98 research outputs found

    The search for novel analgesics: re-examining spinal cord circuits with new tools

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    In this perspective, we propose the absence of detailed information regarding spinal cord circuits that process sensory information remains a major barrier to advancing analgesia. We highlight recent advances showing that functionally discrete populations of neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn play distinct roles in processing sensory information. We then discuss new molecular, electrophysiological, and optogenetic techniques that can be employed to understand how dorsal horn circuits process tactile and nociceptive information. We believe this information can drive the development of entirely new classes of pharmacotherapies that target key elements in spinal circuits to selectively modify sensory function and blunt pain

    Contrasting alterations to synaptic and intrinsic properties in upper-cervical superficial dorsal horn neurons following acute neck muscle inflammation

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    Background: Acute and chronic pain in axial structures, like the back and neck, are difficult to treat, and have incidence as high as 15%. Surprisingly, most preclinical work on pain mechanisms focuses on cutaneous structures in the limbs and animal models of axial pain are not widely available. Accordingly, we developed a mouse model of acute cervical muscle inflammation and assessed the functional properties of superficial dorsal horn (SDH) neurons.<p></p> Results: Male C57/Bl6 mice (P24-P40) were deeply anaesthetised (urethane 2.2?g/kg i.p) and the rectus capitis major muscle (RCM) injected with 40??l of 2% carrageenan. Sham animals received vehicle injection and controls remained anaesthetised for 2?hrs. Mice in each group were sacrificed at 2?hrs for analysis. c-Fos staining was used to determine the location of activated neurons. c-Fos labelling in carrageenan-injected mice was concentrated within ipsilateral (87% and 63% of labelled neurons in C1 and C2 segments, respectively) and contralateral laminae I - II with some expression in lateral lamina V. c-Fos expression remained below detectable levels in control and sham animals. In additional experiments, whole cell recordings were obtained from visualised SDH neurons in transverse slices in the ipsilateral C1 and C2 spinal segments. Resting membrane potential and input resistance were not altered. Mean spontaneous EPSC amplitude was reduced by ~20% in neurons from carrageenan-injected mice versus control and sham animals (20.63???1.05 vs. 24.64???0.91 and 25.87???1.32 pA, respectively). The amplitude (238???33 vs. 494???96 and 593???167 pA) and inactivation time constant (12.9???1.5 vs. 22.1???3.6 and 15.3???1.4?ms) of the rapid A type potassium current (IAr), the dominant subthreshold current in SDH neurons, were reduced in carrageenan-injected mice.<p></p> Conclusions: Excitatory synaptic drive onto, and important intrinsic properties (i.e., IAr) within SDH neurons are reduced two hours after acute muscle inflammation. We propose this time point represents an important transition period between peripheral and central sensitisation with reduced excitatory drive providing an initial neuroprotective mechanism during the early stages of the progression towards central sensitisation

    Anatomical and molecular properties of long descending propriospinal neurons in mice

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    Long descending propriospinal neurons (LDPNs) are interneurons that form direct connections between cervical and lumbar spinal circuits. LDPNs are involved in interlimb coordination and are important mediators of functional recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). Much of what we know about LDPNs comes from a range of species, however, the increased use of transgenic mouse lines to better define neuronal populations calls for a more complete characterisation of LDPNs in mice. In this study, we examined the cell body location, inhibitory neurotransmitter phenotype, developmental provenance, morphology and synaptic inputs of mouse LDPNs throughout the cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord. LDPNs were retrogradely labelled from the lumbar spinal cord to map cell body locations throughout the cervical and upper thoracic segments. Ipsilateral LDPNs were distributed throughout the dorsal, intermediate and ventral grey matter as well as the lateral spinal nucleus and lateral cervical nucleus. In contrast, contralateral LDPNs were more densely concentrated in the ventromedial grey matter. Retrograde labelling in GlyT2GFP and GAD67GFP mice showed the majority of inhibitory LDPNs project either ipsilaterally or adjacent to the midline. Additionally, we used several transgenic mouse lines to define the developmental provenance of LDPNs and found that V2b positive neurons form a subset of ipsilaterally projecting LDPNs. Finally, a population of Neurobiotin (NB) labelled LDPNs were assessed in detail to examine morphology and plot the spatial distribution of contacts from a variety of neurochemically distinct axon terminals. These results provide important baseline data in mice for future work on their role in locomotion and recovery from SCI

    Preliminary Characterization of Voltage-Activated Whole-Cell Currents in Developing Human Vestibular Hair Cells and Calyx Afferent Terminals

