifier(-free) Guidance

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    State-of-the-art meta-learning techniques do not optimize for zero-shot adaptation to unseen tasks, a setting in which humans excel. On the contrary, meta-learning algorithms learn hyperparameters and weight initializations that explicitly optimize for few-shot learning performance. In this work, we take inspiration from recent advances in generative modeling and language-conditioned image synthesis to propose meta-learning techniques that use natural language guidance to achieve higher zero-shot performance compared to the state-of-the-art. We do so by recasting the meta-learning problem as a multi-modal generative modeling problem: given a task, we consider its adapted neural network weights and its natural language description as equivalent multi-modal task representations. We first train an unconditional generative hypernetwork model to produce neural network weights; then we train a second "guidance" model that, given a natural language task description, traverses the hypernetwork latent space to find high-performance task-adapted weights in a zero-shot manner. We explore two alternative approaches for latent space guidance: "HyperCLIP"-based classifier guidance and a conditional Hypernetwork Latent Diffusion Model ("HyperLDM"), which we show to benefit from the classifier-free guidance technique common in image generation. Finally, we demonstrate that our approaches outperform existing meta-learning methods with zero-shot learning experiments on our Meta-VQA dataset, which we specifically constructed to reflect the multi-modal meta-learning setting

    Vandermonde Neural Operators

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    Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs) have emerged as very popular machine learning architectures for learning operators, particularly those arising in PDEs. However, as FNOs rely on the fast Fourier transform for computational efficiency, the architecture can be limited to input data on equispaced Cartesian grids. Here, we generalize FNOs to handle input data on non-equispaced point distributions. Our proposed model, termed as Vandermonde Neural Operator (VNO), utilizes Vandermonde-structured matrices to efficiently compute forward and inverse Fourier transforms, even on arbitrarily distributed points. We present numerical experiments to demonstrate that VNOs can be significantly faster than FNOs, while retaining comparable accuracy, and improve upon accuracy of comparable non-equispaced methods such as the Geo-FNO.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Perforated red blood cells enable compressible and injectable hydrogels as therapeutic vehicles

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    Hydrogels engineered for medical use within the human body need to be delivered in a minimally invasive fashion without altering their biochemical and mechanical properties to maximize their therapeutic outcomes. In this regard, key strategies applied for creating such medical hydrogels include formulating precursor solutions that can be crosslinked in situ with physical or chemical cues following their delivery or forming macroporous hydrogels at sub-zero temperatures via cryogelation prior to their delivery. Here, we present a new class of injectable composite materials with shape recovery ability. The shape recovery is derived from the physical properties of red blood cells (RBCs) that are first modified via hypotonic swelling and then integrated into the hydrogel scaffolds before polymerization. The RBCs' hypotonic swelling induces the formation of nanometer-sized pores on their cell membranes, which enable fast liquid release under compression. The resulting biocomposite hydrogel scaffolds display high deformability and shape-recovery ability. The scaffolds can repeatedly compress up to ~87% of their original volumes during injection and subsequent retraction through syringe needles of different sizes; this cycle of injection and retraction can be repeated up to ten times without causing any substantial mechanical damage to the scaffolds. Our biocomposite material system and fabrication approach for injectable materials will be foundational for the minimally invasive delivery of drug-loaded scaffolds, tissue-engineered constructs, and personalized medical platforms that could be administered to the human body with conventional needle-syringe systems

    ViSE: Vision-Based 3D Online Shape Estimation of Continuously Deformable Robots

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    The precise control of soft and continuum robots requires knowledge of their shape. The shape of these robots has, in contrast to classical rigid robots, infinite degrees of freedom. To partially reconstruct the shape, proprioceptive techniques use built-in sensors resulting in inaccurate results and increased fabrication complexity. Exteroceptive methods so far rely on placing reflective markers on all tracked components and triangulating their position using multiple motion-tracking cameras. Tracking systems are expensive and infeasible for deformable robots interacting with the environment due to marker occlusion and damage. Here, we present a regression approach for 3D shape estimation using a convolutional neural network. The proposed approach takes advantage of data-driven supervised learning and is capable of real-time marker-less shape estimation during inference. Two images of a robotic system are taken simultaneously at 25 Hz from two different perspectives, and are fed to the network, which returns for each pair the parameterized shape. The proposed approach outperforms marker-less state-of-the-art methods by a maximum of 4.4% in estimation accuracy while at the same time being more robust and requiring no prior knowledge of the shape. The approach can be easily implemented due to only requiring two color cameras without depth and not needing an explicit calibration of the extrinsic parameters. Evaluations on two types of soft robotic arms and a soft robotic fish demonstrate our method's accuracy and versatility on highly deformable systems in real-time. The robust performance of the approach against different scene modifications (camera alignment and brightness) suggests its generalizability to a wider range of experimental setups, which will benefit downstream tasks such as robotic grasping and manipulation

    Getting the Ball Rolling: Learning a Dexterous Policy for a Biomimetic Tendon-Driven Hand with Rolling Contact Joints

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    Biomimetic, dexterous robotic hands have the potential to replicate much of the tasks that a human can do, and to achieve status as a general manipulation platform. Recent advances in reinforcement learning (RL) frameworks have achieved remarkable performance in quadrupedal locomotion and dexterous manipulation tasks. Combined with GPU-based highly parallelized simulations capable of simulating thousands of robots in parallel, RL-based controllers have become more scalable and approachable. However, in order to bring RL-trained policies to the real world, we require training frameworks that output policies that can work with physical actuators and sensors as well as a hardware platform that can be manufactured with accessible materials yet is robust enough to run interactive policies. This work introduces the biomimetic tendon-driven Faive Hand and its system architecture, which uses tendon-driven rolling contact joints to achieve a 3D printable, robust high-DoF hand design. We model each element of the hand and integrate it into a GPU simulation environment to train a policy with RL, and achieve zero-shot transfer of a dexterous in-hand sphere rotation skill to the physical robot hand.Comment: for project website, see https://srl-ethz.github.io/get-ball-rolling/ . for video, see https://youtu.be/YahsMhqNU8o . Submitted to the 2023 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robot

    Low Voltage Electrohydraulic Actuators for Untethered Robotics

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    Rigid robots can be precise in repetitive tasks but struggle in unstructured environments. Nature's versatility in such environments inspires researchers to develop biomimetic robots that incorporate compliant and contracting artificial muscles. Among the recently proposed artificial muscle technologies, electrohydraulic actuators are promising since they offer comparable performance to mammalian muscles in terms of speed and power density. However, they require high driving voltages and have safety concerns due to exposed electrodes. These high voltages lead to either bulky or inefficient driving electronics that make untethered, high-degree-of-freedom bio-inspired robots difficult to realize. Here, we present low voltage electrohydraulic actuators (LEAs) that match mammalian skeletal muscles in average power density (50.5 W/kg) and peak strain rate (971 percent/s) at a driving voltage of just 1100 V. This driving voltage is approx. 5 - 7 times lower compared to other electrohydraulic actuators using paraelectric dielectrics. Furthermore, LEAs are safe to touch, waterproof, and self-clearing, which makes them easy to implement in wearables and robotics. We characterize, model, and physically validate key performance metrics of the actuator and compare its performance to state-of-the-art electrohydraulic designs. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our actuators on two muscle-based electrohydraulic robots: an untethered soft robotic swimmer and a robotic gripper. We foresee that LEAs can become a key building block for future highly-biomimetic untethered robots and wearables with many independent artificial muscles such as biomimetic hands, faces, or exoskeletons.Comment: Stephan-Daniel Gravert and Elia Varini contributed equally to this wor