321 research outputs found

    Comparison of Some Exact and Perturbative Results for a Supersymmetric SU(NcN_c) Gauge Theory

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    We consider vectorial, asymptotically free N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric SU(NcN_c) gauge theories with NfN_f copies of massless chiral super fields in various representations and study how perturbative predictions for the lower boundary of the infrared conformal phase, as a function of NfN_f, compare with exact results. We make use of two-loop and three-loop calculations of the beta function and anomalous dimension of the quadratic chiral super field operator product for this purpose. The specific chiral superfield contents that we consider are NfN_f copies of (i) F+FˉF+\bar F, (ii) AdjAdj, (iii) S2+Sˉ2S_2+\bar S_2, and (iv) A2+Aˉ2A_2 + \bar A_2, where FF, AdjAdj, S2S_2, and A2A_2 denote, respectively, the fundamental, adjoint, and symmetric and antisymmetric rank-2 tensor representations. We find that perturbative results slightly overestimate the value of Nf,crN_{f,cr} relative to the respective exact results for these representations, i.e., slightly underestimate the interval in NfN_f for which the theory has infrared conformal behavior. Our results provide a measure of how closely perturbative calculations reproduce exact results for these theories.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Higher-Loop Corrections to the Infrared Evolution of a Gauge Theory with Fermions

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    We consider a vectorial, asymptotically free gauge theory and analyze the effect of higher-loop corrections to the beta function on the evolution of the theory from the ultraviolet to the infrared. We study the case in which the theory contains NfN_f copies of a fermion transforming according to the fundamental representation and several higher-dimensional representations of the gauge group. We also calculate higher-loop values of the anomalous dimension of the mass, γm\gamma_m of ψˉψ\bar\psi\psi at the infrared zero of the beta function. We find that for a given theory, the values of γm\gamma_m calculated to three- and four-loop order, and evaluated at the infrared zero computed to the same order, tend to be somewhat smaller than the value calculated to two-loop order. The results are compared with recent lattice simulations.Comment: 22 pages, latex, matches Phys. Rev. D publicatio

    Zeroing in on more photons and gluons

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    We discuss radiation zeros that are found in gauge tree amplitudes for processes involving multi-photon emission. Previous results are clarified by examples and by further elaboration. The conditions under which such amplitude zeros occur are identical in form to those for the single-photon zeros, and all radiated photons must travel parallel to each other. Any other neutral particle likewise must be massless (e.g. gluon) and travel in that common direction. The relevance to questions like gluon jet identification and computational checks is considered. We use examples to show how certain multi-photon amplitudes evade the zeros, and to demonstrate the connection to a more general result, the decoupling of an external electromagnetic plane wave in the ``null zone". Brief comments are made about zeros associated with other gauge-boson emission.Comment: 26 page

    Are megaquakes clustered?

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    We study statistical properties of the number of large earthquakes over the past century. We analyze the cumulative distribution of the number of earthquakes with magnitude larger than threshold M in time interval T, and quantify the statistical significance of these results by simulating a large number of synthetic random catalogs. We find that in general, the earthquake record cannot be distinguished from a process that is random in time. This conclusion holds whether aftershocks are removed or not, except at magnitudes below M = 7.3. At long time intervals (T = 2-5 years), we find that statistically significant clustering is present in the catalog for lower magnitude thresholds (M = 7-7.2). However, this clustering is due to a large number of earthquakes on record in the early part of the 20th century, when magnitudes are less certain.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The Role of Zero-Modes in the Canonical Quantization of Heavy-Fermion QED in Light-Cone Coordinates

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    Four-dimensional heavy-fermion QED is studied in light-cone coordinates with (anti-)periodic field boundary conditions. We carry out a consistent light-cone canonical quantization of this model using the Dirac algorithm for a system with first- and second-class constraints. To examine the role of the zero modes, we consider the quantization procedure in {the }zero-mode {and the non-zero-mode} sectors separately. In both sectors we obtain the physical variables and their canonical commutation relations. The physical Hamiltonian is constructed via a step-by-step exclusion of the unphysical degrees of freedom. An example using this Hamiltonian in which the zero modes play a role is the verification of the correct Coulomb potential between two heavy fermions.Comment: 22 pages, CWRUTH-93-5 (Latex

    In Defense of Wireless Carrier Sense

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    Carrier sense is often used to regulate concurrency in wireless medium access control (MAC) protocols, balancing interference protection and spatial reuse. Carrier sense is known to be imperfect, and many improved techniques have been proposed. Is the search for a replacement justified? This paper presents a theoretical model for average case two-sender carrier sense based on radio propagation theory and Shannon capacity. Analysis using the model shows that carrier sense performance is surprisingly close to optimal for radios with adaptive bitrate. The model suggests that hidden and exposed terminals usually cause modest reductions in throughput rather than dramatic decreases. Finally, it is possible to choose a fixed sense threshold which performs well across a wide range of scenarios, in large part due to the role of the noise floor. Experimental results from an indoor 802.11 testbed support these claims

    Approach to Perturbative Results in the N-Delta Transition

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    We show that constraints from perturbative QCD calculations play a role in the nucleon to Delta(1232) electromagnetic transition even at moderate momentum transfer scales. The pQCD constraints, tied to real photoproduction data and unseparated resonance response functions, lead to explicit forms for the helicity amplitudes wherein the E2/M1 ratio remains small at moderately large momentum transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ReVTe
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