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    We present preliminary functional data from human vestibular hair cells and primary afferent calyx terminals during fetal development. Whole-cell recordings were obtained from hair cells or calyx terminals in semi-intact cristae prepared from human fetuses aged between 11 and 18 weeks gestation (WG). During early fetal development (11–14 WG), hair cells expressed whole-cell conductances that were qualitatively similar but quantitatively smaller than those observed previously in mature rodent type II hair cells. As development progressed (15–18 WG), peak outward conductances increased in putative type II hair cells but did not reach amplitudes observed in adult human hair cells. Type I hair cells express a specific low-voltage activating conductance, G(K,L). A similar current was first observed at 15 WG but remained relatively small, even at 18 WG. The presence of a “collapsing” tail current indicates a maturing type I hair cell phenotype and suggests the presence of a surrounding calyx afferent terminal. We were also able to record from calyx afferent terminals in 15–18 WG cristae. In voltage clamp, these terminals exhibited fast inactivating inward as well as slower outward conductances, and in current clamp, discharged a single action potential during depolarizing steps. Together, these data suggest the major functional characteristics of type I and type II hair cells and calyx terminals are present by 18 WG. Our study also describes a new preparation for the functional investigation of key events that occur during maturation of human vestibular organs

    Heterogeneous Responses to Antioxidants in Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus Indicate Differing Susceptibility to Free Radical Content

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    The present study investigated the effects of the antioxidants trolox and dithiothreitol (DTT) on mouse Locus coeruleus (LC) neurons. Electrophysiological measurement of action potential discharge and whole cell current responses in the presence of each antioxidant suggested that there are three neuronal subpopulations within the LC. In current clamp experiments, most neurons (55%; 6/11) did not respond to the antioxidants. The remaining neurons exhibited either hyperpolarization and decreased firing rate (27%; 3/11) or depolarization and increased firing rate (18%; 2/11). Calcium and JC-1 imaging demonstrated that these effects did not change intracellular Ca2+ concentration but may influence mitochondrial function as both antioxidant treatments modulated mitochondrial membrane potential. These suggest that the antioxidant-sensitive subpopulations of LC neurons may be more susceptible to oxidative stress (e.g., due to ATP depletion and/or overactivation of Ca2+-dependent pathways). Indeed it may be that this subpopulation of LC neurons is preferentially destroyed in neurological pathologies such as Parkinson's disease. If this is the case, there may be a protective role for antioxidant therapies

    Heterogeneous Responses to Antioxidants in Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus Indicate Differing Susceptibility to Free Radical Content

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    The present study investigated the effects of the antioxidants trolox and dithiothreitol (DTT) on mouse Locus coeruleus (LC) neurons. Electrophysiological measurement of action potential discharge and whole cell current responses in the presence of each antioxidant suggested that there are three neuronal subpopulations within the LC. In current clamp experiments, most neurons (55%; 6/11) did not respond to the antioxidants. The remaining neurons exhibited either hyperpolarization and decreased firing rate (27%; 3/11) or depolarization and increased firing rate (18%; 2/11). Calcium and JC-1 imaging demonstrated that these effects did not change intracellular Ca2+ concentration but may influence mitochondrial function as both antioxidant treatments modulated mitochondrial membrane potential. These suggest that the antioxidant-sensitive subpopulations of LC neurons may be more susceptible to oxidative stress (e.g., due to ATP depletion and/or overactivation of Ca2+-dependent pathways). Indeed it may be that this subpopulation of LC neurons is preferentially destroyed in neurological pathologies such as Parkinson's disease. If this is the case, there may be a protective role for antioxidant therapies

    Transgenic cross-referencing of inhibitory and excitatory interneuron populations to dissect neuronal heterogeneity in the dorsal horn

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    The superficial dorsal horn (SDH, LI-II) of the spinal cord receives and processes multimodal sensory information from skin, muscle, joints and viscera then relays it to the brain. Neurons within the SDH fall into two broad categories, projection neurons and interneurons. The later can be further subdivided into excitatory and inhibitory types. Traditionally, interneurons within the SDH have been divided into overlapping groups according to their neurochemical, morphological and electrophysiological properties. Recent clustering analyses, based on molecular transcript profiles of cells and nuclei, have predicted many more functional groups of interneuron than expected using traditional approaches. In this study, we used electrophysiological and morphological data obtained from genetically-identified excitatory (vGLUT2) and inhibitory (vGAT) interneurons in transgenic mice to cluster them into groups sharing common characteristics, and subsequently determined how many clusters will be assigned by combinations of these properties. Consistent with previous reports, we show differences exist between excitatory and inhibitory interneurons in terms of their excitability, nature of ongoing excitatory drive, action potential properties, sub-threshold current kinetics, and morphology. The resulting clusters based on statistical and unbiased assortment of these data fell well short of the numbers of molecularly predicted clusters. There was no clear characteristic that in isolation defined a population, rather multiple variables were needed to predict cluster membership. Importantly though, our analysis highlighted the appropriateness of using transgenic lines as tools to functionally subdivide both excitatory and inhibitory interneuron populations

