4 research outputs found

    MMS22L-TONSL functions in sister chromatid cohesion in a pathway parallel to DSCC1-RFC

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    The leading strand-oriented alternative PCNA clamp loader DSCC1-RFC functions in DNA replication, repair, and sister chromatid cohesion (SCC), but how it facilitates these processes is incompletely understood. Here, we confirm that loss of human DSCC1 results in reduced fork speed, increased DNA damage, and defective SCC. Genome-wide CRISPR screens in DSCC1-KO cells reveal multiple synthetically lethal interactions, enriched for DNA replication and cell cycle regulation. We show that DSCC1-KO cells require POLE3 for survival. Co-depletion of DSCC1 and POLE3, which both interact with the catalytic polymerase ε subunit, additively impair DNA replication, suggesting that these factors contribute to leading-strand DNA replication in parallel ways. An additional hit is MMS22L, which in humans forms a heterodimer with TONSL. Synthetic lethality of DSCC1 and MMS22L-TONSL likely results from detrimental SCC loss. We show that MMS22L-TONSL, like DDX11, functions in a SCC establishment pathway parallel to DSCC1-RFC. Because both DSCC1-RFC and MMS22L facilitate ESCO2 recruitment to replication forks, we suggest that distinct ESCO2 recruitment pathways promote SCC establishment following either cohesin conversion or de novo cohesin loading

    Feedback regulation between atypical E2Fs and APC/C-Cdh1 coordinates cell cycle progression

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    E2F transcription factors control the oscillating expression pattern of multiple target genes during the cell cycle. Activator E2Fs, E2F1-3, induce an upswing of E2F targets, which is essential for the G1-to-S phase transition, whereas atypical E2Fs, E2F7 and E2F8, mediate a downswing of the same targets during late S, G2, and M phases. Expression of atypical E2Fs is induced by E2F1-3, but it is unknown how atypical E2Fs are inactivated in a timely manner. Here, we demonstrate that E2F7 and E2F8 are substrates of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). Removal of CDH1, or mutating the CDH1-interacting KEN boxes, stabilized E2F7/8 from anaphase onwards and during G1. Expressing KEN mutant E2F7 during G1 impairs S phase entry and eventually results in cell death. Furthermore, we show that E2F8, but not E2F7, interacts also with APC/C-Cdc20. Importantly, atypical E2Fs can activate APC/C-Cdh1 by repressing its inhibitors cyclin A, cyclin E, and Emi1. In conclusion, we discovered a feedback loop between atypical E2Fs and APC/C-Cdh1, which ensures balanced expression of cell cycle genes and normal cell cycle progression