    Projection neuron axon collaterals in the dorsal horn: placing a new player in spinal cord pain processing

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    The pain experience depends on the relay of nociceptive signals from the spinal cord dorsal horn to higher brain centres. This function is ultimately achieved by the output of a small population of highly specialised neurons called projection neurons (PNs). Like output neurons in other CNS regions, PNs are invested with a substantial axon collateral system that ramifies extensively within local circuits. These axon collaterals are widely distributed within and between spinal cord segments. Anatomical data on PN axon collaterals has existed since the time of Cajal, however, their function in spinal pain signalling remains unclear and is absent from current models of spinal pain processing. Despite these omissions, some insight on the potential role of PN axon collaterals can be drawn from axon collateral systems of principal or output neurons in other CNS regions such as the hippocampus, amygdala, olfactory cortex and ventral horn of the spinal cord. The connectivity and actions of axon collaterals in these systems have been well defined and used to confirm crucial roles in memory, fear, olfaction and movement control, respectively. We review this information here and propose a framework for characterising PN axon collateral function in the dorsal horn. We highlight that experimental approaches traditionally used to delineate axon collateral function in other CNS regions are not easily applied to PNs because of their scarcity relative to spinal interneurons, and the lack of cellular organisation in the dorsal horn. Finally, we emphasise how the rapid development of techniques such as viral expression of optogenetic or chemogenetic probes can overcome these challenges and allow characterisation of PN axon collateral function. Obtaining detailed information of this type is a necessary first step for incorporation of PN collateral system function into models of spinal sensory processing

    Defining a spinal microcircuit that gates myelinated afferent input: implications for tactile allodynia

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    Chronic pain presents a major unmet clinical problem. The development of more effective treatments is hindered by our limited understanding of the neuronal circuits underlying sensory perception. Here, we show that parvalbumin (PV)-expressing dorsal horn interneurons modulate the passage of sensory information conveyed by low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) directly via presynaptic inhibition and also gate the polysynaptic relay of LTMR input to pain circuits by inhibiting lamina II excitatory interneurons whose axons project into lamina I. We show changes in the functional properties of these PV interneurons following peripheral nerve injury and that silencing these cells unmasks a circuit that allows innocuous touch inputs to activate pain circuits by increasing network activity in laminae I–IV. Such changes are likely to result in the development of tactile allodynia and could be targeted for more effective treatment of mechanical pain

    Spinoparabrachial projection neurons form distinct classes in the mouse dorsal horn

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    Projection neurons in the spinal dorsal horn relay sensory information to higher brain centres. The activation of these populations is shaped by afferent input from the periphery, descending input from the brain, and input from local interneuron circuits. Much of our recent understanding of dorsal horn circuitry comes from studies in transgenic mice; however, information on projection neurons is still based largely on studies in monkey, cat, and rat. We used viral labelling to identify and record from mouse parabrachial nucleus (PBN) projecting neurons located in the dorsal horn of spinal cord slices. Overall, mouse lamina I spinoparabrachial projection neurons (SPBNs) exhibit many electrophysiological and morphological features that overlap with rat. Unbiased cluster analysis distinguished 4 distinct subpopulations of lamina I SPBNs, based on their electrophysiological properties that may underlie different sensory signalling features in each group. We also provide novel information on SPBNs in the deeper lamina (III-V), which have not been previously studied by patch clamp analysis. These neurons exhibited higher action potential discharge frequencies and received weaker excitatory synaptic input than lamina I SPBNs, suggesting this deeper population produces different sensory codes destined for the PBN. Mouse SPBNs from both regions (laminae I and III-V) were often seen to give off local axon collaterals, and we provide neuroanatomical evidence they contribute to excitatory input to dorsal horn circuits. These data provide novel information to implicate excitatory input from parabrachial projection neuron in dorsal horn circuit activity during processing of nociceptive information, as well as defining deep dorsal horn projection neurons that provide an alternative route by which sensory information can reach the PBN